Abbey, Edward, 160
Abbot, Henry, 218
Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia, 332
Aborigines, 136
Abreu, André, 276
activated sludge process, 59
Adelaide, Australia, 135
Adriatic Sea, 93
Afghanistan, 198
Afghanistan War, 92
desertification in, 130
drought in, 128
water scarcity in, 10
African Americans, 219
agribusiness, 47
agricultural runoff, 44–50, 72, 76, 82, 83, 92, 94–95, 208, 246, 247, 259, 350
in Australia, 135–37
crop shifting in, 251
fallowing in, 251
irrigated, see irrigated agriculture water competition and, 289
Agriculture Department, US, 260
Aguas de Barcelona, 274
Aguas del Tunari, 274–75
air pollution, 95, 105, 338, 339
from hydrofracking, 286
Akron, Ohio, 269
fishing industry in, 306, 308, 309–10, 313–14, 317–18, 319, 322, 323
Measure 4 in, 321–22
mining industry in, 310
water conflict in, 304, 305–24
Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), 312, 323
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971), 313
Alaska Permanent Fund, 297
Alberta, Canada, 289–90
Albuquerque, N. Mex., 165, 338, 340
algal blooms, 21, 49, 79, 84, 88–89, 90–91, 95
alkali flies, 154
Allan, John Anthony, 137
Allatoona Lake, 208
Allendale Elementary School, Pittsfield, 35–36
Ambrose, Stephen, 358
American Cancer Society, 24
American Farm Bureau Federation, 92, 104
American Rivers, 85, 242, 284, 319
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 119, 216
American Water Development Inc. (AWDI), 144, 146, 147–48
American Water Works, 268, 272, 331
American Water Works Association, 331, 357
Amos, Laura, 284–85
amphibians, PCBs in, 33
Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 41
Anchorage Daily News, 317
Anderson, Glenn, 145
Andrew, Bobby, 319–20
Andrew, Hurricane, 128
Anglo American PLC, 307, 309, 311, 314, 321, 322
Annan, Kofi, 145
antibacterial soaps, 5, 64, 66–67, 76, 351
antibiotic-resistant microbes, 67
antibiotics, 69
Antioch, Calif., 281
Apalachicola/Chattahoochee/Flint (AFC) system, 360
Apalachicola River, 75–76
aqueducts and pipelines, 141, 244, 345
building of, 122–23
see also water conveyance, in Western US; specific projects
aquifers, 17–18, 37, 256, 257, 290, 347
depletion of, see water mining
recycled wastewater pumped into, 110, 111, 340
salt-water infiltration of, 11–12, 22, 109, 126, 210, 240, 258
see also specific aquifers
Arcata, Calif., 109
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 60
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 320
aridification, 134, 166, 192 see also desertification
Aristotle, 203
Arizona, 131, 174, 175, 183, 195
aquifers in, 326
groundwater depletion in, 326–27
population growth in, 326
water use in, 326
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 325
Arizona Republic, 132
Arkansas River, 232
Army Corps of Engineers, US, 233, 234, 316
blame-game and, 222–23
class-action lawsuit against, 225
history of, 217–20
as immune from prosecution, 219, 223, 225, 226, 232–33, 355
levee design and, 210
levees-only policy of, 218
Mississippi River and, 218, 219, 220–21
need for revamping of, 232, 344, 355
New Orleans levees and, 224–26, 229
streamlining of, 220
waterways as focus of, 217
arsenic, 86
water pollution in, 351–52
water scarcity in, 128, 353–54
Asian Development Bank, 267, 351–52
Associated Press (AP), 67–68, 99, 291
Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), 178–79, 193, 243
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO), 180–81
asthma, 77
Astral Oil, 21
Atchafalaya River, 93, 94–95, 232
Athabasca, Lake, 290
Athabasca Chipewyan Indians, 290, 322
Atlanta, Ga., 19, 129, 166, 205–8
population growth in, 205, 207
privatized water in, 271–72
water infrastructure of, 207, 271
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 271
Atlantic Richfield (ARCO), 41
Atlas Energy, 286
atrazine, 5
Auden, W. H., 9
Audubon California, 158
Aurora, Colo., 142
Australia, 93
agriculture in, 135–37
droughts in, 10, 124, 125, 134–37, 204–5, 208
privatized water in, 274
viniculture in, 137
wastewater recycling in, 110
Avigliano, James, 1
Avtex Fibers Plant, 85
Baca Wildlife Refuge, 149–50
Baker, Dean, 161–62, 168, 169–71
Baker, Donald, 141
Baldacci, John, 298
Baltic Sea, 93
Bangladesh, 210
Ban Ki-moon, 195
barbel, 75
Barlow, Maude, 268
Barnes, Roy, 206
Basagic, Hassan, 191
bass, 74–75, 76, 85–86, 88, 89
Bastianich family, 302
Batali, Mario, 302
Bauhan, Hobey, 86
Bea, Robert, 214, 221–29, 231–33, 234, 240–41, 253, 359
Beaufort Sea, 323
Bechtel Enterprise Holdings, 274, 275, 276
Bedford, Charles, 149
Bellagio, 164
Belzberg, Sam, 144
benzene, 16, 20, 26, 32–33, 287, 301, 350
benzoylecgonine (BE), 70
Beverage Marketing Corporation, 294
Big Bend Power Plant, 333
Big Dry, 134–37
Big Water, see water utilities, privatized
Bikini Atoll, 184
biliary tract cancer, 33
Billings, Leon, 83
Bingham Canyon Mine (Kennecott Copper Mine), 317
Binney, Peter, 142
bioaccumulation, 33
bioengineering, 233–35
biofuels, 279
PCBs in, 33–34
Bishop, Calif., 157
Bismarck, N. Dak., 355
Bitts, Dave, 248
Blazer, Vicki, 74–75, 77, 78, 85, 351
Bloomberg, Michael, 119, 120, 123, 283, 348
Blue Ridge Outdoors, 86
Boardman, Oreg., 48
body burden, 33
bonytail chub, 183
boric acid, 287
Bos, A. J., 48
Boston, Mass., 303
Boston Globe, 37
bottled water, 11, 14, 67, 268, 292–304, 334
campaign against, 301–4
energy and water use in manufacture of, 292, 294–95
environmental impact of, 294–95
FDA regulation of, 300
as misuse of resources, 292
Bougie, David, 45
Boulder, Colo., 141
Bowie, Catherine, 273
Bowman, Malcolm, 212–13
Boyce, Gary, 147–49
Boyd, Kevin, 293
Berkeley Pit and, 41–42
Deepwater Horizon spill and, 30, 31, 92, 95, 98, 228–29, 285, 323, 350
Greenpoint oil spill and, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
natural gas operations of, 285, 287
BP Capital Management, 256, 265
Brame, Dick, 92
Brannen, Laura, 68
Brazil, 124
Bredehoeft, John, 168
Breed Hill, 217
brine shrimp, 154
Bristol Bay, 305
ecology of, 306
