
I was so excited to see Zappit when Isi brought her home to me today that I sparked like crazy! I almost zapped poor Zappit! Zappit was being shy around me, but I think she was happy to be home. At least I hope so!

It was so much fun showing Isi around Dad’s lab today! He showed her all his creeperific machines and even let her combine two beakers of liquid to let her see what would happen. She totally freaked out when the new mixture started fizzing and spitting. She dropped it, and the whole thing exploded in sparks. Dad and I both cracked up, but Isi didn’t think it was quite as funny. She grabbed Zappit for comfort, then she and my little creature rubbed noses and danced around together. The two of them really do have a connection. I’ll have to be sure to invite Isi over to visit her a lot.

My dad was acting super proud when he starting telling Isi all about how I’d constructed Zappit with almost no help from him—and also about my idea for the tracking bot. I love this special bond I have with him. I can’t wait to tell him my plan for what I’m going to build next.

After Dad gave Isi the lab tour, she and I hung out in my room for a while, watching Zappit and Watzit while they played. Or, more like, not played. My two pets don’t really have the connection I thought they would… but I’m hoping if I give them some time, they’ll get their gears in sync. When we first got to my room, Watzit wouldn’t stop barking, so Zappit started growling. Then, after a few minutes of sniffing each other curiously, they retreated to opposite ends of the room and curled up—Watzit at my side, and Zappit beside Isi.

So scary-cute! Well, I guess we’ll see how things go. I’ll get Zappit charged up, then the two of them can take all day tomorrow to get to know each other better.

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