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- abolitionism, 15, 19, 57, 70, 87, 91, 196
- Abraham Lincoln: A History (Hay and Nicolay), 28, 225, 240–41
- Adams, Charles Francis, 20
- Ames, Evelina, 177, 178
- Anderson, Martin Brewer, 99
- Andrews, Rufus, 198
- Angell, Hannah, 65, 67
- Antietam, Battle of, 123–24, 152
- Appomattox, Lee’s surrender at, 225
- Army, U.S., 18, 34–35, 42–44, 58–60, 89
- Negroes enlisted in, 57, 139, 146, 147–48, 166, 203
- see also Union Army
- Army of Northern Virginia, 155, 222
- Army of the Potomac, 140, 154, 177, 201
- McClellan as commander of, 95, 101–2, 111–15, 118, 120–25
- Army of Virginia, 118, 121
- Arnold, Isaac N., 132
- Arnold, Samuel Green, 137
- Baker, Edward, 66, 71–72, 73, 74, 90, 207
- Ball’s Bluff, Battle of, 66, 71, 74, 102, 207
- Banks, Nathaniel, 150
- Barnes, Joseph K., 226
- Barney, Hiram, 198
- Barnwell, Robert, 147
- Barton, Clara, 129
- Bates, Dorus, 5
- Bates, Edward, 96, 220, 222
- Beaufort, S.C., 139, 145–46, 149, 162, 178, 189
- Blair, Montgomery, 70, 218, 220, 221–22
- Boker, George Henry, 178–79
- Booth, John Wilkes, 178, 225
- Brady, Mathew, 38
- Brown, John, 15, 16
- Browning, Orville, 19, 56–57, 89, 94, 132, 201
- Bryan, William Jennings, 240
- Buchanan, James, 16, 22
- Buell, Don Carlos, 93, 103
- Bull Run, First Battle of, 66–67, 71, 73, 102, 125
- Bull Run, Second Battle of, 117–22, 124
- Burgdorf, Louis, 77, 79
- Burnside, Ambrose, 125, 126, 132, 133, 134, 177
- Butler, Benjamin, 229
- Butterfield, Daniel, 101, 162–63
- Cabinet, 19, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35–36, 57, 75, 81, 86, 95, 103, 106
- AL’s conferences with, 50, 70, 106, 112, 120–21, 134, 160
- Calhoun, John C., 58
- Cameron, Simon, 34–35, 70, 95, 106, 177–78, 208–9, 221
- Campbell Hospital, 120, 132, 137
- Carpenter, Francis B., 202
- Carroll, William T., 136
- Chancellorsville, Battle of, 149, 152
- Charleston, S.C., 41, 138–39, 140
- harbor at, 16, 42, 139, 141–44, 149, 176, 178
- Chase, Salmon, 26, 75, 96, 97, 112, 120, 128, 134, 185, 189, 190–91
- presidency campaign for, 195, 196, 199, 222
- Chicago Zouaves, 2, 35
- Chickamauga, Battle of, 172, 186
- Cisco, John, 199
- Civil War, U.S., 23–24, 54, 61
- casualties of, 2, 63–66, 93, 113, 114, 118, 122, 132, 134, 150, 153, 206
- first shots fired in, 16, 140
- press coverage of, 63, 74, 79–80, 87, 115
- talk and rumors of, 41–42, 44
- see also Confederate Army; Union Army; specific battles and military units
- Clausewitz, Carl Philipp von, 152
- Clay, Henry, 99, 100
- Clephane, James O., 127
- Cleveland, Grover, 240
- Colfax, Schuyler, 185, 215
- Confederate Army, 50, 113, 115
- defeats and retreats of, 63, 74, 91, 93, 123–24, 152–53
- federal forts attacked by, 16, 19, 36, 42, 55, 152
- guerrillas in, 48–49, 53, 69–70, 81–82
- Union capture of prisoners from, 80, 81–82, 91, 202
- victories of, 19, 42, 55, 66, 71, 102, 150
- see also specific battles and leaders