proposed mining in, 306, 307–17
proposed oil and gas drilling in, 308, 322–23
salmon fishery in, 306, 308, 309, 313–14, 317–18, 323
water conflict in, 305–24, 345
Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, 320
Brooklyn, N.Y., Greenpoint neighborhood in, 15–17, 21–25, 28–29
oil spill in, 15, 22, 23, 25–30
Brooklyn Aquifer, 22
Brooklyn Bridge Park, 62
Brooklyn-Queens Aquifer (BQA), 27–28
“Brooklyn-Queens Aquifer Feasibility Study” (DEP), 27
Brooks Range, 313
Broome County, N.Y., 283
Broomfield, Colo., 142
Brower, David, 184
Brown, Gordon, 204
Brown, Harry, 159
Brown, Jerry, 253
Browner, Carol, 20
brown shrimp, 95
brush boxes, 234–35
Bucharest, Romania, 268
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 274
Bunker, Richard, 163
Bunker Hill, 217
Bureau of Land Management, US (BLM), 288
Bureau of Reclamation, US, 152, 154–55, 159, 163, 174, 182, 183–85, 240, 244, 325, 327, 331
Bush, George W., 65, 99–100, 134, 196, 206, 322
Bush administration, 40, 49, 62, 99–100, 101–2, 103, 138, 316
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 343
Cadillac Desert (Reisner), 184
California, 12, 60, 67, 68, 72, 108–9, 110, 183, 299, 318, 319, 345
agricultural runoff in, 47, 246, 247
budget deficit in, 253
dam projects in, 177, 185–88, 193
droughts in, 125, 178, 186, 190, 192–94, 240, 242, 247–48, 331, 337, 356
earthquakes in, 228
flood control in, 234
gold rush in, 244
irrigated agriculture in, 174, 193, 239–40, 242–43, 244, 246–48, 249–52
Proposition 50 in, 334
snowmelt in, 130
water rights in, 139
water scarcity in, 179–88, 189–94
water use in, 125
California-American (Cal-Am), 272–73
California Aqueduct, 158
California Coastal Commission, 336
California Department of Water Resources (DWR), 179, 190, 193, 245–46, 334
California Farm Water Coalition, 193, 251
California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, 246
Camargo, Luis, 276
Cambodia, 277
Campana, Michael, 277
Campbell, Bill, 271–72
tar sand oil extraction in, 289–90
Canadian International Development Assistance, 145
Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA), 256
Canadian River Valley, 255, 256
cancer, 16, 33, 37, 86 see also specific cancers
Candee, Hal, 249
canneries, 319
carbamazepine, 68
carbon dioxide (CO2), 93–94, 242, 294
carbon footprint, 93, 112, 291, 302
carbon neutrality, 335
carcinogens, 16, 28, 33, 76, 350
Cargill Turkey Products, 81
Carlsbad, Calif., 334–37
Carson, Rachel, 184
“cash for grass” program, 164
casinos, water features of, 164–65
Cato Institute, 277
cattle, 47–49
Cedar River, 220
Center for Risk Mitigation, 221
Central America, privatized water in, 10
Central Arizona Project (CAP), 326
Central Valley, 241, 242–43, 244, 245, 246–48
Central Valley Project (CVP), 241, 244
Chamber of Commerce, US, 100
Champlain, Lake, 93
Chandler, Ariz., 338–42
Chandler, Harry, 152
Chattahoochee River, 75–76, 207
chemical industry, political power of, 65
chemotherapy drugs, 69
Cheney, Dick, 286
Chesapeake Bay:
fisheries in, 73, 88–91, 92, 345, 351
watershed of, 73, 79, 85, 93; see also specific rivers
Chesapeake Bay, pollution of, 20–21, 59, 72, 73–92, 94, 350, 351
agricultural runoff and, 47, 76, 82, 83, 92, 97
cleanup initiatives for, 91–92
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 82, 90
Chesapeake Clean Water Ecosystem Recovery bill, 92
Chevron (Chevron Texaco), 26, 28, 29, 289
Chez Panisse, 301
Chicago, Ill., 50
Child, Charles and Fredericka, 361–62
children, prescription drug use by, 65–66
cloud seeding in, 329
diet in, 127
gas shale exploration in, 286
urbanization in, 124
water scarcity in, 130, 197, 198, 353
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, 157
China Meteorological Administration, 329
Chinatown (film), 153, 156, 159, 178
Chirac, Jacques, 271
chlorine, 33
chlorobenzene, 32–33
cholera, 18
1854 London epidemic of, 107
Christy, 91
Chukchi Sea, 323
agricultural runoff and, 50
heat-island effect in, 132–33
rain harvesting in, 347–48
storm-water runoff in, 51, 204, 212, 348
Citizens for San Luis Valley Water, 146
Civilian Conservation Corps, 170
Clark, Lake, 320
Clean Air Act, 286
Clean Water Act (CWA), 9, 12, 19, 36, 43, 46, 49, 50, 59, 63, 92, 97, 100, 209, 217, 281, 316, 344, 345
Halliburton Loophole and, 283, 286
violations of, 10, 19, 99, 104, 280
Cliton Court Forebay, 242, 245
climate change, 5, 10, 18, 57, 119, 133, 136, 188, 191, 200, 325, 327
droughts vs., 129
flooding and, 210–11
plant life cycles and, 129–30
power supplies and, 279
Sierra Nevada as early-warning system for, 191–92
see also global warming
clofibrate, 69
clofibric acid, 69
Closed Basin, 144
closed loop cooling technology, 281
cloud seeding, 328–30
coal- and gas-burning power plants, 5, 126
coal ash spills, 102
Coalinga, Calif., 331
coal mining, 286
water use in, 278
Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), 92
coastal zones, population growth in, 203, 210–11
cocaine, 70–71
Cochabamba, Bolivia, 274–76
Cocklin, Chris, 205
Colborn, Theo, 287
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 330
coliform bacteria, 45–46, 54, 56, 79, 80, 88, 301
Collapse (Diamond), 133
population growth in, 141–42, 144, 148
Colorado pikeminnow, 183
Colorado River, 11, 75–76, 108, 113, 158, 160, 171, 182, 183, 184, 195, 279, 326, 331, 337, 340, 346, 348
overuse of, 130, 162–63, 176, 288, 338, 344
Colorado River Aqueduct, 158
Colorado River Basin, 166–67, 174–75, 177, 288, 360
Colorado River Compact, 171, 289
Colorado Springs, Colo., 141
Colorado Supreme Court, 147
water diversion scheme for, 140–41
Columbia space shuttle disaster, 221
Columbia University, 211
combined sewer overflows (CSOs), 54–56, 59–61
Cominco Alaska Exploration (CAE), 306, 311, 313
commodities, “virtual water” and, 137
Compagnie Generale des Eaux, 270
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA; “Superfund law”), 20
computer chip manufacturing, 338–42
energy requirements of, 341
environmental impact of, 338
concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 44, 47, 48, 49, 50
Conemaugh River, 180
Conference of Mayors, US, 303, 357
Conforti, Tammy, 220
congeners, 33
Congress, US, 19, 33, 46, 50, 60, 64, 65, 68, 174–75, 182, 212, 217, 220, 316, 328
bottled water and, 303
climate change and, 138
Committee on Environment and Public Works of, 104
flood control and, 218, 219, 224
flood insurance reform and, 211
infrastructure spending and, 181, 344
land- and water-use policy of, 232, 233, 344–45
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc., 358–59
consumer confidence reports, 20
Continental Congress, 217
Continental Divide, 141–42
cooking oil, PCBs in, 33
Cook Inlet, 322
Cooperative Snow Surveys Program, 190
Copernicus, 13
copper mining, 306, 307, 310, 317
corn, 251
Corporate Accountability International, 301
corporate profits, 350
Corzine, Jon, 103
cotton, 251
Coyle, Sister Mary Ann, 303
Crafford, Tom, 323
Crassostrea virginica, 89
cronyism, 274
crop shifting, 251
Cryptosporidium, 55
Cuyahoga River, 56
Daily Show, 247
dairies, 48–49
Dalby, Paul, 136–37
Dallas–Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex:
drought and, 261–62
population growth in, 257, 260–61, 326
ASCE rating of, 216
environmental impact of, 179, 180, 183, 185, 188, 241, 246, 318–19, 350, 359
failures and maintenance of, 180–81, 184
flood control and, 179–80, 182
hydroelectric, 5, 155, 179, 182, 183, 185, 244, 318–19, 354
in Western US, 179–88, 244, 318–19
see also specific dams
Danone, 293
Davis, Arthur Powell, 154
Davis, J. C., 68
dead zones, aquatic, 14, 49, 59, 79, 93–94, 97–98
in Chesapeake Bay, 84, 88, 90–91
as global problem, 93
De Beers, 311
Deepwater Horizon disaster, 16, 30, 31, 92, 95, 98, 228–29, 285, 323, 344, 350
Deepwater Horizon Study Group (DHSG), 228
Defense Department, US, 42
Delanoë, Bertrand, 276
Delaware, 83
Delaware Aqueduct, 120
Delaware County, N.Y., 283
Delaware River Compact, 195
Delery, Jimmy, 225
Delmarva Peninsula, 82, 83, 84, 87, 91
Delmarva Poultry Industry, 82
Delta Committee, Dutch, 231
Delta Stewardship Council, 253
Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force, 252
Delta Works, 231
Denver, Colo., population growth in, 141–42, 144
Denver Water, 142
desalination, 175, 330–38, 353
brine residue from, 336
as “drought-proof” freshwater supply, 324, 327, 334
energy requirements of, 330, 332, 335, 337
environmental impact of, 335–36, 337
nuclear-powered, 337
reverse osmosis in, 330–31, 332, 334, 340
Descottes, Hervé, 53
see also aridification
definition of, 151
“Desert Thirst as Disease” (McGee), 132
developing world:
privatized water in, 267–68, 276
development, 141, 166, 176, 267
in floodplains, 203, 204, 216, 221, 222, 228, 241
water conveyance and, 141
water scarcity and, 141, 166, 327
in wetlands, 100, 203, 204, 214, 216, 233, 344
see also population growth
developmental problems, 16
diabetes, 77
Diamond, Jared, 133
Diamond Valley Reservoir, 186
diamond-water paradox (paradox of value), 13, 343
diarrhea, 60
Diaz, Robert, 95
diesel fuel, 279
diet, water use and, 127
dioxin, 20
Dircke, Piet, 231
direct potable reuse, 113
disease, waterborne:
agricultural runoff and, 45–46, 47
epidemic, 18–19
wastewater as source of, 107–8
water infrastructure and, 18
distillers’ grains, 48
Djibouti, 128
Dome Petroleum, 145
Dominy, Floyd, 183–84, 325, 347
Douglas County, Colo., 148
Dow Chemical, 19
Dowey, Ted, 117–18, 122, 123–24
dowsers, 361–62
Drago, Len, 339
dredges, 218
drinking water, 5
assumptions about supply of, 9–10, 203, 360
global shortages of, 10, 11–12, 126, 127, 199, 349, 352
from groundwater, 258
narcotics in, 70–71
pharmaceuticals in, 65–72, 113
as pivotal issue, 13
pollutants in, 11, 19, 43–46, 47
recycled wastewater as, 109–13
from rivers, 108
salt-water infiltration of, 11–12, 22, 109, 126, 210, 240, 258
see also bottled water; freshwater
Drop 2 reservoir, 175–76
in Australia, 10, 124, 125, 134–37
in Canada, 290
climate change vs., 129
economic consequences of, 261–62
population growth and, 125, 166
in Southeastern US, 205–7
in Western US, 12, 125, 128, 133–34, 162, 166–67, 169, 174–75, 176, 178, 186, 190, 192–94, 240, 242, 247–48, 257, 261–62, 264–65, 279, 326, 331, 337, 356
“Drugs Found in Drinking Water” (AP), 67–68
DuPont, 85
Durbin, Timothy, 172
Dust Bowl, 128, 134, 191, 247–48, 259, 344
dust mitigation, 157–58
Duval, Stanwood, 226
dysentery, 18
Earth Day (1970), 19
earthquakes, 228
Earth Summit (1992), 145
East Bay Municipal Utility District, 159
East of Eden (Steinbeck), 117
Economist, 127
Economy, Elizabeth, 198
economy, US, in shift toward clean businesses, 20
degradation of, see environmental degradation
Edison, Thomas, 34
Edwards Dam, 319
Ehrlich, Paul, 184
Eisenhower, Dwight, 133
electricity, 279
generation of, see power generation 2003 outage of, 56–57
Eliasson, Jan, 199
El Niño events, 134, 136, 264–65
El Paso, Tex., 110
El Segundo, Calif., 271
embryonic cell growth, 69
emerging contaminants, 64
Emerson, N.J., 2
eminent domain, 263
Emory River, 102
Encana, 285
Encina Power Station, 334, 336
Encounters with the Archdruid (McPhee), 184
endangered species, 172, 183, 192, 245, 249, 318
Endangered Species Act, California, 246
Endangered Species Act (1973), 184, 289, 349–50
endocrine disruptors, 5, 76, 77, 78, 287, 351
energy, renewable, 263, 278–79, 340, 348
Energy Department, US, 42, 280
energy infrastructure, 5
energy use, by water treatment, conveyance, and heating, 278, 279
England, see United Kingdom
Entz, Lewis, 148
Environment Agency, UK, 204
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), 2, 224, 260
environmental degradation, 11–12, 350–51
from aqueducts and pipelines, 157, 169–70, 172, 241
from bottled water, 294–95
from dams, 179, 180, 183, 185, 188, 241, 246, 350, 359
from desalination plants, 335–36
from emerging pollutants, 64, 70, 71–72, 351
from flood control projects, 233–35
from mining, 307–9, 310, 313–17, 350
