Chapter Thirteen

Oscar continued to run his hand up the inside of his assistant’s leg, while he looked out from behind his desk and talked into his phone.

“Don’t be silly Brett, everyone is upset at the so called Woke at the moment, whatever that means, but relax. It’s just the birth pangs of a new idea. Trust me. they said exactly the same thing about the Printing Press, the Steam Engine, even the Internet. It will be fine, don’t worry. Now tell me about your Union problems; did they go away in the end?”

“Yes, eventually. Pagan Magner met with AFM and she made a big thing about the strike on CNN. In fact at one stage I thought she might have gone too far and we would really have to Unionize, but then she said she was going set up a Special Committee in Congress to look into it and assured the members, that although worker’s rights were top of her list, right now wasn’t the best time for any disputes.”

“Perfect and you still have your ethical reputation in tact.”

“Kind of. Well, in fact there’s been a bit of a backlash from some of our customers, you know saying that we have sold out. That’s why I don’t think we should be going any further down this progressive path right now, Oscar. I mean what does it prove?” said Brett, very unconvinced.

“It’s all about signals my dear boy. Lets us know who’s on our side plus there’s your Corporate Equality Index score to be considered.”

“But what about business Oscar? We’re here to make money aren’t we? You said so yourself?”

“And you will, but without a good Corporate Equality Index score my dear chap, no investor will touch you with a barge pole. That’s where the money is now. Customers are so last century Brett.”

“But how do we make a living, then?” said Brett, a little amazed.

“By playing to our base. Make them feel part of something, special. A tribe is the most powerful thing in the world, especially a new one. Make it specific and show the world that we are the victims, under attack from an out of touch majority. Remember, Christianity started with a few followers, didn’t it, and so it takes time. Use that energy, especially with the young. My God, Tik Tok is packed full of consumers just waiting for a new meaning to their pointless lives. Fuck me half of them think they are autistic or LGBTQ or some such shit, so let’s give them what they really want. A purpose, a flag to stand behind.”

“Well, err...”

“And Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? You met with our consultants, I trust.”

“Err, yes, but I didn’t expect it to cost so much.”

“Well, quality doesn’t come cheap.”

“Of course, I see that, but, to be completely honest with you Oscar, it’s actually causing more division in our work place, not less. Now everyone is complaining about micro-aggressions, and making grievances about each other every other day and even lunch times are much more segregated now. We never had that problem before, everyone just sat with whoever, but now the atmosphere is actually quite unpleasant” said Brett, desperately.

“It’s just teething problems. Look trust me on this Brett. It is the new road-map to success, so just continue denouncing anyone who disagrees with the progressive agenda, sack anyone who won’t use their pronouns, keep the pressure on. Show your side that you are not only listening to them but you are it’s new leaders.”

“But I just want to sell sausages Oscar.”

“And you will. But you must remember, everything is ethical right now and investors get very nervous about loans if they think you might be on the wrong side of the argument.”

“Oh, there’s no problem with the loan is there?” said Brett, nervously.

“Well, you never know with these things, but if you do as I say, the Fund Managers will love you and green light whatever money you want. In the end, it’s just good business.”

“Well if you’re sure?”

“I’m more than sure. Look, to put your mind at rest, I’ll send one of our best DEI consultants over to you next week, Kike Crenberg. She was on Dr Phil recently, and wiped the floor with a right wing Podcaster, she’s completely brilliant and this time, I’ll only charge you the normal rate.”

“What’s that again, I forget.”

“$30,000 for the day. Oh damn, someone has just walked in Brett, so I’ll have to dash. Talk later, ciao,” said Oscar promptly ending his call before looking up at the three large Vampires who had just walked into his office.

“Fucking twitchy yanks, how we ever got turned over by them, I’ll never know. Ah, Rory, Chester, Samuel, here at last. Took your time, I texted you six hours ago.”

“Carswell wanted us to drain a couple of homeless guys for a party tonight, sir.”

“It’s Lady Carswell to you.”

“Err, sorry Sir” said Chester.

“Homeless? that’s a bit low rent for her isn’t it?” said Oscar.

“COVID sir.”

“Okay, but as I said, I don’t want her to know about any of this, so make sure, when she talks to you, you block your minds just the way I showed you.”

“Sir” said all three in unison.

“Good. So, our target will be Lucius Noble,” said Oscar, as he began to open a folder on his desk.

