The Hunters come in deep in conversation.
Second Hunter
I dont mind losing the bet. Not at all dont get me wrong.
Third Hunter
Thats why he bet you.
Second Hunter
Exactly. I knew I would lose.
First Hunter
I dont get it.
Third Hunter
Reverse psychology.
Second Hunter
First Hunter
Reverse psychology on who, on me?
Second Hunter
On the convict.
Third Hunter
Very smart.
I dont get it.
Third Hunter
Hal was psyching out that convict.
First Hunter
Third Hunter
We shouldnt get on a first name basis with him.
First Hunter
Why not? “Monster!” Im not scared to say his name. And we’ll get real close to him soon enough—
Second Hunter
Cause I bet you. I bet you that he wouldnt come down.
I place such a bet knowing Im an unlucky guy, and therefore knowing that I would more likely than not lose the bet and that me losing the bet would mean he was coming. Me betting you exerted a psychic pull on him.
Third Hunter
Hals bad luck works like a charm.
First Hunter
Im giving you yr money back.
Second Hunter
Yr all right, Hank.
Third Hunter
Whens the last time we did a runthrough? You cant remember, right? Cause its been years.
First Hunter
Its been years cause its lots of work.
Third Hunter
Its also a lot of fun.
Whats a runthrough?
Third Hunter
The best thing to do to a convict when you catch him. It gets the loudest screams.
First Hunter
You get a hot iron rod and run it up his bottom and out his throat.
Third Hunter
Then you stick the rod in the ground and let him wiggle on the stick.
Second Hunter
First Hunter
You wouldnt think they would wiggle for long but they do.
Third Hunter
And the screams—
Second Hunter
Im game to try if you all are.
Third Hunter
We’re gonna find him, I can feel it. And besides getting rich off the money he’ll make us, we’ll have some fun.
First Hunter
Say it come on say it.
Second Hunter
Third Hunter
Monster! MONSTER!
First Hunter
Come on lets get to work.
They go on their way.