Subject Index

Abba, 56

Abomination of desolation, 223, 228, 230

Abrahams, I., 202

Absent landlord, parable of, 199–201

Acts of Pilate, 255

Adultery, 46–47, 181

Akiba, Rabbi, 180

Albright-Mann, 37, 51, 62, 80, 89, 100, 109, 124, 139, 155, 245

Almsgiving, 53–54

Andrew, meeting of, 33

Angels, 175, 245, 250, 265–66

Annas, 238

Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 223, 228

Anxiety, 61–62, 94

Apocalyptic literature, 222

Archelaus, 19

Arimathea, Joseph of. See Joseph of Arimathea

Astrologers, 12–13

Augustine, 260

Authority: of Jesus’ teaching, 70; of Jesus to forgive, 82–83

Baptism: by John the Baptist, 24–25; literature regarding, 27; of Jesus, 24–26

Barabbas, 254–56

Barclay, W., 16, 23, 30–31, 38, 48, 52, 82, 86, 95, 97, 143, 149, 153, 159, 164, 176, 189–90, 191, 196, 198, 210, 249, 259

Barker, G. W., 3

Barth, K., 116

Beare, F. W., 13, 43, 55, 90, 91, 96, 100, 107, 127, 128, 133, 134, 136, 143, 150, 153, 154, 160, 161, 167, 171, 174, 176, 181, 182, 189, 191, 196, 198, 204, 212, 213, 227, 229, 230, 249, 254, 255, 259, 261, 262, 264, 267

Beasley-Murray, G. R., 230

Beatitudes, 37–41

Beelzebub, 87, 96, 101, 117, 124

Behm, J., 157–68

Bethlehem, 8

Bethphage, 194

Bethsaida, 75, 106

Betrayal of Jesus, 244–46

Bishop, E. F., 110

Blasphemy, 82

Blinzler, J., 250

Blocks of teaching, 2, 36, 70, 173, 213

Bonnard, P., 129

Bornkamm, G., 127

Bridesmaids, parable of, 232–34

Brothers of Jesus, 122–23

Brown, C., 51, 115

Brown, R. E., 138

Bruce, A. B., 51

Büchsel, F., 191

Bultmann, R., 107, 129

Burial of Jesus, 261

Busch, F. O., 146

Caesarea Philippi, 159

Caiaphas, 238, 246–48

Caligula, 224

Camel through eye of needle, 184

Capernaum, 32, 82, 106

Carrington, P., 154

Catchpole, D. R., 250, 251

Celibacy, 182

Ceremonial uncleanness, 72, 150

Children: blessing of, 182–83; in the temple, 197

Church: foundation of, 162; meaning of ekklēsia, 166

Cicero, 257

Claudia Procula, 254–55

Clement of Alexandria, 80

Cockcrow, 242, 249, 251

Coming One, 103

Commandment, the great, 210–11

Crossan, J. D., 138

Criminals crucified with Jesus, 258

Crown of thorns, 256

Crucifixion: description of, 263; of Jesus, 257; origin of, 189; prophesied, 170, 238

Cullmann, O., 161, 162, 166, 183

Daube, D., 125, 212

Davies, W. D., 20

Dead Sea Scrolls, 14

Death of Jesus, 260

Deatrick, E. P., 51

Delling, O., 55

Demoniac, 116–17

Demons: return from wandering, 122; sent into pigs, 78–60

Devil. See Satan

Didache, 58, 65, 67, 68, 84, 268

Differences in Synoptics, 183, 194, 196, 200, 204–5, 264

Diogenes, 23, 84

Disciples, names of, 90–91

Discipleship, cost of, 99

Divorce, 46–47, 180–82, 185–86

Dodd, C. H., 18, 33, 92, 129, 138, 228

Dove, 25

Doxology, omission of, 58

Dragnet of fish, parable of, 135–36

Earthquakes: at death of Jesus, 260; at tomb of Jesus, 265; in the last days, 33

Edersheim, A., 27

Egypt, Jesus to, 17

ekklēsia. See church

Elijah: and the Transfiguration, 169; the forerunner, 169; thought to have been summoned by Jesus, 259