“The footballer, sir?” said Chester, a little surprised.


“Oh, that’s a shame I quite like him,” said Samuel.

“Yeah he’s a Lege. Did you see that goal he scored last week against Liverpool?” said Rory.

“It was sick bruv and the celebration afterwards? Epic!” said Samuel clapping his hands together.

“Are we finished?” snapped Oscar, looking up from his desk.

“Err, sorry sir,” said all three again, this time, lowering their heads towards the floor of the office.

“Lucius Noble is an enemy of everything the Brotherhood of Blood stands for. He is like the first rays of dawn on our flesh, a sword in our heart. Do you understand?” said Oscar, leaning forward menacingly in his chair.

“Sir. Got a bit carried away, sir,” said Chester, placing his hands behind his back.

“Because it would be an awful shame to take away all those lovely privileges of being the Private Bodyguard of the Chief Imperator wouldn’t it? And suddenly, you find yourselves back in the same Essex sewer, I found you in. Good. So have we scoped the location?” said Oscar, satisfied he had made his point, before looking down at his folder again.

“Err yes we did. It’s all been spec’d out. But question sir.”

“Yes, Chester.”

“Why will it take four of us?”

“Because he is a Lycan.”

“A Lycan?” said all three in amazement.

“Yes, that a problem?” asked Oscar, not raising his eyes from his desk and still studying the contents of his folder.

“No sir. But surely, a Lycan wouldn’t take all of us, would it?” said Chester, probing further and now a little confused.

“He is enhanced, from the Benin Pack,” replied Oscar, casually.

“The Benin Pack?! But I thought they’d all been wiped out in the last Lycan war, sir.”

“So did I Chester, but one remains.”

“Err, okay. It’s just I’ve heard a few stories about the Benin Pack, sir,” said Chester, now a lot less certain, while Rory and Samuel gave each other an anxious glance.

“Afraid?” said Oscar, looking up with a grin.

“Err, well, no sir,” said all three.

“Well you should be. The Benin Pack, were the cream of the Lycan breed. Fast, immensely strong and very clever. Only Lady Carswell and Hector before he left, could lay a glove on them, so we don’t want any mistakes,” continued Oscar.

“No sir,” said Chester, firmly.

“Yeah, suppose it can’t be that hard, can it? End of the day. Still only a Lycan, ain’t he?” said Rory, slowly warming to the task.

“Yeah, and we can give the hairy scumbag a proper dig, for all the crap they give us half the time.”

“I’m afraid, it will be more than that Samuel. He has to die,” said Oscar, lacing his fingers together, in front of him.

“Die?! But won’t that start a new war sir? Keevan won’t stand for it, surely,” said Chester, stepping forward from his two colleagues and looking increasing alarmed.

“Don’t worry about Keevan, he has as much to lose as the rest of us. Lucius is dangerous and he has to go. There’s no other way” said Oscar, easing back in his chair to indicate that the meeting was over, before the three Vampires nodded their heads and quickly departed the room


“Oh, its so wonderful to have you back among us again,” declared Lady Carswell, as she strode down the steps of the Great Hall to kiss both of Hector’s cheeks before directing him to a seat at the highest table of the Vampire Council.

“It’s always been here, always empty, waiting for your return.”

“Full of mischief as usual Dierdra, You never change,” said Hector, with a wry smile.

“It’s true! The chair has always been there. Tell him Oscar. Oh what a brute,” protested Lady Carswell turning in mock outrage towards her Lover for confirmation.

“It’s true Count of La Mejorada, ever since you sadly left us 50 years ago.”

“Well I am touched and it’s Hector, you don’t always have to massage my posterior, Oscar.”

“I would never dream of it,” said Oscar, with a slippery grin, before they all took a seat and the Vampire Leader began to speak again.

“So you’re back my darling Hector, what fun. And what brings you out of isolation, may I ask? Much has changed, you know.”

“Yes I heard the Beatles are no longer together. I was in Cordoba, Dierdra, not Mars,” said Hector leaning back in his chair.

“But I know how you go to ground when things are not to your liking. I can never forget how upset you were after I intervened with the Paris Commune in 1871.”

“Well maybe it was just my little aversion to 30,000 people being slaughtered in the streets for wanting a fairer society.”

“Ah, always so sensitive, it’s what I love about you, Hector. But enough of the past, spill the beans. What has really brought you back?” said the Vampire Leader with an impish grin.

