- 2001: A Space Odyssey, 90, 116–117
- 3D
- animation, 137, 175–177, 181, 208, 210
- games, 22, 25, 190
- models, 64, 129, 135, 161–164, 181, 183, 202–203, 214, 225, 229–230, 232
- scans, 148, 151, 182, 208, 231
- software, 59, 161, 183, 192
- stereo (see Stereoscopic 3D [S3D])
- volumes, 74, 177–179, 183–184, 194, 198, 201
- Adams, Ansel, 232
- Adobe Photoshop, 224, 263n49
- Adorno, Theodor, 10–11
- Agamben, Georgio, 16, 109–110, 138–139
- Ahmed, Faig, 238–239
- AI. See Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Akten, Memo, 175–176
- Algorithmic
- literacy, 47, 51, 54, 82–83, 100, 144, 183
- racism, 145–147
- Alphas, 61
- Amazon
- Echo, 255n28
- Mechanical Turk, 66, 72, 81
- Andersen, Thom, 31
- Anderson, Chris, 9
- Anthropocene, 2
- Arnall, Timo, 164–165
- ARPANET, 116–117
- Artificial intelligence (AI), 44, 68, 80, 89, 92, 94, 117–118, 121, 192, 256n34
- Aspen Movie Map, 213–215, 222
- Augmented reality (AR), 25, 181, 261n25
- Babbage, Charles, 27, 28
- Bazin, André, 22
- Bertillon, Alphonse, 33–36, 108
- Bertillon card, 23–24
- Biometrics, 12, 24, 35, 53, 109–111, 137, 141–143, 144–145, 148
- Boelstorff, Tom, 245n39
- Bogost, Ian, 46–47
- Bolas, Mark, 204–205
- Bookchin, Natalie, 83–85
- Boorstin, Daniel, 55
- Bowker, Geoffrey, 8
- Braitenberg, Valentino, 95–96
- Bratton, Benjamin H., 18–19, 80, 237
- Brecht, Bertolt, 152, 258n73
- Bridle, James, 238–239
- Brown, Wendy, 14–16
- Browne, Simone, 143–144
- Bullet time, 183–184
- Bunz, Mercedes, 92–93
- Busa, Roberto, 57
- Byrne, David, 52–54
- Cameron, James, 177–178
- Capitalism
- critique of, 21, 79, 84, 165–166, 237
- late, 15–16
- Cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE), 198–199
- Cegłowski, Maciej, 9–10
- Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong, 17–18, 85–86, 132, 135, 246n16, 254n17
- Cincera, Raduz, 220
- Cinematic humanities, 57
- Cinematography, 22, 25, 147, 177, 190
- Cloud computing, 127–128, 152, 164–165
- Colossus: The Forbin Project, 116–122
- Comolli, Jean-Louis, 77–78
- Computational
- literacy (see Digital, literacy)
- turn, 7, 38, 55, 71, 105, 133
- Computer vision, 46, 87, 89–90, 93, 134, 144–145, 149. See also Machine vision
- Convergence, 6, 22–23, 196, 235
- Crary, Jonathan, 38, 196, 236
- Crawford, Kate, 13
- Crying of Lot 49, The, 124
- Cubitt, Sean, 18, 41, 237–238
- Cultural analytics, 67–75
- Cyberpunk, 19, 189–190, 234
- Daniel, Sharon, 163
- Danto, Arthur, 40, 115
- Dark Knight, The, 128–130
- Data
- big, 8–9, 13, 51
- effect, 11–12
- epistemology, 103–104, 107
- mining, 11–12, 17, 51, 72, 113–114, 132 (see also Data, tracking)
- politics of, 6–9
- processing, 8, 10, 17, 61
- records versus traces, 106–108
- sensors, 7–8, 60–61, 79–81, 132–133, 178, 180–181, 191
- storage, 106–107, 115, 152, 164–165, 253n4
- totalizing logic of, 10–11, 128, 160, 217–218, 221, 226, 229, 233
- tracking, 7, 13–15, 51, 73, 78, 108–109, 113–114, 128, 138, 196
- versus metadata, 107–109, 129–130, 191–192
- visualization, 11, 52, 55, 58–62, 66–67, 82, 104
- Dataveillance, 130–133. See also Surveillance, computational
- Davies, Char, 201, 261n28
- de Fren, Allison, 255n22
- de la Peña, Nonny, 201–205
- Demon Seed, 121–122
- Digital
- frenzy of the, 10, 125–127
- humanities, 57–58
- imaging, 190–191
- literacy, 3, 45, 47, 51, 58, 180–181, 183, 224
- materiality, 151–152, 156–166, 237–240
- DIKW pyramid, 8
- Drones, 110, 178–179
- Drucker, Johanna, 9
- Dunne, Anthony, 235
- Eames, Charles and Ray, 57, 58, 65, 69–70, 219–220
- Elahi, Hasan, 142
- Electromagnetic spectrum, 4, 60–61, 185, 233
