Black-Eyed Peas

½ plus 1 gallon water

2 cups dry black-eyed peas

2 tablespoons bacon grease

4 ounces fatback

4 ounces ham hock or ham

Salt and pepper

In a large pan cover the peas with ½ gallon water to clean. Rinse well and drain. Rinse again and discard the peas that float to the top of the water. In a large stockpot combine the remaining 1 gallon water with the black-eyed peas. Add the bacon grease, fatback, ham hock or ham, and salt and pepper to taste to the pot. Turn the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn the heat down to low and simmer, stirring often, for 1 hour.

Hint: The peas have a tendency to stick and scorch the pot if the water is allowed to cook down too low. Simply add more water during cooking to avoid scorching.