Checking her phone on the way out, she saw she had a voice message. Unknown Miami number. Her heart raced as she hit the button to hear, “Please call us today to schedule your interview.”

Yes! She’d make that call on her first break. Her hands shook with excitement. Getting a new job and avoiding Jay tonight would help her nerves. Tomorrow she’d go to Sandra’s party, so tonight, she had to get a new dress. Friday she’d figure out what to say to Jay.

On her way to work, her phone rang. Wyatt. Aww. “Hey, hero. What’s going on overseas?”

His voice sounded gravelly and tired. “Just came back from a two-week mission and needed to hear a friendly voice.”

Giggling, she pulled her Jeep into the drive-through at the coffee shop. “Woot, woot. So I’m the voice. How is your family?”

He moaned. “I spoke to Mom and Dad before you. Dad’s heading up a task force in DC. Mom’s helping him plan. My Charlotte sounded adorable. Though sometimes I wish my entire family wasn’t in the military.”

“You’ll see your daughter soon enough. Charlotte is with your parents.” Paying for her coffee, she took the cup from the window and said, “I’m not so lucky. I wish my mother wasn’t a gold digger. I’d rather have people to be proud of.”

“I’m proud of you, sis. So how is Tallahassee?”

Her half-brother. Total sweetheart of a man. “I’m back home in Miami now. I had an offer for a full-time job in the Gables and I’m living with Jay in the Grove.”

His voice caught in his throat. “Jay? Sandy’s cousin?”

Why did he sound that shocked? “Yes. I’m home now. How come you don’t call her?”

“It’s complicated, Penny. Don’t mention Charlotte to them, though you better visit her.”

She was missing something big. “Okay. Did you secretly date her?”

“No. Are you dating Jay?”

“No.” She blushed to her toes again, but thankfully he couldn’t tell over the phone.

“But you still have a crush on him.” He must be a mind reader.

“I wish you were here,” she told him. She decided to park her car in the lot and stare at the main road. Having Wyatt around would calm her nerves, make her less nervous about everything. “Doesn’t matter, Wyatt. It’s getting complicated and I need to find a job.”

“I thought you had a job.”

She took a sip of her coffee. Priorities. She had to set herself straight first. Job. Then Jay. She swallowed then answered, “I lost it. I have a call for an interview to be scheduled, so hopefully this is temporary. Now spill about Sandy.”

His voice became short. “I don’t talk to Sandy because there is nothing to say that changes anything.”

Clutching the wheel, she asked, “So you liked her?”

He laughed, though it didn’t sound heartfelt. “Penny, for the secret half-sister I’m not supposed to know about, you’re pretty smart.”

She laughed more fully, hoping to shake him out of his funk. “Apparently my mom kissed Jay’s dad too. I hadn’t known that one.”

“Ouch. You’re not like her, Penny. You’re far too honorable.”

“I wish. I don’t want to fall down that rabbit hole.”

“You’re being crazy. Believe in yourself. And if you like Jay, don’t let Geneva stand in the way.” Damn. He made sense. Voices in the background spoke to him. “Look, sis, I have to go. Talk soon.”

Wyatt. She’d lucked out getting him for a brother. If he were her, he’d have a schedule set, an order. Taking stock in him, she firmed up her spine. She had to get a job that paid her bills soon, because she’d never end up like her mother. She’d marry one man in time, be happy, and take care of herself. Depending on men and using them for favors soured her, but she’d get it right. She had no choice.

Maybe giving in to Jay would loosen up everything. He’d be her one exception, making him dangerous to live with.