This punch recipe has been passed down from one family to another over the years and is always requested by everyone who is fortunate enough to try it. The refreshing taste of this truly southern concoction evokes wonderful “Old South” memories of ladies gathering on a warm summer afternoon under the shade of large oak trees, with laughter and gaiety in abundance.
12 sprigs fresh mint
6 pounds granulated sugar
3 dozen lemons, juice and hulls
3 quarts (12 cups) water
3 (46-ounce) cans pineapple juice
Green food coloring
8 quarts (7½ liters) ginger ale
Mint sprigs for garnish
In a 5-quart saucepan boil the mint, sugar, lemon juice, and the lemon hulls in the water. Strain and remove the mint sprigs and lemon hulls. Add the pineapple juice and several drops of food coloring. (You determine the richness of color, but pale green looks best.) Store the punch in the refrigerator. When ready to serve, add two parts of this mixture to one part ginger ale and one part water. Garnish with sprigs of mint.
Hint: This punch will last for months in the refrigerator, so it is an excellent “do-ahead” punch for teas, bridal parties, and large church functions.
Deborah P. Massey
Covington, Georgia