Lemonade is served daily at the Blue Willow Inn Restaurant. While our guests are waiting to be seated, our ladies dressed in antebellum gowns serve lemonade on the porches and grounds. This lemonade is refreshing anytime. We have left the sugar to your judgment because some southerners like it tart and others like it syrupy sweet.
Country Time lemonade mix
Granulated sugar
Fresh lemons
A shortcut to lemonade is to use Country Time lemonade mix as a base for lemonade. Follow the directions on the carton for the desired amount of lemonade. For each 8 ounces (1 cup) lemonade, use 2 teaspoons sugar and the juice of 1 lemon. Squeeze each lemon into a small bowl and remove the seeds. In a pitcher stir the lemon juice and the lemon pulp into the lemonade mix. For a pretty addition place mint sprigs along the sides of the pitcher and float snapdragons or lemon balm on top.
Hint: For freshly squeezed lemonade use 2 to 3 lemons per 8 ounces of water and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Use more or less lemon and sugar for desired taste.
Variations: For Peachy Lemonade add 2 (5½-ounce) cans peach or apricot nectar and 1 cup frozen peach slices. For Pink Lemonade add ¼ cup grenadine and ½ pint fresh or frozen strawberries or raspberries.