Enemies, love of, 49–50

Epilepsy, 169

Eschatological discourse, 221–30

Essenes, 114

Eunuch, 182, 186

Eusebius, 1, 2, 190

Evans, O. E., 124

Exorcists, Jewish, 117

Faithful and wise servant, parable of, 229–30

False prophets, 68–69, 71, 225

Family of Jesus: lineage of, 7–9; record of, 21, 137; seek to speak to him, 122–23

Fasting, 58–59, 84–85

Feast of Tabernacles, 168

Feast of Unleavened Bread, 240

Fenton, J. C., 103, 158, 164, 189, 203, 204, 206, 211, 244

Field of Blood, 262

Fig tree: cursing of, 197–98; lesson of, 227

Filson, F. V. A., 25, 30, 43, 62, 70, 79, 85, 99, 115, 127, 141, 145, 149, 164, 174–75, 175, 201, 208, 230, 246, 259

Five thousand, feeding of, 140–44

Foerster, W., 57

Forgiveness: in the Lord’s Prayer, 57; unlimited, 177

Formula quotation, 10, 76, 115

Four thousand, feeding of, 154–55

Freyne, S., 100

Funk, R., 26

Gadarene territory, 79, 81

Galilee: description of, 32; additional information regarding, 35

Gamaliel of Jabneh, 40

Generation, passing away of this, 227–28

Gennesaret, 146

Gerhardsson, B., 29

Gethsemane, 242–46, 250

Gnashing of teeth, 134

God-fearers, 216

Golden rule, 66–67

Golgotha, 257, 263

Gospel of Matthew: authorship of, 1–3; setting and date of, 2–3

Grant, F. C., 3–5

Grant, R. M., 138

Great Commandment, 210–11

Great Commission, 267–68

Greatness, 173–74

Green, H. B., 10, 24, 38, 84, 85, 105, 106, 116, 140, 165, 170, 182, 200, 210, 213, 217, 228, 229, 233, 236, 247, 255, 266

Grievance, redress of, 176

Gundry, R. H., 4, 20, 37, 46, 54, 69, 76, 78, 83, 85, 93, 95–96, 100, 108, 112, 118, 128, 130, 133, 141, 149, 150, 159, 160, 161, 162, 168, 170, 176, 182, 184, 188, 195, 200, 204, 211, 220, 225, 228, 247, 260, 269

Hare, D. R. A., 216

Hart, H. St. J., 256

Hauck, F., 60

Herod Antipas, 32, 146

Herod the Great, 12–19, 103, 140–42, 146

Herodians, 207

Herodias, 140–42, 146

Hill, D., 38, 44, 60, 85, 100, 112, 121, 126, 128, 133, 173–74, 204, 205, 211, 228, 229, 241, 250

Hillel, 47, 66, 182

Hoehner, H., 146, 262

Holy of Holies, 260

Hosanna, 195, 202

Hospitality, 99–100

Hunter, A. M., 110, 138, 216

Hypocrites, 53, 55, 59, 62, 149, 213–19

Idolatry, stoning for, 219

Ignatius of Antioch, 3, 13

Immanuel, 10

Infancy narratives, 21

Interpretation of parables, 128–29

Irenaeus, 2

James, M. R., 113

James: and the Transfiguration, 167; favor requested for, 189–90; meeting of, 34

Jeremias, J., 45–46, 52, 58, 63, 108, 129, 133, 138, 152, 174, 232, 238, 250

Jerome, 2

Jerusalem: fall of, 225; triumphal entry into, 194–95

Jesus: before Sanhedrin, 246–48; betrayal of, 244–46; brothers of, 122–23; burial of, 261; death of, 260; family of, 7–9; in Gethsemane, 243–44; opposition to, 111–23; resurrection of, 264–66; temptations of, 28–31; triumphal entry of, 194–97; walking on water, 145–46

John the apostle, 34, 167, 190

John the Baptist: and Jesus, 24–25; as Elijah, 169; disciples of, 84–85; executed, 140–42; imprisoned, 102–3; ministry of, 21–26; praised by Jesus, 103–5