from power plants, 280–81
water management and, 344, 348
see also air pollution; pollution, pollutants; water pollution
environmental disasters, 19
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 323–34
environmentalists, environmentalism, 103, 105, 112, 148, 183, 243, 280, 289, 308, 322, 336, 337
protectionist vs. conservationist, 181
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 278, 280, 281, 344, 351
declining effectiveness of, 99–100, 344
enforcement tools lacked by, 101
hydrofracking investigation of, 286
Jackson as head of, 102–5, 138, 323, 351
jurisdiction lacked by, 100–101
statistics and testing by, 19, 28–29, 34, 36, 37, 43, 46, 47, 57, 62, 67, 141, 356, 357
Superfund and, 20, 28–29, 38, 103
water-use estimates by, 120, 126
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), water-quality regulation by, 1, 9, 10, 68, 92, 283, 284, 300
agricultural runoff and, 49, 50, 82, 83, 96
chemicals unregulated by, 11
CSOs and, 60
Drinking Water Committee of, 65
list of chemicals monitored by, 11, 64–65, 104
as outdated, 10, 43, 63–64, 344, 349–50
TMDLs and, 97
environmental regulations, state enforcement of, 19
Environmental Working Group (EWG), 11
Epic of Gilgamesh, 209
epidemiology, 107
legacy pollutants in, 64
recovery of, 63
Eritrea, 128
erosion, 200
Escherichia coli, 45–46, 47, 48, 55, 266
Espy, James Pollard, 328
estrogen, synthetic, 64, 70, 76–77
estrogen mimics, 76
ethanol-fueled power plants, 5
ethinyl estradiol, 76–77
Euphrates River, 130, 196, 197
Europe, 295
European Union, 86
see also dead zones, aquatic
“Every Day is Earth Day for Delmarva’s Chicken Industry” (Satterfield), 82
Evian, 293–94
extremophiles, 42
ExxonMobil, 25, 26–27, 28, 29, 58, 287–88, 289, 350
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 16, 30, 322
Fairfax, Va., 110
fallowing, 251
famine, 84
Fanelli, Roberto, 70
Farallon Capital Management, 147, 148–49
Fargo, N. Dak., 355
fathead minnows, 76–77
Fausto-Sterling, Anne, 77
Feather River, 244
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 215
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1972), 184
feed additives, 86
Felton, Calif., 272–73
feminization of males, see intersex
Fernley, Nev., 216
fertility, PCBs and, 33
see also manure
Fiteenth Ward Smelling Committee, 22
Financial Times, 277
algal blooms and, 88
impact of narcotic pollution on, 71
as indicator species, 73–74, 245
intersex, 70, 75–78, 85, 345, 351
mercury in, 29
overfishing and, 89, 90, 246, 318
PCBs in, 33–34
see also specific species
Fish and Wildlife Service, US, 150
fishermen, fishing industry, 336, 350
in Alaska, 306, 308, 309–10, 313–14, 317–18, 319, 322, 323
in Chesapeake Bay, 89–91, 92, 350
in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 246–47, 248
fish kills, 74–75, 85–86, 345, 351
Fish Springs Ranch aquifer, 159
Fitzsimmons, Richard, Jr., 121
Flaming Gorge Dam, 183
“Flipping the Mississippi” plan, 345–47
flood control, 179–80, 182, 208, 214–15
bioengineered (sot) approach to, 233–35
ill-conceived and poorly-built, 204, 222
MRTP as model for, 232
in the Netherlands, 212, 214, 230–31, 233, 235
see also levees
Flood Control Act (1928), 219, 223, 225, 226, 232–33, 355
deliberate flooding of, 219, 232
development in, 203, 204, 216, 221, 222, 228, 241
floods, flooding, 5, 203–35, 349, 354–55
ecological benefits of, 203
economic consequences of, 204, 209–10
estuarine, 208
global warming and, 200, 204–5
groundcover and, 209
health consequences of, 200, 204
human intervention as cause of, 204
muddy, 208
in religion and myth, 209
riverine, 208
in US, 12, 95–96, 128, 204, 207–8, 209–10, 326, 354–55
wetlands and, 209
floodways, 232
Florida, 110
water use in, 125, 240, 279, 332
Floyd, Hurricane, 213
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 300
food chain, PCBs in, 33
food supply, 352
Ford, Gerald, 63
Foreign Affairs, 348
Foreign Policy, 124
forensic engineers, 221–22
forest fires, 133–34
as carbon sinks, 130
die-off of, 130
Forest Service, US, 191
formaldehyde, 287
Fort Collins, Colo., 141
Fort McMurray, Alberta, 289, 290
Fort Worth, Tex., see Dallas–Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex
Fountain, Andrew, 191
France Liberté, 276
Franklin, Benjamin, 13
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 26
Freon, 339
desalination and, see desalination
increased demand for, 106
recycled wastewater as source of, see recycled wastewater
total supply of, 12, 129, 166, 196, 235
see also drinking water
Fresno County, Calif., 248
Friant-Kern Canal, 249
Friends of Locally Owned Water (FLOW), 273
frogs, intersex, 5
Frontline, 82
Front Range Urban Corridor, 142
Front Royale, Va., 85
Fryeburg, Maine, 299
Fulkerson, Bob, 346
Gabon, 277
Galileo Galilei, 9
Gallay, Paul, 29–30
Galveston, Tex., 209
1900 hurricane in, 227
garibaldi, 336
GasLand (film), 282
gasoline, spills of, 21, 30–31
Geever, Joe, 336
General Accounting Office, US, 12
General Electric (GE), 32–41, 350
General Mining Law (1872), 316
Genesis, 209
genetic mutations, 67
Geneva Convention, 287
Geological Survey, US (USGS), 64, 66, 74, 75–76, 78–79, 85, 94, 125, 126, 130, 144, 147, 172, 186–87, 204, 207, 257, 259–60, 326, 356
George’s Foods, 81
geothermal power, 348
Getto, Virgil, 168
Gibbons, Jim, 171
Gibbs, Dave, 37–38
Gilliam, Bob, 320–21
Gin Flat snow course, 189–91
Girardi & Keese, 26
Gleick, Peter, 175, 178–79, 185–88, 192, 193–94, 239, 242, 243–46, 248–54, 277, 294, 326, 348–49, 359
Glen Canyon Dam, 167, 183–84, 346
glaciers and, 191
hydrologic cycle and, 129
natural gas production and, 282, 286
sea level rise and, 203, 210, 211–12, 231
snowpack and, 189–92
water quality and, 130
water scarcity and, 32, 126, 128–30, 166, 206, 349, 353
see also climate change
Global Water Intelligence, 273
Global Water Intelligence, 106
Goddard Space Center, 203
gold, gold mining, 306, 307, 310, 317, 319–20
see also Pebble Deposit, proposed mining of
Golden, Colo., 142–43
gold rush, 244
Goldsboro, Bill, 90
