1. acute (uh-KYOOT) — sharp
  2. coincidence (koh-IN-si-duhns) — a surprising or remarkable event that seems to happen by chance
  3. concussion (kun-KUSH-uhn) — an injury to the brain caused by a heavy blow to the head
  4. evidence (EV-i-duhns) — information that helps prove something is true or not true
  5. grimace (GRIM-is) — a facial expression that usually expresses a negative reaction
  6. hotheaded (hot-HED-id) — easily angered
  7. mythology (mi-THAH-luh-jee) — a group of myths, especially ones that belong to a particular culture or religion
  8. protrude (proh-TROOD) — to extend beyond
  9. silhouette (sil-oo-ET) — a dark outline of someone or something, visible against a light background
  10. skeptical (SKEP-ti-kuhl) — doubting that something is really true
  11. unearthly (uhn-URTH-lee) — unnaturally strange and frightening