THIS BOOK IS THE PRODUCT OF YEARS of thoughts tumbling around my head, and now they are in a book you are reading. I still can’t believe it. I could not have done this without the support of my person, the best boy, Krispin. You are full of tireless empathy and kindness; you soften all my extremely sharp edges. I love you. To my children, Ramona and Ransom: you teach me about the kingdom of God every day, and when I grow up I hope I am more like you: full of anger at injustice, full of wonder and hope that the world could be a different way. Also I hope I can learn to dance like you.
To my writing group and our endless hours of conversation, laughter, and solidarity: Amy Peterson, Stina Kielsmeier-Cook, Jessica Goudeau, Christiana Peterson: I couldn’t do this without you. Special thanks to Kelley Nikondeha, who is both my personal cheerleader and my very favorite theologian, who stirs up the flame of love within me for a very good God. To my Tuesday night prayer group and all the lovely souls who have been a part of it for the past four years: thank you for helping me learn to give the burdens of my community back to God.
This book is indebted to the work of Adam McInturf at Windows Booksellers, who is the very best reference librarian friend a gal could ever have. I am especially thankful for the careful reading and editing of Breanna Randall, who from half the world away gently pointed out so many of my blind spots. To the Newbigin House of Studies and the many amazing conversations I had in your program, I am forever grateful. Special thanks for the rich conversations and learning I experienced with Dr. Peter Choi, Julie Rodgers, Mira Joyner, and Sally Steele. To the Collegeville Institute and the amazing work they do to support writers of faith: thank you. To the people who encouraged me, supported me, let me stay in their houses while I toiled away on this in the margins of my life, thank you. Harriet Congdon, Shawn Strannigan (hi Mom!), Lindsay Strannigan and Candyce Wani (hi sisters!), Brittany Win Lee, Josina Guess, Shannan Martin, and Becca Stanley. You all make me feel less lonely in the world.
I am thankful to everyone who gives me and my intense little heart the chance to publish, including my agent Rachelle Gardner, my editor Ethan McCarthy, and the good folks at InterVarsity Press.
To my neighbors, I am at a loss for words. To say thank you for the ways you have shaped me, quieted me, pressed me to speak up seems entirely inadequate. You have revealed to me the pharaoh that lies within my bones, you have shown me both how awful the world is and how much God sees and loves us all anyway. You make my heart burn and my brain never stop spinning. You most likely will never read this acknowledgment but I have to say it anyway: thank you for showing me the way forward every single day.