Joseph of Arimathea, 261, 263

Josephus, 18, 32, 102, 114, 117, 141, 178, 190, 208, 220, 225, 238, 254, 262, 263

Judas Iscariot: betrayal of Jesus, 244–46; death of, 252–53; meaning of name, 91, 100, 249–50; plans betrayal, 239–40

Judging, 64–65

Judgment: basis of, 69–70; 120, 134; day of, 69; parables of, 232–37

Jülicher, A., 125, 129

Kaddish, 56

Kepler, T. S., 100

Keys of the kingdom, 163

Kidron valley, 242

Kingdom of heaven, 22, 187, 205

Kistemaker, S., 138

Klausner, J., 216

Korban, 149

Krutch, J. W., 62

Kümmel, W. G., 33

Ladd, G. E., 118

Lane, W., 3, 250

Last Supper, 239–42, 250

Law, 43–44

Lazarus, 239

Leaven, parable of, 131–32

Leprosy, 72–73

Levi. See Matthew

Levirite marriage, 209

lex talionis, 48–49

Lindars, B., 116

Linnemann, E., 138

Little Apocalypse, 221

Loewe, H. M., 62

Lohmeyer, E., 63, 154

Lombard, Peter, 191

Lord’s Prayer, 55–58

Lost sheep, parable of, 175

Magi, 12–16

Mammon, 60

Manson, T. W., 237

Marriage: divine intention for, 180–82; levirate, 209

Marshall, I. H., 110, 117, 246

Martin, R., 1

Mary Magdalene, 261, 265

Mary, mother of James and Joses, 261, 265

Mary, mother of Jesus, perpetual virginity of, 11

Matthew, the tax collector, 83

McNeile, A. H., 27, 52, 59, 89, 174, 180, 209

Menander, 119

Mendelsohn, I., 124

Messiah, Peter’s declaration of, 160–62

Messianic secret, 73, 115

Metzger, B., 51, 81, 89, 91, 132, 146, 179, 202, 229, 237, 262

Michaels, J. R., 3

Milton, 60

Mission journey of disciples, 91–100

Montefiore, C. J. G., 62

Moore, G. F., 110, 147, 212

Morris, L., 220

Moses: and divorce, 181; and the Transfiguration, 168; seat of, 213–14

Mounce, R. H., 36

Mount of Olives, 194, 222, 242, 260

Mourning, 86, 89

Muller, D., 100

Mustard seed: analogy of, 170; parable of, 131

Names, of disciples, 90–91

Nazareth, return from Egypt to, 19

Neighbors, love for, 49–50 Nonretaliation, 49

Oaths, taking of, 47–48, 216–17

Olivet Discourse, 134, 222–30

Opposition to Jesus, 111–23

Origen, 2, 182

Otto, R., 216

Papias, 1, 2

Parables of Jesus, 125–37

Paralyzed man, healing of, 82–83

Parousia, 222–26

Passion narrative, 238–62

Passover, 240–42

Paulus, H. E. G., 143

Parrot, A., 263

Pax Romana, 223

Peacemakers, 41

Pearl of Great Price, 135

Perfection, 50–51

Persecution, 95–97, 224–25

Peter: denies Jesus, 248–49; draws his sword, 245; meeting of, 33; messianic declaration, 160–63; mother-in-law of, 75–76; reproves Jesus, 164; walking on water, 145–46

Petros/petra, 162

Pharisees: baptism refused to them, 23; meaning of name, 214; prestige threatened, 114; self-deceived, 84; teaching of, 58; uprightness of, 44; walking on water, 145–46

Phylacteries, 214–15

Pilate, 252–58, 262

Plummer, A., 120

Polycrates, 171

Prayer: instruction in, 54–58; Lord’s Prayer, 55–58; of Jesus in Gethsemane, 243–44; persistence in, 65–66; 177

Prophecy, 10, 14, 17, 18–19, 22–23, 115–16, 132, 253, 261

Rabbinic law and tradition, 135, 177, 186, 187, 195–96, 197, 214–15, 218, 220, 247