- Environmental impact of computing, 37, 60, 237–238
- Expo ’67, 220
- Facebook, 80, 113, 126, 132, 196, 204, 244
- DeepFace, 134
- Instagram, 72–75, 81
- Oculus, 196, 199, 204
- Face detection, 131, 139, 142–143
- Facial
- capture, 137, 175
- recognition, 24, 72–73, 131–132, 134–137, 139–142, 144, 149
- Fisher, Scott, 192–194, 204
- Foster, Hal, 202
- Foucault, Michel, 13, 16, 19, 137–139, 143
- FOV2GO, 204–205
- FoxTrax, 169–170, 172
- Friedberg, Anne, 20, 27
- Frost, James, 179–180
- Fujihata, Masaki, 226–229
- Futurelab, 178–179
- Gabrys, Jennifer, 237
- Gallup polls, 50–51
- Galton, Francis, 33–35, 72
- Gates, Kelly, 109
- Geertz, Clifford, 13
- Gerrard, John, 161–164
- Gibson, William, 190, 201, 238
- Gitelman, Lisa, 7–9, 11, 20, 55–56
- Glow puck. See FoxTrax
- Godard, Jean-Luc, 17
- Golumbia, David, 87–89
- Google, 80, 130–132, 160–163, 233, 238–239, 240
- Big Picture, 65
- Brain, 90–95
- Cardboard, 204–205
- Deep Dream, 93–95
- Deep Learning, 46
- Earth, 183, 215, 221, 225–227, 229, 238
- Glass, 113
- Home, 255n28
- Instant, 145
- Maps, 158, 223
- Ngram Viewer, 8–9
- Photos, 134–135, 144
- Photos Assistant, 132
- SketchUp, 183
- Street View, 132, 164, 214, 221–225, 263n51
- Tango, 181, 256n35, 260n7
- Trekker, 221–222
- Unsupervised Learning, 90–95
- YouTube, 80, 92
- Gregory, Sam, 209
- Gremmler, Tobias, 175–176
- Grosser, Benjamin, 86, 89–90, 102, 141, 251n85
- Hall, Stuart, 25–26
- Haraway, Donna, 79–80
- Harvey, Adam, 139–141
- Harvey, David, 14
- Hayles, Katherine, 29
- Head-mounted display (HMD), 171, 196–198, 204
- Hegel, Georg W. F., 10–11
- Historiography, 13, 21, 26, 35, 38, 115, 196, 218, 235
- Hollerith machine, 35–36
- Homeland Security, Department of (DHS), 110–111
- Hu, Tung-Hui, 128, 152, 259n2
- Huhtamo, Erkki, 214–215
- Human
- computation, 29, 35, 46
- vision, 80–82, 84, 86, 89, 230
- Hypercinema, 10
- IBM, 57, 64–65
- Let’s Build a Smarter Planet
- Many Eyes, 64
- RAMAC, 219–220
- SAGE, 117
- Images
- computational, 4–7, 10, 223–226, 237
- photochemical, 30, 98, 143, 145–146, 232
- Immersive journalism, 201–204, 208
- Inception, 93
- Instagram. See Facebook, Instagram
- Instagram Cities, 73–75
- International Business Machines. See IBM
- Internet Archive, 114, 255n19
- Invisible light, 185, 188. See also Electromagnetic spectrum
- Ippolito, Jon, 133
- Iwata, Hiroo, 199
- Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 27–28, 29
- Jarman, Derek, 211–212
- Jockers, Matthew, 55
- Kinkade, Thomas, 42–43, 45
- Kirby, Lynn, 171
- Koblin, Aaron, 62–63, 66, 179–180, 248n46
- Komar and Melamid, 39–44, 51
- Krauss, Rosalind, 147–148
- Laurel, Brenda, 192
- LeWitt, Sol, 98
- LIDAR, 179–180, 229–230
- Limit telephotography, 156–157
- Losh, Elizabeth, 72
- Lovatt, Anna, 252n103
- Lucy, 61
- Machine vision, 71, 77, 80–89, 92, 132, 149, 156, 230. See also Computer vision
- Manaugh, Geoff, 230
- Manovich, Lev, 67–74
- Marclay, Christian, 87–89, 251n83
- Marey, Etienne-Jules, 24, 30–33, 245n38
- Marks, Laura, 160
- McCoy, Jennifer and Kevin, 83
- McPherson, Tara, 57, 144
- Mechanical Turk. See Amazon, Mechanical Turk
- Media archaeology, 19–20
- Metadata, 12, 25, 73, 107–110, 114–115, 119, 129, 135, 191–192, 254n8
- Microsoft
- Bing, 158
- Hololens, 181
- Kinect, 180–181, 183
- Photosynth, 181–183
- PowerPoint, 52–54
- Xbox, 180, 255
- Milk, Chris, 62, 200–201
- Mixed reality (MR), 204, 261n25
- Mobile phones
- destruction of, 78, 189
- as sensors, 72, 118, 128–130, 135, 199, 234, 256n34
- Moretti, Franco, 55–56
- Morriset, Vincent, 205–207
- Motion
- capture, 22, 24, 175–177, 181, 214, 234
