Poppa’s Eggnog

My daughter, Mandy, called my father “Poppa,” and when the holidays rolled around we would make “Poppa’s Eggnog” to toast the holidays. My daughter would get so excited because she would be allowed to sip the foam and make a foam mustache. However, my dad’s mother was the originator of this recipe as far as my dad could recall. (My dad passed away March 16, 2005, on his eighty-seventh birthday.) He remembered his mother serving this eggnog at family holidays, especially Christmas. She also used it for “medicinal purposes.”

When we were growing up, we would travel each Christmas to the family farm located in North Carrollton, Mississippi, and gather at my grandparents’ farm on Christmas Eve to celebrate the season with a bit of cheer. The children were allowed to sip the foam on the top of the glass, and I remember it made me feel so adult.

After my grandmother died, we continued the tradition in my parents’ home, and I have since carried on this tradition with my family.

3 eggs, separated

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

1½ to 2 shots whiskey

1½ to 2 cups whole milk

In a medium-size mixing bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until light. Add the whiskey and mix well. Add the milk. Beat the egg whites until they are thick but not dry. Add them to the whiskey mixture and lightly work in with a spoon. The eggnog should look foamy. Pour and serve.


Marilyn Goucher

Oxford, Georgia