- Confederate States of America, 16, 22, 31
- communications disrupted by, 54, 61
- flag of, 55, 61, 63, 65
- naval strategy against, 139, 140
- Northern sympathizers with, 97–98
- see also secession; specific states
- Congress, U.S., 12, 57, 59, 70, 85, 138, 140, 184–86
- see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
- Conkling, James, 166, 167, 169, 184
- Constitution, U.S., 6, 108, 151, 185, 202
- Davis, David, 14, 132, 197, 228, 229
- Davis, Henry Winter, 219
- Davis, Jefferson, 16, 54, 161–62
- Davis, Mattie McCook, 175
- D.C. Rifles, 42–43, 44, 53–54, 60
- Declaration of Independence, 80
- Democratic Party, 4, 22, 72, 85, 114, 115, 151–52, 160, 196, 214, 218
- Dickens, Charles, 8, 37
- Dix, Dorothea, 53, 128, 129
- Dix, John, 170, 171
- Dixon, James, 185, 187
- Douglas, Adele Cutts, 138, 158
- Douglas, Stephen, 4, 13, 66, 72, 158
- AL’s debates with, 6, 15
- Draft Riot of 1863, 156
- Dubois, Jesse, 14, 81
- Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 139, 140–44, 149
- Durant, Thomas Clark, 172–73
- Eames, Charles, 96, 97
- Eames, Fanny, 68, 96–97
- Early, Jubal, 201, 218
- economic depression of 1893, 240
- elections, U.S., 5, 15
- of 1860, 2, 3, 6, 13, 14
- of 1864, 189, 192, 194, 197–201, 209–12, 218–22, 229
- Ellsworth, Elmer Ephraim, 1–3, 15, 17, 23, 36, 56, 59–63, 72
- AL’s relationship with, 2, 14, 33, 34–35, 43, 64–65
- character and personality of, 2, 3, 33–34, 44, 59, 62
- death of, 2, 63–66, 67, 90
- Hay on, 33–34, 44, 54, 59, 61
- Hay’s relationship with, 1, 14, 43, 54, 61, 65, 67
- leadership of, 2, 33, 44, 54–55, 59–60, 63
- militias organized by, 2, 35, 39, 43–44, 54–55, 58–59
- Stoddard and, 61–62, 66
- Emancipation Proclamation, 123, 160, 166, 167, 169, 203
- England, 8, 20, 127, 128
- Everett, Edward, 180, 183
- Fahnestock, Charles, 181
- Fair Oaks, Battle of, 113
- “Farewell Address” (Lincoln), 15
- Fessenden, William Pitt, 220, 221
- Fillmore, Millard, 171
- financial panic of 1857, 5
- Fire Zouaves, 43–44, 54–55, 56, 58–59, 60, 62, 63
- “First Inaugural Address” (Lincoln), 18–19
- First South Carolina colored troops, 147
- Florida, 16, 36, 56, 145, 188, 233
- Forbes Theatre, 8–9, 10
- Ford’s Theatre, 178, 187–88, 215, 224, 225
- Forney, John W., 181–82, 185, 188
- Fort Sumter, 31, 35, 140
- Confederate siege of, 16, 19, 42, 55, 140
- evacuation of, 16, 21–22, 35–36, 43
- Union invasion of, 139, 141, 176
- Fox, Gustavus, 104, 141, 142, 218–19
- Fredericksburg, Battle of, 125, 132, 134, 135
- freedmen, 146–48, 208
- Freedmen’s Bureau, 146
- free-soil cause, 4, 8
- Frémont, John Charles, 68–71, 195, 200
- foreign officers recruited by, 69
- Union Army Western Department headed by, 68, 69, 71, 112
- French, Benjamin, 154, 183, 184, 229
- French, Mansfield, 146
- Gardner, Alexander, 161–62, 177
- Garfield, James, 186, 236
- Gay, Sydney Howard, 200
- Georgia, 16, 140
- Germany, 55, 106, 223
- Gettysburg, Battle of, 152–53, 154, 156, 158, 172, 180–83, 186