Goodman, Oscar, 175
Gorsuch, Anne, 344
Gosar, Greg, 146
Goulburn, Australia, 135
Government Accountability Office, 62
Gowanus Canal, 54
Graduate, The (film), 292
Grand Canyon, 359
grass carp, 64
graywater guerrillas, 109
Great Basin aquifer, 167–68, 170, 171, 172
Great Basin National Park, 170
Great Basin Network, 173
Great Britain, see United Kingdom Great Depression, 223
Great Lakes, 49, 50, 63, 75, 105, 141, 196, 218, 344
water levels in, 128
Great Lakes Compact, 196
Great Plains, 258–59, 260, 344
Great Salt Lake, 154
Great Sand Dunes National Park, 146, 149
Great Wicomico River, 90
greenhouse gasses, 5, 48–49, 93–94, 134, 209, 242, 292, 294
Green Revolution, 84
Greenville, Miss., 219
Grenoble, France, 270–71
Gridley, Richard, 217
Griffiths, Jeffrey K., 65
grizzly bears, 244
groundwater, 17–18, 27, 57–58, 109, 125, 147, 203, 240, 257–58, 298, 326–27, 333
global use of, 258
hydrofracking and, 282
nuclear fuel disposal and, 291
overpumping of, see water mining
Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), 110–11
Ground Zero, toxic dust at, 26
Guenther, Herb, 325–26, 327, 329, 330, 337
Guinea, 277
Gulf of Mexico, see Mexico, Gulf of
Gunnison River, 142
Gurdak, Jason, 259–60
H2O for ME, 297–98
Hackensack Water Company, 2
Halcrow Group, Ltd., 213
Halliburton Loophole, 286, 350
Hammond, Bella, 320
Hammond, Jay, 320
Hannity, Sean, 247–48
Han River, 197
Hardin, Garrett, 357–58
Harper’s, 39
Hart, Jeff, 233–35
Hartelkering Barrier, 231
Harvard School of Public Health, 34
Harvey O. Banks Delta Pumping Plant, 245
Hauter, Wenonah, 269
Hawaii, bottled water industry in, 293
health-care facilities, drug dumping by, 66, 67
health care reform, 92
health effects:
of emerging pollutants, 64, 77–78
of industrial pollution, 20, 24–25, 77
of oil extraction, 290
of water pollution, 5, 10, 11, 16–17, 77–78, 350; see also disease, waterborne
Healthy Forests Restoration Act (2003), 134
Heffernan, Bill, 137
Hemphill County, Tex., 264
Henderson, Bruce, 112
Herbert, Gary R., 173
Herd, Ken, 333–34
heroin, 64
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, 181, 193, 251, 254, 301
hexavalent chromium, 20
Hierstein, Dick, 268
Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (New Jersey), 103
Hill, Douglas, 213
Hillview Reservoir, 119, 120, 121
Hirsch, Robert M., 77–80, 84–85, 88, 89, 91, 93–94, 95, 96–97, 130, 348, 358–59
Hogan, Joe, 176–77
Hohokam Indians, 133
Hollis, Maine, 296
Holmes, Robert, 208
Honey Lake Valley, 159
Hoover Dam, 160, 176, 182–83, 279, 346
environmental impact of, 183
hormonal disruptions, 33
Housatonic River, PCBs in, 32–40, 359
Housatonic River Initiative (HRI), 32, 35–38, 40
House of Representatives, US:
Appropriations Committee of, 105
Energy and Commerce Committee, 286
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of, 99
Howarth, Robert, 286
Huai River, 209
as Superfund site, 39
water quality improvement in, 61
Hudson Riverkeeper, see Riverkeeper
human error, 221
humpback chub, 183
Humphreys, Andrew, 218
Humphreys-Abbot report, 218
Hunter Dickinson, 311
Huntington Beach, Calif., 337
Huntington’s disease, 42
Huron, Lake, 196
see also specific hurricanes
Hussein, Saddam, 197
hydrocarbons, 16
hydroelectric power, 5, 155, 179, 182, 183, 185, 244, 278, 279, 354
hydrofluorocarbons, 93–94
hydrofracking, 281–87
air pollution from, 286
health problems tied to, 282, 284–85
toxic chemicals used in, 286–87
water contamination from, 282, 284, 285, 286
water use by, 284
hydrogen peroxide, 111
hydrologic cycle, 5
global warming and, 129
hypersalinity, 154
see also dead zones, aquatic
water use in, 125
IDE Technologies, 334
Iliamna Development Corporation, 308
Imjin River, 197
Immelt, Jeffrey, 39
Imperial Irrigation District, 240
imposex, 75
incineration, of health-care waste, 68
Independent (UK), 272
Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York, 285
water pollution in, 351
water scarcity and, 130, 197, 198, 353
Indiana, 50
Indian Point nuclear plant, 280–81
Indus River Commission, 199
Industrial Age, 50
pollution from, 32–40, 77, 119, 267
wasteful water practices of, 267
Inhofe, James, 104–5
Iniskin Bay, 314
“In Praise of Tap Water” (New York Times), 294
integrators, 81–83
green technology as priority of, 340
water conservation at, 340
see also computer chip manufacturing
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 128, 130
Interior Department, US, 64, 79, 170, 175, 182
International Alert, 198
International Bottled Water Association, 11, 292
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, 275
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 271
International Monetary Fund, 267
agricultural runoff and, 76
in fish, 70, 75–78, 85, 345, 351
in frogs, 5
in humans, 77–78
invasive species, 64, 129, 192, 203
Inyo Mountains, 151
Ionics, 333
Iowa River, 220
Iraq, 196
US invasion of, 197
irrigated agriculture, 125–26, 127, 139, 152, 153–54, 174, 193, 239–40, 242–43, 244, 246–48, 249–52, 303, 304, 341–42, 352, 355
efficient technologies for, 251, 347
groundwater used by, 258, 259, 267, 279
low-value vs. high-value crops in, 240, 251, 355
recycled wastewater in, 326
subsidized water costs in, 240, 250, 345
Jackson, Lisa P., 92, 102–5, 138, 323, 351
Jadwin, Edgar, 219
Jamaica Bay, 54
James Bay, 141
James River, 354–55
Jeffery, Kim, 297–98, 299, 302, 303–4
Jenkins, Bruce, 311–12
Jennings, Bill, 246
Jidda, Saudi Arabia, 331
John F. Skinner Delta Fish Protection System, 245–46
Johns Hopkins University, 350–51
Johnstown Flood, 180
Jordan, 199
Jordan River, 199
Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia, 332
Justice Department, US, 30, 263
Kahrl, William, 154
Kansas, 195, 219, 240, 258, 260
karst, 45
Katrina, Hurricane, 16, 200, 204, 209–10, 211, 212, 219, 220, 221, 224–27, 229
Kelble, Jeff, 85–86
Kellam, Paul, 91
Kennebec River, 319
Kennecott Copper Mine (Bingham Canyon Mine), 317
Kennedy, Anthony, 100
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 25, 103
