“Before you say no, I want you to listen to me,” Tully said with her hands up. “Your mother’s here and asking to see you again.”
“And what part of no didn’t she get yesterday?” Bailey asked.
“Guys, I know she upset you with how she handled things, but I’m asking you to just meet with her for a few minutes.”
“Why are you being so nice to her?”
“This has nothing to do with nice, Bailey. It’s got to do with simplifying our lives.” She put her hands up again when Bailey started to ask something else. “You can’t go the rest of your life without seeing her.”
“Until I’m eighteen and I can do whatever the hell I want.”
“True, but you have another couple of years before that magical birthday, so please do me this favor since I’ll be paying for your tuition and the apartment you hope to have once you turn eighteen and only want to talk to me about money.” Tully dropped into an empty chair and rubbed her temples. “You know how much I love going to court, but I want to come to some agreement without someone in a robe making us.”
“You think Mama would take you to court?” Ralph asked.
“Eventually, if I keep saying no, but even then, don’t worry about it, buddy.” After leaning forward and placing her hand on Ralph’s shoulder, she turned to Bailey. “You don’t have to talk or act like everything’s okay. Just let her see that I’m not beating you and am actually feeding you on occasion.”
“That’s it?” Bailey asked.
“That’s it. Then you can go home, lock yourself in your room, and listen to music I find objectionable.”
Bailey cracked a smile. “Can we leave when we’re done?”
“Sure, I’m sure your grandmother will be thrilled to see us early.” Tully squeezed Ralph’s shoulder, then stood up. “Just remember that I’m a call away if you need anything.”
“We’ll be testing that claim, trust me,” Bailey said as they walked to the conference room.
Jessica Badeaux sat alone in the firm’s expensive-looking conference room and stared through the wall of glass across from her. Tully had always joked that the opulent furnishings were intended more to intimidate than to make a fashion statement. Sort of a message to visiting attorneys that the firm of Barnes, Corey, and Badeaux made a living by eating the competition before they even realized they were on the menu. Their high success rate allowed them to afford the trappings.
That conversation felt like a lifetime ago, a lifetime that had included her perfect family and loving partner. A lifetime she’d traded so easily for a chance with Kara Nicolas, but she wouldn’t change what she’d done. For once she felt like the rebel her parents never allowed her to be, and forgetting that perfect life had made her skin tingle when Kara peered at her with such desire in her eyes.
Sitting there alone, Jessica felt as if the trade-off that had jump-started her libido would reveal the true meaning of this room. The Tully who had served her strawberries every year for Valentine’s Day would be replaced by the Tully who strove to win. This room reflected her competitive nature, and nothing in their past would make a difference.
“Mama?” Ralph stood at the door with his hand on the knob, obviously waiting for Jessica to acknowledge them. Bailey shoved him inside.
Seeing only the two of them, Jessica relaxed and stood with her arms out. Both children rebuffed her silent request for a hug and just sat.
“Where’s your mom?” she asked.
“If you want to meet with her, I suggest you get Roxanne in here,” Bailey said, taking her usual combative pose, arms folded across her chest.
“I came to see you guys, so please give me a chance, Bailey, before we waste our time together.”
“We had time together two days ago.” Bailey snapped her fingers as if suddenly remembering something. “Oh, wait, you threw us out at the curb.”
“What I did was a mistake on so many levels. You’re right. I’m sorry for that.”
Ralph leaned forward like he’d suddenly taken an interest in the conversation. “You’re coming back?”
“Not anytime soon.” Jessica shook her head. “I just meant that I should’ve told your mom sooner that I wasn’t happy with our relationship.”
“Yeah. I’m sure that whole girlfriend situation was a real drag when you’re supposed to be faithful and all.” Bailey wiped her palms on her jeans in a gesture that made Jessica know she was nervous and trying to control the urge to get up and leave. “You’ve seen us and I’m sure we’ll hook up whenever Mom says we have to, but right now this is a waste of time.”
“I’ve been here less than five minutes.”
“Look, Mama, I’m sure you’re here to make things right and to make yourself feel better, but you don’t have to worry.” Bailey stood up. “Everything’s fine, and we’ll see you when we do. If that’s all you wanted, we’re done.” She left, glancing at Ralph as she stalked out.
“Ralph, I’m sorry.” Jessica tried one last time to salvage something.
“Like Bailey said, no problem.” His departure wasn’t as smooth as Bailey’s, but he followed her quickly.
When they were done, Tully walked in and leaned against the door.
Jessica stared at her, trying to remember the very last time they’d been intimate. However, she couldn’t see past the haze of passion that Kara induced in her.
“Tully, listen—”
“I need to know when you want to get your things out of the house.” Tully’s voice was devoid of emotion. “This weekend might be a good time. I’m taking the kids to see my parents.”
“Alma will be thrilled to hear about my fall from grace.”
“Have whoever is going to represent you contact me about separating our assets.” Tully ignored the shot at her mother. “This isn’t a divorce in the eyes of the law, but we do have a partnership of sorts that needs to be dissolved.”
“What about the kids?”
“I’ve enrolled them, at their request, at University High. They start Monday. As for their care, I’ll take full responsibility for the time being.”
Jessica closed her eyes long enough to center herself. She didn’t want to lash out and make things worse. “Whatever happened between us, we need to make our major decisions together. I don’t think changing something as important as their school is the right thing to do right now.”
“The only other matter we need to discuss is how Dr. Nicolas will fit into my children’s lives when they spend time with you. Once you have the particulars on all that, call Roxanne and schedule an appointment.”
After the slam of the door left her alone, Jessica let the tears roll. She wouldn’t be able to return to the safety she’d known for so long.