Texas Governor’s Mansion Summer Peach Tea Punch

This recipe comes from Anita Perry, First Lady of the State of Texas. She says that her remarkable chef, Sarah Bishop, has made hundreds of gallons of this delicious summer tea for receptions and events at the mansion. It is incredibly popular, and the recipe, though somewhat complicated, is well worth the effort. Sarah’s torch has now been passed to Dean Peterson, who now makes the punch for various mansion events.

4 cups water

3 family-size tea bags

4 cups fresh mint

1 (12-ounce) can lemonade concentrate, undiluted

2 bottles Knudsen’s Peach Nectar (no substitutes)

2 liters ginger ale, chilled

2 liters club soda

½ to 1 cup simple syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water slowly boiled for about 4 minutes)

In a saucepan on high heat boil the water to steep the tea and the mint. Steep for about 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags. Leave the mint in the solution until it cools. Strain into a 2-gallon container. Add the lemonade, peach nectar, and the simple syrup to taste. Add the ginger ale and the club soda.