Kensico Reservoir, 121
Kensington gold mine, 316
kerogens, 288
Kewaunee River, 50
Kiamichi River, 196
Kidd, Karen, 76–77
killer whales, 248
Kingston Ash plant, 102
Klamath River, 319
Knowles, Tony, 321
Koktuli River, 305
Korean War, 220
Kramer, Ken, 264
Kress, Sister Francis Gerard, 23–24, 26
Kurds, 197
Kyoto Protocol, 93–94
Lagash, 199
Lake Clark National Park, 320
Lancet, 69
seepage from, 68
Landrigan, Philip, 77
land subsidence, water mining and, 258
Langmuir, Irving, 328
La Niña events, 134, 136, 191, 205
La Porte, Tim, 305–6
largemouth bass, 76
Las Vegas, Nev., 55, 68, 108, 125, 167, 180, 261, 337
annual precipitation in, 162
aquifers beneath, 162
Casino water features in, 164–65
Lake Mead as single source of water for, 160–61, 162
population growth in, 161, 163, 176–77, 326
water rates in, 165–66, 176–77
water scarcity in, 159, 161–77, 326
water use in, 165–66
see also Southern Nevada Water Authority
Las Vegas Wash, 160
Las Vegas Water District, 163, 168
Latin America, privatized water in, 10, 273–76
Lavon, Lake, 261
lawn-care products, 64
lead, 20
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, 340
Lee Vining, Calif., 155–56
legacy pollutants, 16, 20, 33, 64
Leonardo da Vinci, 106
failures of, 215, 216, 219, 221, 223, 224–25, 241, 355
haphazard construction and maintenance of, 215, 222–23, 226, 227, 228, 234, 242, 345
“hundred-year” criterion for, 210
land reclamation and, 241
removal of, 347
Leven, Gustave, 300
Levere, Alan, 84
Leviticus, 328
Lewis and Clark expedition, 358
Lexam Explorations, 149–50
lightning strikes, 84
Lipscomb, John, 61
Lipscomb, Tex., 264
liver disease, 33
L’Observatoire International, 53
London, 1854 cholera epidemic in, 107
London School of Economics, 197
Los Angeles, Calif., 108, 111, 112, 180, 242
population growth in, 154, 158, 326
rain harvesting in, 347–48
Sacramento Delta water diverted to, 241, 244
water grab of, 150, 151–59, 161–62, 288
Los Angeles Aqueduct, 152–58, 161–62
environmental impact of, 157, 169, 172
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), 151, 154–55, 156, 157–58, 180
Los Angeles Times, 152, 248, 335
Los Vaqueros Dam, 185, 186, 193
Louisville, Colo., 142
Lovins, Amory, 348
Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, 226
Lower Slate Lake, 316
Lugano, Switzerland, 71
Luxemburg, Wisc., 44
Lyell Glacier, 191
McCain, John, 322
McClintock, Tom, 247
McGee, W. J., 131–32
McInnis, Rodney R., 248
McIntyre, Mindy, 335
McKinley Capital, 321
MacLaggan, Peter, 334–37
McPhee, John, 184
Madeira Canal, 249
Maeslant Barrier, 231
Magee, Sean, 311
Mahogany Stain (alga), 88
Maine, 278
aquifers in, 296
Maine Department of Conservation, 298
Maine Geological Survey, 296
Maine supreme court, 299
Malaysia, 353
Maldives, 210
Mallott, Byron, 312
mammals, PCBs in, 33
Manhattan schist, 117
Manitou Foundation, 145–46
manure, 44–45, 46, 47–50, 81, 82, 84
Marcellus Shale, 282–83, 284, 350
marijuana farmers, 71
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, 69–71
Markus, Michael, 109, 110, 113
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 36
Mayfield, Max, 212
McKinsey & Co., 12
Mead, Lake, 144, 160–61, 162–63, 166–67, 174, 175–76, 179–80, 182, 183, 279, 345, 360
“third straw” outtake pipe of, 175
Measure 4 (Alaska), 321–22
megacities, 124
Melbourne, Australia, 124, 135
Melville, Herman, xi
Mendota, Calif., 248
Merced irrigation district, 250
Mesa, Ariz., 327
Mesa, Inc., 255–56
Messier, Jean-Marie, 270
Mestrallet, Gérard, 271
metals, toxic, 16
see also specific metals
Metamorphosis (Ovid), 209
meteorology, 328
methamphetamine labs, 71–72
methane, 48–49, 59, 93–94, 285
as fuel, 49
methyl chloride, 32–33
methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), 11, 16, 27–28
Metropolitan Water District, 112–13
Mexico, 84, 141, 175, 177, 196, 331, 333, 337
Mexico, Gulf of, 218
agricultural runoff and, 47
Deepwater Horizon spill in, 16, 30, 31, 92, 95, 98, 228–29, 285, 323, 344, 350
proposed new oil and gas drilling in, 323
Mexico City, subsidence of, 124
microfiltration, 113
Midland, Mich., 100
Midwest, US:
flooding in, 95–96, 218–19, 220–21, 235, 354–55
as possible water source for Western US, 345–47
water competition in, 279
Midwest Environmental Advocates, 46
Mikisew Cree Indians, 290
Milan, Italy, 71
milk, PCBs in, 35
Miller, Dave, 142
Minerals Management Service, 323, 344
mineral water, 300
mine tailings, 41
Mine Waste Technology Program, 42
mining industry:
environmental impact of, 307–9, 310, 313–17
permit process for, 316–17, 323–24
Misicuni Dam, 275
Mississippi Basin, 96, 218, 219
agricultural runoff in, 94–95, 97, 98
Mississippi Delta, 218
Mississippi River, 75–76, 93, 344, 350
Corps of Engineers and, 218, 219, 220–21
Great Flood of 1927, 219
as possible water source for Western US, 345–47
as source of drinking water, 108
2008 flood, 220–21
Mississippi River and Tributaries Project (MRTP), 219, 232
Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MRGO), 226
misting systems, 327
Mitsubishi, 311
Mobil Oil, 26
Moby-Dick (Melville), xi
Modesto irrigation district, 250
Moeur, Benjamin, 195
Mokelumne River, 159
Monod, Jérôme, 271
Mono Lake, 154–55
Montana, 196
Montana Resources, 41
Montara, Calif., 273
Moores, Alan, 343
Moorhead, Minn., 355
Morales, Evo, 275
Moran, Bob, 142–43, 144–45, 149, 156, 310, 322, 355, 359
Moran, Edward, 155–56
Morocco, 329
Morris, Richard, 86
Moss, Kate, 71
Mountain States Energy (MSE), 42
Mount Clinton, Va., 79
Mulholland, William, 151–53, 154–55, 157, 161, 180
Mulroy, Pat, 161–68, 170–75, 177, 261, 288, 337, 345–47
multiple sclerosis, 42
Mundrick, Douglas, 101
Murray-Darling River Basin, 135–36, 137
mycobacteriosis, 89
Myriad Restaurant Group, 302
Nachman, Keeve, 86
Nakayama, Granta, 100
Napoléon III, Emperor of France, 270
Napoli Bern Ripka LLP, 25
in drinking water, 70–71
environmental impact of, 64, 71, 72
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 210, 329
