I wake up and can’t help but smile. This past week since Abby arrived has been amazing and exactly what I’ve always pictured my life with Colt to be. I love waking up with him every morning.
I roll over only to find Colt isn’t in bed, but an envelope sits on his pillow with my name on it. I can’t help but smile as I open it and look at his masculine but beautiful writing.
I have loved you since the moment I saw you when we were six. I started to know what that felt like when we were thirteen, and I knew at sixteen, I’d never let you go.
I plan to make that promise come true. Take a walk down memory lane with me. Head to the location where I saw you for the first time.
I jump out of bed and dress quickly in a pair of cut-off shorts I know Colt loves and a white tank top. I slip on a peach, turquoise, and brown flannel shirt but leave it open and roll up the sleeves. I put on my boots, leave my hair down, add on a bit of mascara, and head out the door.
When I get to the kitchen, I see a blueberry muffin and a to-go cup of coffee on the counter. I know this is Colt’s way of making sure I eat. So, I take five minutes to eat the muffin then bring the coffee with me.
I head into the barn but don’t see him, so I head up to the loft.
A little confused, I see Blaze in the corner where I hid that day he found me, but he smiles and hugs me.
“I know I wasn’t the happiest when you told me about you and Colt, but I want you to know it’s because I’ve always protected you. I knew he caused you so much pain. I just kept thinking if I had known, I could have protected you from it all.”
“I caused him just as much pain.”
“I know, and I only want what’s best for you. I’ve been watching you two, and it’s like you aren’t yourselves without each other. I’m on your side always if you need to talk or vent, but I’m so happy for you. For both of you.”
He brings tears to my eyes as he hugs me again.
“I love you, Sage. I will still do anything for you. All you ever have to do is ask.”
“I love you too, Blaze. The same goes for me. Just ask.”
He hugs me a bit harder before he pulls away and hands me another envelope that looks just like the one on my pillow this morning.
My adoption day is a blur, but what I do remember is sitting and talking to you and falling more and more in love with you by the minute.
I promise to always remind you how much in love with you I am.
Meet me at the spot we ran away to after dinner that day.
I smile and hop in my truck to drive to the far side of the ranch where the ranch church is, remembering when we snuck away after dinner and sat in the back pew of the church and just talked.
We talked about the shitty parents we had, about how amazing Mom and Dad are, the type of parents we wanted to be when we grow up. Every time I think back to that night, it’s with the realization that it was the night we planned our futures together.
When we have kids when we grow up when we get out of school. Our lives have been entangled from then on.
I pull up to the church and don’t see anyone outside. Hoping to find Colt inside, I head in. Sitting in the back pew is Megan. I laugh.
She hops up and hugs me. “I think this place holds memories for everyone in their own way. It draws us to it even when we don’t realize it.”
I smile. “It does.” I look around the church. It’s always been a place of comfort for me.
She hands me another envelope and watches as I read it.
That night when we had to head back to the house, I remember a feeling of dread of not wanting to let you go. I didn’t sleep at all that night, trying to figure out what that meant.
I know now what it means.
I love you.
I promise to spend my life making you feel that way too.
A few weeks later, we had our first kiss. Head to the spot where you turned my world upside down in the best possible way.
I can’t help the tears that fall down my cheek.
“He’s a good one, even with the bad boy reputation,” Megan says with a smile on her face.
“Yes, he is,” I agree and then rush back to my truck.
I follow the old driveway up past Mom and Dad’s house to the family graveyard. I see Dad standing by the gate.
“Hey baby girl,” he says and hugs me. “I have to know the story behind this stop,” he says.
I laugh. “Not long after Colt was adopted, he found me out here standing at the gate. He asked what was on my mind. I said I was getting to know our new family. It was weird. I had heard stories from Blaze about many of the people in the graveyard but having them being my family felt weird.”
