Princes Albert and Edward bathing at Cowes (Pasteur Institute)
The Princess of Wales with Prince Edward (Al Fayed Archives)
The Prince in formal dress (Sir Michael Thomas)
Punting at Oxford (Sir Michael Thomas)
The Prince on a route march (Al Fayed Archives)
With the King’s Guard (Pasteur Institute)
Portia Cadogan (Al Fayed Archives)
Rosemary Leveson-Gower (Imperial War Museum)
The Prince as Chief Morning Star (The Royal Collection © 2012)
Freda Dudley Ward (Lady Laycock)
Taking a jump successfully (Al Fayed Archives)
Falling at the last fence (Al Fayed Archives)
With Audrey Coates at Drummond Castle (Lady Alexandra Metcalfe)
With the Duchess of York (Al Fayed Archives)
Skiing with Prince George (Lady Alexandra Metcalfe)
Mrs Simpson (Michael Bloch)
The Duchess’s bedside snapshot of the Duke (Al Fayed Archives)
Wedding photograph (Lady Alexandra Metcalfe)
The Windsors in German (The Royal Collection © 2012)
Dignitaries in Nassau (Al Fayed Archives)
A visit to the United Seamen’s Service (Al Fayed Archives)
In dressing gown, photographed by the Duchess (Al Fayed Archives)