- “Gettysburg Address” (Lincoln), 181, 182, 183, 184
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 7
- gold speculation, 100, 133, 135, 152, 155, 172–74, 229, 235
- Grant Ulysses S., 91, 93, 113, 139, 184, 222, 232
- as commander in chief, 125, 194, 202, 204, 206–7, 209, 218, 225
- Greeley, Horace, 44, 189, 200, 203–4, 220–21, 235
- Gurley, Phineas D., 226
- Hackett, James, 186–88
- Hall, Allen A., 92
- Halleck, Henry, 112, 117–19, 120, 125, 194, 226
- Halpine, Charles G., 145
- Hamilton, Alexander, 57, 157
- Hamilton, James, 57, 68
- Hamlin, Hannibal, 208, 211
- Harper’s Ferry, Va., 15, 50, 109, 124
- Harrison, Benjamin, 240
- Hatch, Ozias M., 5, 6
- Hay, Charles, 7, 10
- Hay, Charles E., 139, 144–45, 226–27
- Hay, Clara Stone, 91, 235–36
- Hay, Helen Leonard, 7, 68, 144–45, 189
- Hay, John Milton, 2–3
- as AL’s assistant private secretary, 1, 14–15, 20–21, 23–26, 29, 30–34, 45–53, 54–57, 59, 61–63, 66–70, 76–77, 79–82, 86–87, 90–91, 93–96, 101–6, 109, 112, 115–24, 138–44, 147–48, 211–14
- AL’s relationship with, 12–15, 21, 51, 56–57, 73, 91, 103–4, 117–20, 156–67, 187–88, 201–6, 242
- character and personality of, 3, 9–12, 13–14, 20–21, 29, 43, 45, 52, 70, 72, 77, 115–17
- death of, 234, 242
- depressions of, 9–10, 11–12, 67–68
- diaries of, 45, 46–49, 52–53, 54, 56, 75, 90–91, 137, 144, 146, 157, 174, 175, 204–5, 211, 213, 220, 223, 229, 242
- diplomatic appointments of, 7, 225, 226–27, 234–35, 241
- education of, 7–8, 9, 10–11, 13, 21, 52
- Ellsworth and, 1, 14, 43, 54, 61, 65, 67
- furloughs and entertainments of, 68, 96–97, 126–27, 138–39, 166–67, 189–90
- humor of, 14, 45, 91, 115–16, 157
- Interior Department appointment of, 21, 40
- journalism of, 91, 102–3, 105–7, 160, 182–83
- law study and practice of, 7, 10–11, 13, 14
- Mary Lincoln and, 86, 89, 94–95, 131–32, 191–92, 193, 194, 227
- Mrs. Lander and, 9, 47–49, 51–53, 72, 73, 91, 127–31, 133–35, 139, 146–49, 162, 165–66, 178–80, 188, 238–39
- Nicolay’s relationship with, 7, 11, 13, 14, 24, 37–40, 42, 60–62, 76, 94–95, 96–97, 105, 117, 126–27, 131, 136, 141–42, 215–16, 230–31, 238–42
- Robert Lincoln and, 114, 137, 225–26, 228
- as secretary of state, 241–42
- special missions of, 69, 70, 138–44, 147–48
- Stoddard and, 96, 115–17, 174, 235
- Hay, Milton, 7, 10, 13, 15
- Hayes, Rutherford B., 236
- Herrmann, Alexander, 106, 107
- Higginson, Thomas, 148
- Hodges, Albert G., 202–3
- Holt, Joseph, 157, 209–10
- Hood, John B., 222
- Hood, Thomas, 204–6
- Hooker, Joseph, 125, 140, 149
- House, Edward, 63
- House of Representatives, U.S., 39, 54, 185
- Howe, Julia Ward, 101
- Howells, William Dean, 6
- Hunter, David, 35, 46, 50, 57, 71, 128, 129, 139, 140, 141, 143, 145, 177–78, 229
- Illinois, 29, 39, 56, 68, 89
- politics in, 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 27
- Interior Department, U.S., 21, 27, 40, 51, 56
- Jackson, Andrew, 30, 56, 58, 116, 132
- Jackson, James W., 63
- Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,” 74, 118, 121
