

1 guart fresh oysters

½ cup coarse cornmeal

4 bay leaves

Pinch of salt and pepper

1 egg, beaten

3 tablespoons Crisco (you may need more, so keep some handy)

  1. Thoroughly wash the oysters.

  2. Crumble the 4 bay leaves into the cornmeal, and toss in the salt and pepper.

  3. Mix in the egg.

  4. Spread the moistened meal on a piece of wax paper or foil.

  5. Dredge the oysters with the batter until completely covered.

  6. Put the Crisco in a number 5 frying pan (or whatever you like) and melt over high heat. When the Crisco is hot, turn the heat down to medium-high and add the oysters, turning them once. Depending on how hot the fat is (every stove is a little different), they should be done in 10 minutes.

HUMANS MIGHT LIKE more spices, but then I won’t eat the oysters. This way we can both eat them.

I like shellfish and am happy with any popped right out of the shell. Oddly enough, Pewter won’t eat them. She eats everything else, including broccoli.

I also happen to know that she knocked over the aquarium and ate the fish. She denies it, but who else would have done it? Mother was so distressed she has never bought another aquarium.

I weakened when I saw those fish flopping around on the floor. Seemed silly to let them go to waste but I didn’t break the aquarium. I swear it. It really was Pewter.