“Oh, nothing in particular. Just seemed like a good time. The wind is changing, and I felt I needed to be back amongst my own again.”

“And we are overjoyed to have you. Ah, the Council will be abuzz with such gossip once again. The Great Thinker has returned. And yes, you are right, things are changing and your advice will be needed now more than ever.”

“Well, you always have things under such good control Dierdra, but of course, if I can assist in any way, I will be more than happy to help. However, for the present, I am a little weary from my travels. Is my apartment still here?” said Hector, suddenly rising from his seat.

“Just as you left it. Kaspar, take the Count to his quarters, and attend to his every need. Make the Legend welcome in our midst once more” said Carswell, turning to stare in the direction of a heavily set guard, before Hector bowed his head to the Chief Imperator, and left the table.

“What the hell is he back for? This is the last thing we need right now,” hissed Oscar, as the doors of the Great Hall closed and the two Vampires were alone again.

“He is re-rejuvenated, I sense new life in him. We must keep a close eye, Oscar, but use discretion. Hector is one of the 7 Elite, so be very careful.”

“He looks older to me.”

“He no longer lives in your heart, my love?”

“Don’t remind me, I was very young and he had more hair.”

“Such ingratitude. But do not dismiss him so quickly, my sweet. He is powerful, beyond even your ken and he has come back for something; I can see it in his eyes.”

“Don’t worry, I will make sure he doesn’t get up to anything.”

“Excellent, and our little friend, Lucius the Lycan?”

“Oh you know?” said Oscar, taking a step back, and unable to mask his surprise that his little subterfuge had been uncovered.

“Of course. I read the thought’s of your little Gang. You didn’t think your mind block would work, did you? Like all men, you under-estimate me, my dearest love. So, he is Tamur’s son. Well, it took all I had to kill the father, the son will be just as difficult. Is Keevan on board?”

“He knows,” said Oscar, lowering his head.

“Excellent. The world has very little time for romantics, and Keevan was always a pragmatist. Oh and in future, Oscar, please don’t lie to me, you know how much it disappointments,” said Carswell, coldly, before stepping forward to grab her lover’s shirt and press her mouth against his lips.

For the next few nights, as instructed, an army of Oscar’s informants, both Vampire and Familiar, dogged his every move, and as a consequence, Hector led them on a merry dance around London, as he caught up with old friends or leafed through rare manuscripts in the British Library in the early hours of the morning. Gradually, all of his trackers revealed themselves to him and so one by one he hypnotized them to tell their master that all was well and “The old man” was just catching up with the new century, after his long absence. In reality, this was not too far from the truth, as Hector’s eyes now sparkled with wonder, at the sudden transformation of the Ancient City , and like the great actor it had always been, London was now relishing its new role at the centre of a globalized world. So many languages, so many different faces. Gone was the grey homogeneity of the past and it would indeed, now be a pleasure to spend some time in the home of John Dee and William Blake.

However, for the moment, this delight would have to wait, and so making very sure that he wasn’t being followed again, Hector made his way to a suburb in North London, to perch on the roof of a terraced house and stare in at a bedroom opposite.

“So here I am Colin. Tell me to my face that I’m a second-rate chimpanzee. We’re all alone now. Don’t be shy.”

“I’m sorry,” blurted out Colin.

“Too predictable asshole. You’re a racist, troll, aren’t you? A fucking useless bully, who’s shitty life means that you want to infect everyone else with your disgusting misery. Fortunately, your abuse, means nothing to me, but you have been persecuting my brethren Colin. Black footballers, black singers, black MPs, probably even the next door’s dog because he isn’t white enough. I have traced your accounts, very clever to register abroad, but not clever enough my dear little bigot, but now you are going to die” replied Lucius producing a chloroform-soaked handkerchief from behind his back and pressing it over the face of his victim. In seconds Colin’s body went limp, and quickly walking across the room to pull a belt from a pair of jeans lying on the floor the Werewolf was just about to wrap it around the skinny neck of the young man, when a familiar scent, made him quickly turn his head and scowl.


“Do you think, it will hold?” asked Hector, looking towards the hook on the back of the bedroom door.

“They usually do,” said Lucius, casually before returning to his gruesome task.

“So this is not your first?”

“It’s my fourth. What do you want Bloodsucker? I told your friend, Oscar to keep out of my business.”

