Mama’s Fried Chicken

This recipe comes to us from Patsy Riley, first lady of the state of Alabama. She says she is dedicating the recipe to her three daughters. It promises to “catch a man.” If he doesn’t take this bait, he’s not worth having. Good luck, girls.

8 (6 to 8-ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breasts or strips

2 eggs

1 quart (4 cups) buttermilk

6 cups self-rising flour

1 bottle vegetable oil


Wash the chicken. In a large bowl beat the eggs. Add the buttermilk and blend. Add the chicken to the milk mixture and marinate for 30 minutes. Roll the chicken one piece at a time in the flour. Pour the oil in a large skillet and place on medium heat. Fry in the hot oil until the chicken is golden brown. Salt to taste.

Hint: Mrs. Riley uses a Fry Daddy; she finds it works best.