- Jefferson, Joseph, 46, 51, 52, 53
- Jerome, Edward B., 71
- Johnson, Andrew, 210–12, 232
- Johnson, William, 160
- Johnston, Albert Sidney, 93
- Johnston, Annie, 10–13, 16–17
- Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 195
- Kansas-Nebraska Act, 3–4
- Keckley, Elizabeth, 85, 228–29
- Kellogg, Francis William, 186
- Kentucky, 97, 160
- Lamon, Ward Hill, 14, 17, 83, 137, 211–12, 229
- Lander, Frederick, 47–48, 51–52, 105, 238
- Civil War service of, 72–75, 91
- explorations of, 47, 51, 52, 72
- illness and death of, 74–75, 91, 128
- Lander, Jean Margaret Davenport, 132, 234
- assassination plot revealed by, 48–49, 52, 53
- Hay’s relationship with, 9, 47–49, 51–53, 72, 73, 91, 127–31, 133–35, 139, 146–49, 162, 165–66, 178–80, 188, 238–39
- horseback riding of, 139, 145–46
- stage career of, 8–9, 47, 49, 51–52, 105, 128, 165–66, 179, 224–25, 238
- supervisory hospitals appointment of, 129, 139, 141, 146, 162, 178
- widowhood of, 75, 91, 97, 127–31, 133–35, 146–48, 238
- Lane, James Henry, 45, 46, 55–56
- Lee, Robert E., 113, 118, 123, 124, 134, 149, 152–55, 158, 177, 222, 225
- “Lèse-Amour” (Hay), 190
- Lincoln, Abraham:
- anti-slavery stance of, 4, 8, 13, 18, 87, 159, 196, 202–3
- assassination of, 225–31, 241
- assassination plots against, 17, 18, 25, 48–49, 52, 53, 83
- biographies of, 28, 225, 232, 236, 239–41
- character and personality of, 28, 65, 89, 91–92, 101–2, 104–5, 108, 113
- conscience and principles of, 13, 21, 22, 28, 57–59, 221
- conversation and storytelling of, 12, 13, 133, 157, 162–63
- criticism of, 16, 87, 88, 134, 135, 150, 167, 180, 189, 195–96, 200, 203–4
- 1860 presidential campaign and election of, 2, 3, 6, 13–14, 16, 27, 28, 75
- 1861 inauguration of, 18–19, 20, 21, 34, 41, 78
- 1864 campaign and reelection of, 189, 192, 194, 197–201, 209–12, 218–22, 229
- 1865 inauguration of, 194
- emancipation of slaves by, 123, 160, 166, 167, 169, 203, 213
- family life of, 1, 12, 15, 66, 75, 101–2, 113
- funeral train of, 229, 230
- horsemanship of, 106, 117, 118–19, 123–24, 157, 158
- humor of, 6, 11, 57, 73, 83, 115, 116, 157–58, 168–69, 171, 181, 204–5
- illnesses of, 183–84, 185
- law study and practice of, 2, 5, 12, 13, 17, 28, 51, 91, 117, 157
- leadership and military strategy of, 53, 74, 79–83, 91–95, 101–25, 141–44, 152, 154–55, 160
- mail and dispatches sent to, 76, 79–83, 87, 121, 149, 170
- military draft ordered by, 159–60, 162
- pardoning of prisoners by, 80, 81, 82, 202
- personal security of, 1, 2, 15, 17, 18, 33, 50
- photographs of, 160–62, 177, 239
- physical appearance of, 4, 12, 13, 137, 161, 177
- preservation of the Union paramount to, 13, 16, 18, 19, 58–59
- as president-elect, 1, 2, 14–17
- private grief of, 89, 92, 101–2, 113
- reading of, 51, 79–80, 157, 159, 164–66, 202, 204–6
- secession opposed by, 13, 16, 19, 58
- speeches of, 4, 8, 13, 15, 16, 18–19, 78, 181–84, 185–86
- writings of, 45, 158, 159, 166, 167–69, 202–3, 221