- control, 172–175
- Mumford, Lewis, 106–107
- Murray, Janet, 10–11
- Muybridge, Eadweard, 24, 30–31, 184, 232
- Naimark, Michael, 213–217
- Nakamura, Lisa, 143
- National Security Agency (NSA), 107, 110–111, 129–130, 152–153, 158, 161, 255n19
- Negroponte, Nicholas, 4, 189, 250n68
- Neoliberalism, 14–18, 51, 109, 143, 199–200, 240
- Netflix, 45–51
- New Aesthetic, 238–240
- New media, 18–20
- New York Times
- and data visualization, 62, 64
- and virtual reality, 204–205
- Nordberg, Johan, 93–94
- Norfolk, Simon, 164–165
- Notes on Blindness: Into Darkness, 210–213
- Oculus. See Facebook, Oculus
- Ohmer, Susan, 50
- O’Neill, Pat, 172–175
- Operation TIPS, 113–114, 126, 254n18
- Paglen, Trevor, 151–161
- Panopticism, 138, 143, 166
- Parallax modes, 19–27
- Parks, Lisa, 265n4
- PATRIOT Act, 111, 203
- Phenakistoscope, 27–28, 38
- Photogrammetry, 181–183, 214–215, 225–226, 234
- Photography, 1–2, 30, 156
- Physiognomy, 34, 53, 247n27
- Point clouds, 59, 179–184, 230–232
- President’s Analyst, The, 124–125
- Prism. See National Security Agency (NSA), Prism
- Privacy Protection Study Commission, 123–124
- Process (art series), 97–102
- Processing (software), 62–64, 96
- Pugliese, Joseph, 144–145
- Raby, Fiona, 235
- Ragona, Melissa, 66–67
- Realism, 22–23, 165, 200–202
- Reas, Casey, 26, 86, 95–103, 252n102
- Rockford Files, The, 122–124
- Rokeby, David, 148–151
- Rosler, Martha, 148
- Roth, Lorna, 146–147
- S3D. See Stereoscopic 3D (S3D)
- Salavon, Jason, 75–77
- ScanLAB, 229–232
- Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, 171
- Schoolman, Carlota Fay, 49–50
- Schwartz, Tim, 62
- Sekula, Allan, 11, 14, 154–156
- Selfie, 12, 73
- Selfie City, 71–73, 75
- Serra, Richard, 49–50
- Sester, Marie, 149–151
- Signal to Noise (software engine), 99–103
- Snowden, Edward, 108, 119, 153, 158
- Social media, 14, 113, 196
- Software studies, 3, 67–69
- Sontag, Susan, 1–2
- Space
- instrumented, 177–179, 190, 199–200, 234
- volumetric, 192–194
- Speculative history, 235–236
- Spigel, Lynn, 125–126
- Starosielski, Nicole, 265n4
- State of exception, 106, 109, 129–130
- Stereoscopic 3D (S3D), 181, 193, 198–199, 201, 204
- Sterling, Bruce, 240
- Sterne, Jonathan, 237
- Strain, Ellen, 195–196
- Supercuts, 82–83
- Surveillance, 110, 113–114, 143
- computational, 105, 114–115, 132–133, 136–138, 144, 149, 151, 166–167
- counter, 142, 153, 156–159
- Surveillance, self
- and cloud computing, 128
- and domestic electronics, 126, 255n28
- and mobile phones, 126–127
- Telegraphy, 28–30, 185–186
- Telepresence, 192–194, 196
- Television, 49–51, 55, 100, 103, 113, 125–126, 185–187, 189–190
- cinematic critique of, 186
- Terminal Time, 44–45
- Thorpe, Jer, 62, 64
- Tor browser, 17, 142
- Tufte, Edward, 52–54
- Turner, Fred, 218–221
- UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), 68, 250n76
- Uricchio, William, 181–183
- Väliaho, Pasi, 135–136
- Valla, Clement, 225–227, 264n55
- van Bakel, Michiel, 184
- Vertov, Dziga, 68–71
- Viégas, Fernanda, 64–67
- Virtual Boy, 195
- Virtual reality (VR), 188, 190–194, 197–205, 208–210
- and empathy, 200–201, 209–210
- history of, 197–199, 204–205
- in popular culture, 195–196
- Visual
- culture, 3–4, 7, 19, 21
- positivism, 13–14
- Visual-digital culture, 17–19
- Wattenberg, Martin, 64–67
- Williams, Linda, 127–128
- Willis, Holly, 57
- Winston, Brian, 23, 146
- Wirelessness, 184–189, 233
- Wypijewski, JoAnn, 40
- Y2K, 19
- YouTube. See Google, YouTube
- Zipf, George Kingsley, 56
- Zorn’s lemma, 110
- Zuckerberg, Mark, 126, 244n20
- Zuse, Konrad, vii