“Oscar? Oh he’s no friend of mine. By the way, my compliments on your transformation, Lycan. In fact, it reminded me of… but they are sadly all gone now.”

“Not all.”

“You are of the Benin Pack? How? I saw you Father perish in…” said Hector, his eyes now widening in genuine shock.

“I am his son.”

“My God. Tamur had a son? Of course, this makes sense, now. Your father was a great leader, I remember him well. You have his strength and fury.”

“What do you want old man,” said the Werewolf, wincing at the sound of his father’s name, while he continued to drag the body towards the door.

“Nothing in particular. Just here to observe. Pray, what is the reason for this random homicide? Lycans are rarely so psychopathic.”

“He’s a troll, sending filth to Singers and Actors, so I decided to show him where his words can lead.”

“Protecting celebrities? Surely, that’s not your style, Lucius?”

“Life has consequences. But fear not, Vampire, it’s not just about race, the other three I killed organised pile ons, got people fired for no reason, ruined lives.”

“Everything has to be paid for?”


“I have a dear friend, who is doing the same. Killing white middle class liberals, would you believe? You should meet. You’d make quite a team.”

“Is he a Demon?”


“Then I’ll pass.”

“Well, at least, let me help. I will hold the head, while you pull on his legs” said Hector as Colin hung on the back of the door and started thrash about wildly for a minute or so, until the life finally departed his fluorescent pink body.

“Do you feel better now?”

“Very. What do you want Vampire?” asked Lucius again, placing his hands on his hips.

“Hector, please.”

“Hector? The Spanish Scourge?”

“At your service.”

“You killed many of my kind,” said the Werewolf, backing away slightly, now with a little less assurance in his voice.

“Only in defence, I was an unwilling soldier in a pointless war.”

“Of course, you parasites are never the victims are you? Anyway, I thought you’d disappeared, gone to ground,” said Lucius, regaining his poise.

“I had. But I always make an appearance when things get interesting and you are very interesting.”

“Glad, I entertain”, said the Lycan, with a wry smile.

“I want to help. What you are doing is radical.”

“Frankly, I couldn’t care less what you think, Bloodsucker. You stink of the Elite. I have nothing to say to someone like you,” said Lucius suddenly, unconvinced by Hector’s words and preparing to leave the bedroom.

“But I was born a poor Jew.”

“Well suck it up muthafucka. I was born black,” said Lucius, turning around again.

“So you get more points?”

“Much more.”

“A competition then?”

“It’s the only one, we can win.”

“Are you sure? Try Hadrian wiping out half a million of my people in the First Century” said Hector with a grin.

“Try the Atlantic slave trade.”

“The Expulsion of Jews from Spain.”

“Jim Crowe.”

“The Russian Progroms.”



“What about Israel?” said Lucius folding his arms.

“Ah, a terrible nightmare. The Palestinians deserve a home, but then so do the Jews. I sometimes, think it was a pity that the Promised Land wasn’t located somewhere in Antarctica or Idaho, then we may have peace. However, let us not argue over impossible problems, last of the Benin Pack. So, like your father, you make waves. What does Keevan say about this?” said Hector, with a warm smile.

“He says nothing.”

“The Lycan Overlord does not approve?”

“He says I’m a heretic.”

“The good ones often are. That’s why I am here to help.”

“Help? Don’t make me laugh. Vampires only help themselves.”

“But you know of my reputation?”

“They say you are just. They say, my father thought well of you,” said the Lycan lowering his head, less sure now, as he was reminded of his dead father once more.

“And I of him. Look, you may not believe this, but we are on the same side Lucius. You must let me help,” repeated Hector.

“Oh, like you helped my father, when Carswell, tore his throat out. I know the stories,” said Lucius, baring his teeth in fury.

“We were at war, my boy. These things are beyond our control. Your father would have done the same, if it was me. You see this is why we must join together to stop the Carswell’s and the Keevans causing more conflict, more misery and bring real change to this world. You have made great strides, Lucius, and you will make many more. I sense your power. But there are great dangers out there for you, right now. More than you know. Therefore, I implore you with every beat of my corrupted heart; let me help you?” said Hector, now with his arms almost outstretched, as the young Lycan stared back with uncertain eyes.

However, the fury in his blood, overtook him again and scowling “Then get out of my way,” he barged past Hector and through the bedroom window, leaving the Vampire with a sudden sense of dread in his heart.