- Lincoln, Mary Todd, 12, 17, 23, 55, 60, 71, 104, 177–78, 186
- admirers and friends of, 49, 85, 87–88, 89
- AL’s relationship with, 75, 76, 78, 85, 89, 101, 153
- character and personality of, 75–76, 78–79, 85–88, 94–95, 191, 201
- criticism of, 75–76, 78–79, 85, 94, 132
- extravagant expenditures of, 75–76, 78, 85, 197
- grief and mental decline of, 89, 91, 94–95, 101, 113, 228–29
- Hay and, 86, 89, 94–95, 131–32, 227
- as mistress of White House, 45, 59, 75–79, 85–88, 94–95, 131–32, 137, 190–92
- Nicolay and, 86, 89, 94–95, 131–32, 191–92, 193, 194, 227
- political interference of, 35, 75, 78, 94
- Stoddard and, 75–79, 86–88, 131–32, 153, 192, 194
- Treasury defrauded by, 94, 95
- widowhood of, 226, 228–29, 231
- Lincoln, Robert Todd, 23, 60, 157, 231
- as AL’s executor, 228, 236–38
- Hay and, 114, 137, 225–26, 228
- Lincoln, Thomas “Tad”:
- childhood of, 36, 55, 59, 89, 113, 157, 201–2, 228
- death of, 90
- Lincoln, William Wallace “Willie,” 36, 55
- illness and death of, 88–90, 91, 92, 94, 101, 109, 113, 131
- Logan, Stephen, 7, 10, 13
- Longstreet, James, 118, 121
- Louisiana, 16, 39
- Lovejoy, Owen, 186, 201
- McClellan, Ellen, 103, 108, 113
- McClellan, George Brinton, 67, 101–5
- AL’s dismissal of, 125, 127
- AL’s exasperation with, 101, 109–12, 117–18, 123–25
- AL’s relationship with, 102–4, 105, 107–15, 120–21, 123–25
- Army of the Potomac commanded by, 95, 101–2, 111–15, 118, 120–25
- idleness and delay of, 95, 103, 109–11, 112, 113, 118, 123–24, 125, 155
- Lander as aide to, 72–73, 74
- as “Little Mac,” 102, 105, 109, 114, 115, 121, 125, 134
- military strategy of, 108–15, 117–19, 123–24, 155
- political ambitions of, 113, 114, 115, 134, 218, 221
- promotions and demotions of, 102, 112, 117–19, 125
- McClernand, John Alexander, 91
- McDowell, Irvin, 59, 106
- McGraw, William, 72
- McKinley, William, 241
- McManus, Edward, 25, 46, 47, 116, 170–71, 192
- McVeagh, Wayne, 180, 182
- Madison, Dolley, 77
- Madison, James, 182
- Malvern Hill, Battle of, 114
- Marcy, Randolph, 109–10
- Marine Band, 84, 88, 153
- Marston, Gilman, 189
- Meade, George Gordon, 125, 152–55, 158, 177
- Meigs, Montgomery, 37, 70
- Merrimac, CSS, 111
- Mexican War of 1848, 140, 162–63
- Mexico, 56, 140
- Minnesota, 117, 123, 124
- Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 184
- Mississippi, 16, 93
- Missouri Compromise, 4, 159
- monetary system, 97, 99, 100
- Monitor, USS, 111
- Mowatt, Anna Cora, 105
- Napoléon III, Emperor of France, 231
- Navy, U.S., 57, 59
- see also Union Navy
- Navy Department, U.S., 26, 37, 96, 104, 141, 142, 143, 144, 219
- Neill, Edward D., 193, 217
- New York, N.Y., 9, 16, 43–44, 47, 51, 76, 104, 122, 131, 196–99, 224–25
- Draft Riot in, 156
- financial markets in, 100, 135, 152, 172–74
- theaters in, 47, 51, 224–25
- New York Times, 80, 162, 178, 232
- New York Tribune, 30, 44, 63, 80, 147–48, 151, 200–201, 203–4
- Nicolay, George Bates, 238
