Babe’s Brownie Stuff

My family members are native Georgians and my immediate family members are Atlanta natives. We enjoy our “little bite of something sweet” at the end of a meal. My grandmother, who well into her 80s still fixed that big noon meal, always said, “I’m so full, but I could use a little bite of something sweet.” My mother came up with this recipe about 40 years ago and dished up and served it in pretty individual cut-glass dishes. This recipe surely fits the bill for that “little bite.”

1 (21-ounce) package brownie mix

1½ cups chopped pecans or walnuts

1 half-gallon vanilla ice cream (Blue Bell or Mayfield)

Bake the brownie mix according to package directions, adding the chopped nuts to the batter. While the brownies are baking, empty the entire carton of ice cream into a 9 × 13-inch (or slightly larger) glass or metal pan. Cut the ice cream into pieces so it begins to soften. When the brownies are ready and still hot, dump the baked brownies on the ice cream in the dish. Mix the brownies and ice cream together, leaving some of the brownies in small pieces, but still well incorporated into the ice cream. This mixture will be slightly soupy and chunky. Cover the dish with foil and freeze until firm. Scoop out as you would ice cream into serving bowls.


Carole Turner

Acworth, Georgia