I smile, remembering that day as I look out over the gravestones. “He took my hand, and we walked each row, reading each headstone and sharing the stories we knew. When we walked out, we stood under that tree.” I point to the tree at the corner of the turn off to the graveyard. “He was still holding my hand and said we get a new shot at making a future, one different from the blood that runs through our veins. He said we can choose to be better than our past. I agreed then and asked him what future he chose. He said, ‘you’ then leaned in and kissed me. It was our first kiss.”
Dad shakes his head. “Well, I guess better him than anyone else.”
I laugh. “That day sealed our fate. We knew that was it for both of us.”
Dad smiles and hands me the next envelope.
That kiss took my breath away and until recently, stood in my mind as one of the best kisses of my life.
My mind raced. I knew I wanted to take you out on a date then but with limited options, I had to get creative.
I know it took me a few months to nail down the art of the perfect date.
I promise to make time even for small dates like this.
Head to the spot of our first date. Where I told you I was yours and you were mine.
The picnic dinner at the wagon wheel tracks at the back part of the property.
I get back in the truck. I can drive most of the way there, and I think of that night on the way.
He had packed the perfect picnic. Mom’s friend chicken with fruit, chips, and brownies for dessert. It was my first picnic, and he picked the perfect spot. I love those wagon tracks, their history of the people walking them to a better life like we were doing.
I get as far as the creek when I park the truck and head out on foot. It’s about a five-minute walk when I see Mom standing there.
She hugs me and smiles. “Colt had such a warm heart and to see him finally able to embrace that with you has been one of the greatest joys as a mother. I love you both so much.”
She wastes no time and hands me the next envelope.
From here, our journey heads into town. The more time I spent with you, the more time I wanted. We had to hide in front of the crowds, but we always seemed to find somewhere away from prying eyes to have a minute to ourselves during the day.
My favorite was when we would sneak away at lunchtime.
I promise to always sneak away and find time for us.
He must be talking about school, so I head into town to our old high school. We had so many great memories here. Even at school dances, he still found time to dance with me. It became second nature that we went to dances together as Blaze started dating.
As I pull into the school, I see Mac standing in front of the school.
I get out of the truck and give him a hug.
“This is where we met,” he says to me.
“It is.”
“I know I never said it, but that was one of the best days of my life. I didn’t make friends easily, and you just barged your way right in and changed my life for the better. I don’t think I ever thanked you for everything you did for me.”
My eyes tear up. “I’d do it all over again without hesitation, Mac. You’re family, always will be. Now stop, I’ve cried enough already today.”
He laughs. “I hope you put on waterproof mascara. I think you have some more tears in the future today. Colt did good.”
I shake my head as he hands me another envelope.
I’m sure seeing Mac reminded you of how he joined our family. That time with you in the hospital, not knowing if you would ever wake up, was one of the scariest of my life. I begged and pleaded with God at first to make you okay. As time went on, I begged him that if he was going to take you, to take me too.
When you woke up, and those eyes looked into mine, I knew I’d marry you one day.
We got a bit bolder after that. Your next stop is the last date we had before you left town.
I promise to never hide you away again. I want everyone we pass to know you’re mine, and I am yours.
In case you need another hint, it’s also where we had our second date not too long ago.
“He really isn’t leaving anything out, is he?”
“Nope, get going!” Mac says, pushing me toward my truck.
I head down to the café, trying to think who I might see next. As I walk in, I see Hunter sitting at what was always Colt and my booth. I smile and sit across from him.
“I think this means you’re now part of the family,” I joke with him. His face lights up.
“I can only hope,” he says and looks into his coffee. I take a good look at him, and I know that look. It’s how Colt and I looked when we were dancing around each other.
“Is she still keeping you at arm’s length?” He looks up at me, surprised.
I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Hunter, Megan is one who when focused, loses sight of everything else. It’s a curse of all us Buchanan’s. Right now, all she’s seeing is the beauty shop. It’s been her dream since we were kids. You need to push her to see past it. To see you.”
He looks up at me. “She has me properly friend zoned.”