- Nicolay, Helen, 176, 231, 232, 233, 239, 240, 241–42
- Nicolay, John George, 3–8, 17, 46
- as AL’s private secretary, 1, 3, 6–7, 14, 15, 20–21, 23–27, 29, 30–33, 36–37, 41–43, 50, 53, 55–58, 66–72, 76–77, 79–89, 92–97, 99, 101, 106, 109, 111, 114, 116, 124–27, 150–51, 156, 193–94
- AL’s relationship with, 3, 4, 5–6, 8, 11, 14, 20, 21, 29, 88–90, 92–93, 114
- arrangement of state occasions and protocol by, 20–21, 84, 85–86, 87–88, 89, 191–92
- character and personality of, 3, 5, 11, 14, 20, 29, 33, 43, 92
- death of, 240, 242
- diplomatic appointment of, 7, 226–27, 231–32
- Hay’s relationship with, 7, 11, 13, 14, 24, 37–40, 42, 60–62, 76, 94–95, 96–97, 105, 117, 126–27, 131, 136, 141–42, 215–16, 230–31, 238–42
- ill health and blindness of, 67, 69, 227, 233, 241–42
- journalism and publishing career of, 3, 4–5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 20, 27, 92, 200–201, 232
- as marshal of Supreme Court, 234
- Mary Lincoln and, 86, 89, 94–95, 227
- physical appearance and stature of, 3, 11
- special missions of, 69, 70–71, 92–94, 117, 134, 138, 156, 196–200
- Nicolay, Therena Bates:
- death of, 233, 238
- marriage of, 231
- Nicolay’s correspondence with, 3–4, 18, 23, 31–33, 36–37, 41–42, 50, 60, 65, 68, 72, 86, 89–90, 92, 124, 131, 135, 136, 137–38, 140, 193, 194, 207–8, 222–23, 227
- Nicolay’s relationship with, 3, 5, 6, 11, 18, 67, 72, 92, 93, 96, 117, 175–76, 192–93, 208, 215, 227, 231
- religious questions of, 89–90
- nullification controversy, 58
- “On Discoveries and Inventions” (Lincoln), 159
- Our American Cousin (Taylor), 51
- Palmer, Albert Marshman, 198
- Patent Office, U.S., 37, 40, 42, 55, 60
- Peninsular Campaign, 114
- Pennsylvania, 152–53
- militia of, 44–45, 54
- Petersburg, Battle of, 218, 222, 225
- Peterson, William, 226, 228
- Pinkerton, Allan, 16, 115, 125
- Pittsfield, Ill., 3–8, 32, 60, 72, 92, 93, 96, 126, 208, 231
- Pittsfield Free Press, 3, 4, 7, 23
- Poe, Edgar Allan, 7–8, 9, 47, 157
- Pomeroy, Samuel, 195
- Pope, John, 35, 118–21, 123, 194
- Port Royal, S.C., 129, 139, 140, 141, 145–46
- Potomac River, 25, 37, 60, 64, 66, 71, 73–74, 112, 123, 132, 138, 152, 163
- bridges over, 43, 109, 118
- canal and locks connecting, 109–10
- Price, Sterling, 213
- Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 185
- Racine, Jean, 7
- Reconstruction, 185, 218
- Reid, Whitelaw, 209
- Republican Party, 15, 21, 55, 85, 184
- 1860 nomination of AL by, 3, 13, 14
- of Illinois, 4, 8, 11, 14
- liberals in, 190
- radicals in, 70, 180, 185, 195, 196, 209
- Rhode Island regiments, 54, 56, 58, 60
- Rice, Clinton, 173–74
- Richmond, Va., 48, 113, 114, 118, 154, 201, 222, 225
- Rodgers, Christopher R. P., 142–43
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 241–42
- Rosecrans, William Starke, 150, 172, 212–14, 215–16
- Sanderson, John P., 212–14, 216
- Saxton, Rufus, 147–48
- Schurz, Carl, 55–56, 200
- Scott, Winfield, 18, 19, 54, 56, 70, 102
- secession, 22, 93
- Northern sympathy with, 97–98