National Center for Health Statistics, 127
National Coalition of American Nuns, 303
National Environmental Policy Act (1969), 184
National Flood Insurance Program, 210, 211
National Geographic, 255
National Grid, 29
National Hurricane Center, 212
National Marine Fisheries Service, 248
National Park Service, 146
National Research Council, 31, 329
National Science Foundation, 221
National Water Quality Inventory, 87
“Nation’s Rivers, The” (Wolman), 359
Native Alaskans, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311–12, 319, 322
Native Americans, 346
US use of, 286
natural gas industry, 150, 241, 278, 285, 350
see also hydrofracking
Natural Resources Canada, 290
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 176, 249, 337–38
Nature Conservancy, 147, 148–49, 316, 319
Nature Geoscience, 136
nausea, 86
Navajo Dam, 183
Needle Point Spring, 170
Nees, Dan, 129
Nellis Air Force Base, 162
Nepal, 198
Nestlé Waters of North America (NWNA), 293–94, 297–99, 302, 303–4
flood control in, 212, 214, 230–31, 233, 235, 355
neurodevelopmental disorders, 77
Nevada, 288
annual precipitation in, 162
population growth in, 163
Nevada, University of, 176
Nevada state engineer, 172, 173–74
Nevada Supreme Court, 173–74
Never Summer Range, 162
New Hampshire, 299
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), 102, 103
New Melones Dam, 185
droughts in, 133
New Orleans, La., 16, 108, 217, 219, 228, 231
Hurricane Katrina in, see Katrina, Hurricane
levee system in, 204, 214, 221, 223, 224–27, 229, 234
New South Wales, 135
pollution in, 21–24, 25–27, 28, 33, 54, 61, 359
as Superfund site, 28–29
Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (NCWWTP), 52–54, 58–59, 62
New York, 83, 195, 280–81, 282, 283, 285
hydrofracking in, 282–83, 284, 285
New York, 17
daily water consumption in, 120
environmental suits by, 27–28
flood threat to, 211–12
“green” infrastructure projects in, 61–62, 348
municipal water quality in, 301, 302, 303
petroleum-refining business in, 21
proposed floodgates for, 213
sewage treatment plants in, 52–54, 56
sewer system of, 52–57, 61, 119, 212, 348
storm-water runoff in, 52, 53, 55–56, 57, 61–62, 348
terrorism threat in, 121
2003 blackout in, 56–57
watershed of, 66, 278, 282, 283, 350, 359
see also specific boroughs
New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 27, 59, 212, 283
City Water Tunnel No. 1 of, 119–20
City Water Tunnel No. 2 of, 119, 120
City Water Tunnel No. 3 of, 117–18, 121–24, 211
water distribution system of, 117–24
New Yorker, 121
New York Harbor, 28, 29, 54, 61, 217
New York Post, 24
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 284
New York Times, 10, 22, 60, 99, 100, 101, 276, 294
New York Times Magazine, 111, 191
Niagara Falls, N.Y., 20
Nicky (PLP engineer), 314–15
Nieporent, Drew, 302
nitrates, 79
nitrogen, 48, 79, 83–84, 85, 90, 91–92
aquatic dead zones and, 14, 59, 84, 93–94, 97
nitrogen-fixing bacteria, 84
nitrogen oxide, 95
nitrogen-use technology (NUE), 96
nitrous oxide, 93–94
Norfolk, Va., 217
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 196
North American Recycling Alliance (NARA), 141
North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), 141
North Carolina, 128
North Dakota, 288
Northeast, US, hurricane threat to, 211–12
Northern Dynasty Minerals (NDM), 307, 310, 311, 314, 322
North Korea, 197
Northrup, James, 287
North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), 261
Northwest Arctic Native Association (NANA), 313
nuclear power, 5
and fuel disposal debate, 291
water use by, 291
nuclear tests, 184
Nunes, Devin, 247
Obama, Barack, 101, 103, 205, 319, 323, 345
Obama administration, 40, 62, 91, 92, 101–2, 103, 138, 148, 191, 282, 287, 291, 351, 357
Oberstar, James, 99
obesity, 77
childhood, 33
Obey, David, 105
O’Callaghan, Mike, 170
Occidental Petroleum, 20
Ochiltree County, Tex., 264
Oddo, Anthony, 122
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), 71–72
Offutt, R. D., 48
Ogallala Aquifer, 257, 262, 346
overpumping of, 258–59, 260, 264, 359
risk of contamination of, 259–60
Ohio, 282
Ohio River, 217–18
oil, as defining resource of twentieth century, 343
Oil in the Sea III (National Research Council), 31
oil production:
health and social impact of, 290
pollution from, 290
from shale, 287–89
from tar sands, 289–90
water use in, 150, 278, 287–90
oil spills, 15–17, 58, 184, 287
Deepwater Horizon, 16, 30, 31, 92, 95, 98, 228–29, 285, 323, 344, 350
small, cumulative effect of, 30–31
Okeechobee hurricane, 209
drought in, 128
Oklahoma Rural Water Association, 104–5
Okun, Daniel, 111
Olson, James M., 277
once-through cooling systems (OTC), 279–80
Ontario, Lake, 196
Oosterscheldekering Barrier, 231
Oradell Reservoir, 2
Orange County, Calif., aquifers in, 109, 110
Orange County Water District (OCWD), 109, 110, 112
Groundwater Replenishment System of, 110–11, 112–13, 351
Water Factory 21 of, 109, 110, 111
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 352
O’Shaughnessy Dam, 181
osteosarcoma, 24–25
Otis, Harrison Gray, 152
Otsego County, N.Y., 287
Ottolini, Paul, 340
outfalls, sewage plant, 53, 54, 59, 60
Ovid, 209
Owens Lake, 152, 153, 154, 158
Owens River, 151–52, 154, 157–58, 161–62
Owens Valley, 151–52, 155, 156–59, 288
desertification of, 153, 169, 172
environmental comeback in, 158
farmers in, 152
oxidation, as disinfectant, 111, 113
ozone generators, 1
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), 20, 26, 281
Pacific Institute, 165, 175, 178–79, 251–52, 294
Pacific Ocean, 60
temperature of, 134
Pacini, Filippo, 107
Pajaro River, 85
paleoclimatologists, 133
Palin, Sarah, 304, 309, 321–22
Palm Springs, Calif., 327
Palo Verde nuclear plant, 341
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, 264
paper mills, 76
“paper water,” 179
Paris, 276
Parker, Buck, 105
Parks, Jim, 261
Parrish, Don, 104
Parsons Brinckerhoff, 213
Passaic Valley Water Commission, 1, 3
Passaic Valley water treatment plant, 1–4
