The coronation site of British royalty, the last resting place of kings, queens and celebrities, this architectural triumph is awash with history.
Westminster Abbey was founded c1050 by Edward the Confessor, who was the first king to be buried here. William the Conqueror was crowned king in the abbey on Christmas Day in 1066 and so began a tradition that was last re-enacted in 1953 when the coronation of the present monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, took place here.
The present building dates mostly from the 13th century and the reign of Henry III. The nave is full of graves and monuments, none more famous than the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, that represents the 765,000 British servicemen killed in World War I, though the real glory of the abbey lies beyond the sumptuously carved and gilded choir screen (by which Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin lie) in the Royal Chapels. Here you will find the coronation chair and the often magnificent tombs of dozens of royals.
The abbey’s tour de force lies at its easternmost point; Henry VII’s Lady Chapel, built between 1503 and 1519, with its sublime fan-vaulting. In the south transept is the famous Poets’ Corner where many celebrated writers, musicians and artists are honoured.
Try to see the beautiful abbey precinct that includes the cloisters, the Westminster Abbey Museum (with contemporary royal wax effigies), the Chapter House and the Pyx (‘money chest’) Chamber with its medieval tiled floor.
Map Reference 11D
Dean’s Yard, Broad Sanctuary
Abbey 020 7654 4900
Cloisters daily 8–6; abbey Mon–Fri 9:30–1:30, Sat 9:30–1:30. Last admission 1 hour before closing time. No sightseeing on Sun. Pyx Chamber, Chapter House and museum daily 10:30–3:30
Cloisters free; abbey expensive, includes Chapter House, museum, Pyx Chamber
Coffee stands outside abbey and in cloister
Westminster, St James’s Park
3, 11, 24, 53, 77a, 159, 211
Guided tours: Apr–Sep Mon–Fri 10, 10:30, 11, 2, 2:30; Sat 10, 10:30, 11; Oct–Mar Mon–Fri 10:30, 11, 2, 2:30; Sat 10:30, 11
Reserve tours in advance 020 7654 4832
Moderate; audio tour available Mon–Fri 9:30–3:30, Sat 9:30–1:30