- opposition to, 13, 16, 19, 58
- of slave states, 16, 44, 45, 50, 185
- Sedgwick, John, 207
- Senate, U.S., 71, 89, 185, 201
- Foreign Relations Committee of, 20, 26
- Judiciary Committee of, 94
- Seven Days’ Battles, 113, 114, 115
- Seward, Frederick, 232, 234–35
- Seward, William, 15, 162, 180, 181, 196, 220, 221
- as Secretary of State, 19, 26, 46, 73–74, 103–4, 106, 109, 112, 121, 122, 134, 237
- Seymour, Horatio, 162
- Seymour, Truman, 141
- Shakespeare, William, 8, 51, 157, 159, 164–66, 186–88, 205
- Sheridan, Philip, 218
- Sherman, William Tecumseh, 184, 218, 222
- Shiloh, Battle of, 66, 93
- Sickles, Daniel, 87, 180, 186
- Sioux Indians, 117, 123, 202
- slavery:
- AL’s position on, 4, 8, 13, 18, 87, 159, 196, 202–3
- economic realities of, 13, 16
- opening of new territories to extension of, 4, 13
- opposition to, 3–4, 8, 13, 15, 18, 19, 57, 70, 87, 91, 113
- Stephen Douglas’s approach to, 6, 13, 15
- slaves:
- emancipation of, 70, 123, 146, 159, 160, 166, 167, 169, 203, 213
- revolts of, 15
- in Union Army, 57, 139, 146, 147–48, 166, 203
- Smith, Caleb Blood, 222
- Soldier’s Home, 117, 123, 153, 158, 164, 169
- South Carolina, 16, 138–48, 188
- Spafford, Carrie, 36, 43, 61, 62, 65
- Speed, James, 222
- Speed, Joshua, 81, 222
- Spencer, Christopher Miner, 163
- Sprague, Kate Chase, 75, 128, 178, 190–91, 192
- Sprague, William, 178, 191, 192
- Springfield, Ill., 2, 10–15, 16–17, 33, 50, 51, 93, 141
- state government and capitol in, 5–7, 11, 14, 20, 71, 75
- Stackpole, Thomas, 95
- Stanton, Edwin, 95, 226
- as Secretary of War, 109, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119, 120, 142, 212, 214, 220, 221
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 202
- Stanton, Ellen, 119
- State Department, U.S., 20, 37, 232
- “State of the Union Addresses” (Lincoln), 78, 94, 189, 231
- states’ rights, 15
- Stephens, Ann S., 46–49
- Stoddard, Henry, 76, 156, 160
- Stoddard, Kate, 29, 76, 217–18
- Stoddard, Susan Eagleson Cooper, 235
- Stoddard, William Osborn, 27–30, 60–62, 71
- as AL’s assistant secretary, 27, 30, 39, 42, 66–69, 71–72, 75–83, 86–88, 92–94, 97–100, 107–10, 115–17, 126, 149–54, 167–74, 193, 206–7
- AL’s relationship with, 27–28, 29, 42–43, 82, 167–74, 230
- character and personality of, 27, 28, 29, 76–79, 81–82, 87–88, 97–100
- economic interests of, 100, 133, 135, 152, 155, 172–74
- financial scandal and, 173–74
- gambling and debts of, 98–100, 152, 172–74, 229
- Hay and, 96, 115–17, 174, 235
- illnesses of, 29, 149, 152, 155–56, 167, 235
- journalism of, 27–28, 29, 60, 87, 92, 97, 99, 102, 103, 110, 134, 135, 151–52, 167, 184
- Mary Lincoln and, 75–79, 86–88, 131–32, 153, 192, 194
- memoirs of, 81, 99–100, 172, 173, 211, 217
- White House departure of, 194, 217–18, 229–30
- Stone, Charles P., 71, 74
- Stone, Robert, 226
- Sumner, Charles, 20, 26, 150, 185, 218, 226
- Supreme Court, U.S., 86, 136, 228, 234
- Swett, Leonard, 187, 210
- Taylor, Zachary, 171