Paterson, David, 283
pathogens, 129
Pawtuxet River, 205
PCBs, see polychlorinated biphenyls
Peace Dam, 197
peak water, 126
Pearce, Fred, 347
Pebble Deposit, proposed mining of, 305–6, 308–9, 311–17, 323–24
environmental impact of, 307–8, 310, 313–14, 315
opposition to, 308–9, 310, 316, 319–21, 323
power requirements of, 314–15
social impact of, 315
Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP), 307–8, 310, 311–17, 320, 321, 323
Pediatrics, 60
Pekin, Ill., 268
Pelican, 96
Pemex, 333
Pennsylvania, 83, 195, 282, 357
Penobscot River, 319
Peoples, Donald, 42
perchloroethylene (PCE), 16
Perdue, Jim, 82–83
perfluorocarbons, 93–94
perfluorochemicals (PFCs), 20
Perris Reservoir, 245
personal-care products, as pollutants, 66–67, 76
Peru, 273–74
pesticides, 54, 76, 77, 83, 86
Petro-Canada, 145
pharmaceutical industry, political power of, 65, 68
in drinking water, 65–72
as emerging pollutants, 64, 72
environmental impact of, 64, 70, 71–72
Phelps Dodge, 29
Phillips snow course, 192
Philp, Tom, 187
Phoenix, Ariz., 68, 108, 125, 130, 325, 337, 339
groundwater levels in, 326–27
temperature rise in, 132–33
phosphorus, 47, 48, 79, 83–84, 85, 88, 91, 94
phreatophytes, 169
phthalates, 11
phytoplankton, 88
Piceance Creek, 288
Pickens, T. Boone, 255–57, 260, 262–65, 268, 281–82, 287
Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., 81
Pinchot, Gifford, 181
Pinsent Masons Water Yearbook, 266
pipelines, see aqueducts and pipelines; water conveyance, in Western US
Pirozzi family, 24–25
Pittsfield, Mass., 32–41
Planning and Conservation League, 335
plant life cycles, climate change and, 129
Plaquemines Parish, 225
recycling of, 295
Platte River, 359
Plusquellic, Donald, 269
Poland, 286
Poland Spring Water Company, 296–99
Polanski, Roman, 153
politics, water and, 10, 252, 302, 337, 344, 345, 350
pollution, pollutants, 184
cap-and-trade system for, 96
ecological consequences of, 11, 350
emerging, 64–72
health effects of, 20, 24–25, 77
hydrofracking and, 282
TMDLs of, 96–97
see also air pollution; water pollution
pollution control:
lack of public support for, 101, 351–52
research on, 40–42
Polshek Partnership, 52–53
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 29, 32–40, 259, 339
banning of, 33
health effects of, 33, 34, 37, 38, 77
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, 294, 295
Pomeroy, Earl, 105
ponderosa pines, 192
Pontchartrain, Lake, 223
Pope, David, 260
population, US, aging of, 65
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 184
population growth, 5, 106, 110, 205
in Southwest, 278
water scarcity and, 125, 126, 127–28, 141, 161, 163, 166, 176–77, 206, 241–42, 256, 261, 279, 344, 352–53
in Western US, 130, 141–42, 144, 148, 154, 158, 161, 163, 176–77, 256, 257, 260–61, 326
Po River, 69–70
Porta, Tom, 99
Portland, Maine, 60
Poseidon Resources Corp., 332–37
Potomac River, 20–21, 73, 79, 85
agricultural runoff in, 76
fish kills in, 74–75
watershed of, 86–87
Poultry & Egg Institute, 86
feed additives in, 86
integrators in, 81–83
water pollution from, 47
Powell, John Wesley, 78
Powell, Lake, 144, 167, 179–80, 184
Power Corporation of Canada, 145
power generation:
from renewable sources, 263, 278–79, 340, 348
water use by, 5, 125–26, 278–91, 355
power plants, water cooling of, 278, 279–81, 341
environmental impact of, 280–81
PPCPs, see personal-care products; pharmaceuticals
Prather, Michael, 158
predators, bioaccumulation in, 33
Prell, Charlie, 135
“Private Water Saves Lives” (Segerfeldt), 277
Proglio, Henri, 270
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, 346
Proposition 50 (California), 334
prostate cancer, 11
Providence, R.I., 205
Prozac, 64
puberty, early onset of, 77
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), 103, 105
Public Policy Institute of California, 240n
public support:
for conservation, 353
for pollution control, 101, 351–52
for water policy, 354
Purcell, Mike, 330
Pyramid Lake, 154
Quartiano, Mary, 111–12
Quebec, 196
Queensland, Australia, 205, 286
Quinn, Timothy, 243
Rabalais, Nancy, 96
radium 226, 284
Radke, Doug, 290
Raines, Franklin, 159
rain harvesting, 347–48, 353–54
Rapanos case, 100–101, 216, 344
razorback sucker, 183
Reagan, Ronald, 344
real estate development, see development
Reclamation Act (1902), 182
recycled wastewater, 106–13, 271, 354
drinking water from, 109–13, 351
gray water from, 108–9, 165, 340
in irrigation, 326
yuck factor and, 111–12
Red Dog zinc mine, 313
Reimers, Lisa, 308
Reisner, Mark, 184
Reliance Industries, 286
Renewable Resources Coalition, 321
Report Card on American Infrastructure, 216
Republican Party, 138
Republican River, 195
evaporation and seepage from, 180
recreational use of, 179
see also dams; specific reservoirs
residual risk, 221
resource competition, 5
reverse osmosis (RO), 3, 109, 111, 165, 330–31, 332, 334, 340
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 47
Revolting Grandmas, 111–12
Revolutionary War, 217
Rhode Island, 205
Ricker, Hiram, 296
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge), 330
Rio Grande, 11, 75–76, 144, 146
Rio Grande Water Conservation District, 146, 148
Rios, Jesus, 131–32
Rio Tinto, 311
Riverkeeper, 25–26, 27, 29–30, 54, 61, 103, 280
roach fish, 75
Roberts, John, 40
Roberts County, Tex., 255, 262–63, 264, 265
Roberts County Fresh Water Supply District No., 1, 263–64
Roberts Tunnel, 142
Robinson, Norman C., 173
Robison Ranch, 169
Rock Creek, Md., 87
rockfish (striped bass), 88, 89
Rockingham County, 80–81
Rocky Mountain Institute, 348
Rocky Mountains, 130, 142, 146, 162, 191, 290
Rodeo-Chediski wildfires, 133
Rodriguez, Rafael, 276
Roels, Harry, 273
Rolen, Bruce, 125
Rosendale Dairy, 48
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 212, 231
Rouen, University of, 67
Roxarsone, 86
Royal Dutch Shell, 223, 287–88, 289
Rudd, Kevin, 137
rule of capture, 257
RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk) AG, 268, 272–73