I laugh. “The friend zone is safe. The more she reminds you of it, the bigger the chance she’s reminding herself. Take a chance, Hunter. You’ll only regret it if you don’t.”
He smiles. “It worked out well for you and Colt. I can only hope,” he says and hands me the next envelope.
I give his hand a squeeze. “Don’t give up on her.”
The second chapter of us had a rocky start. I had been on the fence on what to do and then I saw you with Brice.
Everything was clear in a split instant. You were mine. I needed to stop pussyfooting around and make it happen.
That meant being true to my feelings. Regardless of how many times I wanted to punch Brice in the face, I’m thankful for him.
Because of him, I got the kick I needed to go after you. Because of him, we got our second chance. Because of him, we’re here now.
Because of him, I get to tell you every day I love you.
I promise to not only tell you but find a way to show you how much I love you every day.
I flip the card over, but there’s no hint of where to go next. I tap the card to my chin and think. Maybe I need to pay Brice a visit. I look over at Hunter, who’s watching me.
“You know, Hunter, it might be time for you to go on a date. Abby could use a night out.”
Confusion covers his face. “Sage, I can’t think of other women.”
I laugh and hand him my card to read.
I watch understanding cross his face. “I’ll talk to Abby. She’ll play along. It’s up to you.”
I stand and pat his shoulder. “I’m off to hopefully find my man at the end of the trip down memory lane. This could be you soon. Just think about it.”
I head to my truck and head across town to the clinic. I see Brice just inside.
“Right on time,” he says.
“So, you’re my next card?”
He holds up the envelope. “Yep. I will say I was a bit shocked when Colt came in here and thanked me for dating you. After the other night, I don’t think I expected all this.”
I laugh then get serious. “I never meant to hurt you or lead you on in any way. I was truly interested in dating. I thought I had to move on. I didn’t think this was a possibility anymore.”
“I get it. You’re a great girl, but we just weren’t a fit. No hard feelings, but it was great to date the girl I had a crush on in school.”
I laugh. “We can stay friends, right?”
He hands me the envelope “As long as Colt won’t kick my ass for it, I’d like that.”
I shake my head.
“No promises.” I laugh.
Our first date this time around was everything I wish I could have given you the first time. Being able to dance with you was a memory I still play over and over in my head.
That kiss.
I’m still speechless when I think about it. It was perfect.
I promise to always take you out and show you off. To give you a reason to wear those dresses you love to buy. I promise to give you many reasons to keep filling our closet with those dresses.
The bar. This one is easy. I look back up at Brice.
“Thank you,” I say, waving the card.
He smiles and nods his head.
I head back across town to the bar. It sounds like a pain but when I say across town, it’s one stoplight and five blocks long. It takes five minutes at most, depending on how many people try to cross the street.
I park at the bar, and memories of this place are all over. From the night Colt and I came here not long ago to just the other night where Kelli thought she could get the best of us.
Even before then, we’ve all helped Jason with this place. I’m so proud of him. I head inside, and he looks up from taking inventory at the bar.
His contagious smile lights up his face. He walks around and picks me up in a bear hug and swings me around.
“I feel lucky I got a firsthand seat at watching all this unfold,” he says and hands me my next envelope.
I look at Jason. He’s the oldest, and I can’t remember the last time I saw him even go out on a date. “You know your time is coming, right?”
He runs his hands through his hair.
“The right girl will accept this and want to help,” he says, holding his arms out wide and talking about the bar. “She will have to be amazing to capture my attention.”
I nod. “Just keep your heart open. You never know when she will walk into your life.”
“Always the romantic,” he says with a smile on his face.
“You don’t by chance know how many more of these there are, do you?” I ask, holding up the envelope.
“Nope. Just doing as I was told.” I smile.
The night here in the bar was perfect. I love our dates, but I love having you to myself even more.
I love having dinner at home with you when you’re relaxed and have your guard down.
I love watching TV on the couch with you.