Ransom, 191

Remarriage, 181

Renan, J. E., 1, 216

Rengstorf, K. H., 100, 155

Repentance, 22, 26, 33

Resurrection: of Jesus, 264–66; Sadducean misunderstanding of, 209

Revenge, 49

Rewards, 53–54, 62

Rich men, 184

Rich young ruler, 183–84

Robertson, A. T., 218, 260, 269

Rock, Peter as, 162

Sabbath laws, 76, 111–14

Sadducees: and John the Baptist, 23; theology of, 208–9

Salome, 141–42

Salt, 42

Sanhedrin, 94, 164, 246–48, 258

Satan: 29–31, 57–58, 118, 131, 138, 218; Peter as, 164

Schweitzer, A., 95, 143–44, 216

Schweizer, E., 7, 25, 48, 54, 66, 74, 77, 103, 104, 106, 108–9, 127, 130, 151, 159, 168, 171, 194, 226, 230, 233, 234, 253, 266, 268, 269

Scott, W., 125

Scourging, 256

Sea of Galilee, 33, 78

Senior, D., 24, 97

Sermon on the Mount, composition of, 101

Shammai, 47, 182

Sheep and goats, parable of, 235–37

Shekinah, 168

Shema, 54, 210

Sherwin-White, A. N., 250

Sickness as a result of sin, 82

Sidon, 106, 152, 155

Signs, 120–21, 158, 166

Simon: meaning of name, 161; see also Peter

Simon of Cyrene, 257, 253

Simon the leper, 239

Sinners, 89

Six Woes, 215–18

Smith, H., 40

Snodgrass, K. R., 202

Sodom and Gomorrah, 101

Son of David, 7, 87, 117, 152, 192, 211

Son of God, 79, 160, 260

Son of Man, 77, 80, 113, 159–60, 165, 226, 229, 241, 247

Spurgeon, C. H., 94

Stahlin, G., 151

Star of Bethlehem, 14–15, 18

Stauffer, E., 13

Stein, R. H., 138

Stendahl, K., 41, 46, 55, 76, 80, 97, 116, 126, 136, 145, 162, 207, 211, 212, 250, 253, 267

Stoning, 219

Strack, H. L. and Billerbeck, P., 26, 62, 89, 100–101, 109, 120, 212, 223

Synoptic Problem, 183

Syrophoenician woman, 152–53

Tasker, R. V. G., 40, 42, 83, 86, 95, 115, 121, 150, 170, 181, 183, 192, 197, 200, 209, 213, 221, 224, 225, 227, 236, 255

Tassels, 86, 215

Tax, poll, 207–8

Taylor, V., 168

Temple, W., 149

Temple: built by Herod, 221; cleansing of, 196–97; courts of, 195; maintenance tax, 170–72

Temptations of Jesus, 28–31

Thieves crucified with Jesus, 258

Thirty silver coins, 239

Tolstoy, L., 216

Tombs: building of, 218; Jesus’ tomb, 261

Tradition of the elders, 148–49

Transfiguration, 167–68

Trial of Jesus, irregularities in, 250, 252–56

Trinitarian formula, 268

Triumphal entry, 194–97

Twelve disciples: mission journey of, 91–100; names of, 90–91

Two sons, parable of, 199

Two ways, teaching on, 67

Tyre and Sidon, 106, 152, 155

Unclean spirit, 122, 124

Unforgiving servant, parable of, 177–78

Unpardonable sin, 119

Valley of Hinnom, 45, 96, 178–79

Vermes, G., 15

Via, D. O., 138

Via Dolorosa, 256–57

Vincent, M. R., 51, 71, 110, 124

Virgil, 15

Vow of poverty, 184

Wallace, R. S., 139

Water, Jesus walking on, 145–46

Weddings, Jewish, 9–10

Weeds, parable of, 130–31

Weiss, B., 128

Wise men, 12–16

Withered hand, man with, 113–14

Women, in Jesus’ lineage, 8–9

Worry, 61–62, 94

Wrede, W., 73, 115

Zealots, 39

Zebedee, wife of, 189–90, 261

Zeitlin, S., 250