- Tennessee, 91, 92–93, 150, 177, 184, 200
- Texas, 16, 36
- Thomas, George, 184
- Thomas, Henry, 222
- Thomas, Lorenzo, 70
- Tolstoy, Leo, 203
- “Too Late” (Hay), 129–30
- Treasury Building, 23, 24, 37, 38, 40, 97
- Treasury Department, U.S., 26, 92, 94, 95, 160
- Truman, Harry, 214, 216
- Trumbull, Lyman, 4, 116, 136
- typhoid fever, 74, 88, 131, 149
- Union Army, 53–54, 111–12
- defeats of, 66, 71, 73, 102, 113, 120–22, 125, 134, 149
- Department of the Mississippi in, 112
- Department of the South in, 129, 139
- Department of the West in, 68, 69, 71, 112
- nursing services of, 53, 128–29, 132, 139, 141, 146
- slaves in, 57, 139, 146, 147–48, 166, 203
- training and war preparations of, 58–60, 67, 114
- victories of, 66, 74, 113, 123–24, 126, 152, 153
- see also specific battles and leaders
- Union Navy, 46, 126, 139–44
- ironclads of, 111, 139, 140–43
- South Atlantic Blockading Squadron of, 139, 140, 142
- Union Party, 200, 208–12
- Vallandigham, Clement L., 213–14, 215, 216
- Vicksburg, Battle of, 154, 172
- Virginia, 48–49, 62, 109, 113, 134
- secession of, 44, 61
- Wadsworth, James, 180, 186
- War Department, U.S., 2, 34, 35, 37, 45, 67, 73, 74, 79, 81, 96, 109, 119, 121, 122, 143, 153, 218, 226
- Washington, D.C.:
- federal buildings in, 18, 23, 24, 37–40, 43, 46, 52, 97, 135
- federal troops in, 44–45, 46, 53–56, 102
- hotels in, 21, 23, 24, 34, 36, 38, 40, 46, 51, 72, 105, 126, 136, 137, 138
- military defense of, 43, 53, 60, 66–67, 74, 93, 110–11, 118
- Pennsylvania Avenue in, 18, 23, 37, 38, 39–40, 52, 97, 100
- private homes in, 37, 52, 91, 103–4, 127, 135, 137
- saloons and gambling dens in, 38, 97, 98–100, 105, 136
- social life in, 32, 96–100, 127, 131–32, 135–38
- theaters in, 39, 45–46, 105–6, 177
- Washington, George, 15, 23, 77, 80, 157
- Watt, John, 76, 94, 95
- Webster, Daniel, 98, 99, 100, 159
- Weed, Thurlow, 196–99
- Welles, Gideon, 26, 139, 141, 142, 144, 192, 218–19, 220, 221, 226, 228
- Welles, Mary Jane, 228
- Whig Party, 71, 196
- White, Martha Todd, 200–201
- White House, 18, 21, 37, 119
- AL’s office in, 22, 24, 25, 26–27, 31, 35, 40, 57, 113, 117, 150
- business compartments of, 22–23, 24–25, 26–27, 31
- 1814 British burning of, 77
- official visitors and delegations to, 26, 31, 50, 53, 64–65, 82–83, 95, 109, 116, 202
- parties and receptions in, 31–32, 34, 67, 78, 84–88, 131–32, 137, 188–89
- petitioners and office seekers in, 22, 23, 25–27, 30–31, 36–37, 41, 184
- public areas of, 25–26
- security in, 50
- staff members living in, 23–24, 25
- troops quartered in, 45, 46
- Whitman, Sarah Helen, 8
- Whitman, Walt, 159
- Wilderness, Battle of, 180, 206–7, 208
- Wilkes, George, 87
- Wilkeson, Samuel, 202
- Willard’s Hotel, 21, 23, 24, 36, 38, 40, 46, 72, 105, 126, 131, 136, 137, 160
- Willis, N. P., 96
- Wills, David, 181
- Wilson, Henry, 96, 186
- Wilson, Robert, 30–31
- Wise, Charlotte, 180
- Zouaves (Crimean War), 2
- see also Chicago Zouaves; Fire Zouaves