I love falling asleep with you in my arms every night.
I love waking up with you in my arms every morning.
I love showering together, having breakfast together even before you get your coffee, and I love watching you cook in the kitchen.
I know your dream has always been to fill the house with love and laughter. I think we’re off to a good start.
But I promise to fill the house with kids, family, and friends. I promise to make that house everything you’ve always dreamed of. Those dreams are mine too.
“Looks like I’m heading back to the ranch,” I say.
He smiles. “Have fun. See you at dinner.”
With a quick hug, I’m back in my truck. Filling up the gas tank before heading back to the ranch, the thoughts of these last few weeks with Colt fill my head.
Even when I was in Memphis, he never felt that far away. Always doing something to show how much he loves me. Like today. Getting everyone we care about involved.
Once back home, I don’t see anyone outside, so I head into the house and find Abby at the dining room table.
“Colt get you in on this?” I ask, a bit confused.
“Yes, he did. I was so excited when he asked.”
I shake my head and take the envelope from her and sit at the table.
“You met Megan and Hunter, right?”
“Yeah, they’re such a cute couple.”
“That’s the problem. My sister refuses to see what is right in front of her. Like she expects him to always be there. I suggested to Hunter that maybe he needs to start dating again. It worked on Colt when I started dating Brice.”
“It would open her eyes for sure.”
“Maybe you could make some off-handed comment about how cute Hunter is, ask if he’s seeing anyone, make it look like you’re interested. I suggested Hunter talk to you about a few dates. You need to see the town, and Megan needs an eye-opener. It’s a win-win.”
She chews on the inside of her cheek. “I don’t want to make her mad, but I’m always up for a little matchmaking.”
I laugh and open my envelope.
Abby is new to the ranch, but she’s such a big part of our story. More than I ever realized.
I hated being away from you while you were in Memphis but looking back, the time allowed me to think about us, about you, about me.
I was able to make plans we were always talking about.
I know you love to travel, and I wanted to be by your side every day you were in Memphis but with the short notice, I couldn’t do it.
My promise to you is to help you finish your bucket list. Mom and Dad always took us to the lake house. I promise to follow in their footsteps and take us someplace once a year. A vacation for us, for our family.
I want that family we dreamed of, and I only want it with you.
I love how passionate you are with the horses you train and work with. So many times, I will come around the barn just to watch you. You’re so involved with what you’re doing, you never see me. That’s okay. I like being able to just watch.
I don’t realize tears are running down my face until Abby speaks up.
“Oh no, he made you cry! Is it a good thing or a bad thing?”
I smile. “All good things today. I guess this means you’re an official member of the ranch.”
Her smile lights up her face.
I get up and head out to the horse pens and find Riley. When she sees me, her whole face lights up. It seems to be the trend today.
“You have an envelope for me?”
“I have two things for you! Envelope first. And I have to say what he’s doing is so romantic!”
“Colt has his moments when he wants to make sure I know how he feels, good or bad.”
We both laugh then I read the note.
I can’t tell you how many times over the last several years I’ve stood and watched you working here. It’s calming to me even on our worst days.
You’re an amazing woman as shown by how easily you can gain the most untrusting horse’s trust.
Seeing how you’ve taken Riley under your wing and helped her blossom has been amazing to watch.
Turn around, take in all you’ve built. We all busted our asses for this right here, but it’s because of you, we’re here. Your dream was so infectious, we had to be part of it.
I love working this land as much as you do, and I hope to grow old and be buried on this ranch with you.
There’s one more stop on our journey today. It’s our spot. The spot I could run away to when things got too hard. The spot where you’re always there even when you aren’t. The spot we had our biggest first, the last time we were together, and this time.
Our spot. See you there, my love.
Once again, this man has me in tears and as I look up, I see Riley dangling a key to one of the four-wheelers.
“I was told you would need this,” she says.
I take the key and hug her. Then I head out to our cabin, to find Colt.