“Tayus!” I shout while Shadow flies us inside the castle walls. “Get control of the courtyard while we go free the caged griffins.”
Tayus blocks a swinging sword yelling, “We will have it secured before your return.” He is unaware of the three soldiers approaching from his blind side as he yells at me. A griffin comes flying in using a cry to take out the unseen guards and then lands to protect Tayus’ undefended side.
Tayus’ squadrons should have enough fighters to take out the two squadrons Pontis put in the courtyard, and there should be more reinforcement of both men and griffins coming that will guarantee our victory.
“Call two friends, and let’s go set the caged griffins free.” Shadow chirps a few times and two griffins launch cries to clear a path for us to the building holding the caged griffins. They take to the air to join us as we pass.
When we get about twenty feet from the doors to the abhorrent bird cage Pontis uses to house what he calls his “tools of war,” Shadow pulls his head back and slings a cry directly at the door.
He pulls up from his flight path, allowing the other two griffins to enter the room first. Before we can even get inside, I hear the soldiers that Pontis left guarding the griffins shout to get the shockers.
“Get in there!”
Shadow flies in and I jump off his back, sprinting to get to the soldiers before they can hurt any of the captured griffins. I count five soldiers and all of them are wielding swords and yellow elemental pearls.
“Don’t let them use the pearls.” I tackle one of the soldiers causing him to drop his pearl, but the blue griffin who came with us catches the pearl softly in his wings before it can break against the ground. “Thanks.” I hop up, take the pearl, and use it to take out two more soldiers that are heading our way. Shadow tosses the remaining two soldiers into the cages that are keeping the griffins trapped in this room.
“I will restrain these guys. You two,” I point to the two griffins with us, “get those cages open, and Shadow,” I turn to face the doors holding the Gatekeepers, “open that door.” I tie up the soldiers with whips I find among various other torture devices.
The other two griffins use their talons and beaks to break the locks on the cage, and once the doors are open, the caged griffins slowly begin to make their way out of their cells. My attention deviates when I hear a loud crash, and I turn to find Shadow has gotten inside the room to the Gatekeepers.
“Let me go in first.” I get to Shadow’s side, but he ignores my order to stay back. We stay side-by-side, and as we enter the dark room, the first thing to catch my attention is the sound of chirping and sad cries coming from all around the room. Shadow’s ears start darting in every direction as we are bombarded by cries for help. I run my hand over Shadow’s back, and I can feel the hairs on his body standing erect.
“We are going to get them out of here.” I hear wings coming our way and we are now joined by at least twenty more griffins who have made it out of the cages.
The cries from the chained-up, mutilated griffins cause every griffin in the room to become very still and silent. Shadow makes his way to the front of the pack of griffins and roars in anger. I decide it will be best if I let him handle this situation, so I quietly step to the back of the group. The griffins spread out, making sure to free the fifteen trapped griffins before using their claws and cries to annihilate every Gatekeeper in the room.
The distraught looking wingless griffins lethargically make their way to the door that will lead to freedom from their imprisonment. “You’re free. Shadow is going to get you home soon, but we have a few things to do first,” I say while petting an underfed yellow griffin behind the ears.
Without warning, the wingless griffins suddenly surge past me in a frenzy. “Where are you all going?” They leave the dark room filled with the debris of those deplorable prisons built by Pontis, and within a few seconds, I hear a scream originating from the main room. A human scream.
I run out and find the wingless griffins encircling the soldiers I tied up. “What are you doing? You can’t kill them.” I run up and try to push my way through the wall of angry griffins looking to exact their revenge on those who brought pain upon them. “If you do this then you are just proving Pontis right. You will be nothing more than just animals.” I get about halfway to the trapped soldiers when I see one of the griffins swing its talons, cutting one of the soldiers on his left arm.
The man shrieks in pain, but I cannot get to him.
“Shadow! Get in here, now!”
I hear a whoosh along with a mighty roar that commands every winged griffin in the room to stop what they are doing; however, the wingless griffins ignore his call as they are acting out of a murderous rage. They want blood, and it seems like nothing will stop them. Shadow slams his talon hard into the ground and roars again, and this time the wingless griffins pull back, cowering a little as they bow their heads to Shadow.
With silence filling this room, I can hear the destruction of the Gatekeepers beginning to quiet down in the other room. The griffins inside the room that used to hold the Gatekeepers begin emerging, and when they realize what the atmosphere of the room has turned into, they, too, bow.
As I watch the respect and submission that Shadow demands from the other griffins, I begin to envision what the Alpha was trying to explain to me. Shadow embodies everything it takes to lead the griffins on their home world, and I cannot allow him to abandon that task. He would only be hurting himself if he did not take his rightful place amongst the other griffins.
None of the griffins stir while Shadow stands before them. He begins to chirp and growl, prompting the griffins to raise their heads to look Shadow in the eyes. They lock on with their eyes and never lose track of him as he walks around the room. Shadow makes his way to my side once more and then stares at me while chirping.
“You want me to talk?” Shadow chirps again and nudges me in the side with his beak. I carefully make my way to stand before the griffins saying, “I don’t know what Shadow told you already, but I am sure he told all of you about the Mortem Mangoners that are sure to march on this kingdom at any moment. Now each of you has every right to want to leave this world and hate these people for what they did to you. I will be the first one to tell Shadow to open a portal to any world you choose if that is what you truly desire, but if you will hear me out, I am about to offer you the chance to prove these despicable people wrong about everything they said and thought about you.”
Shadow comes to my side as I tell the griffins, “I want you to stay on Liferné and help us defeat the crystal army that has hunted you and your kind for so long. They have captured and fed your brothers and sisters to the Imago as if you were nothing more than meat. They kill for no other reason than the pleasure they derive from it. So, I ask again, no I beg you, stay here with Shadow and me to prove to the people of this world that they were dead wrong for treating you like this. Show them that they should have let you live your lives free to roam this planet as you saw fit. Prove that you are more than mindless beasts and get revenge for all your fallen brothers and sisters who have died at the hands of the Death Riders—or retreat to another world, free to live your lives but avenging no one. Which do you choose?”
The griffins begin to look at each other, and I whisper to Shadow, “Think they bought our speech?” Shadow chirps to reassure me. One by one, all sixty griffins in the room begin to take a step toward Shadow. “Does that mean we convinced them?”
Shadow roars, beckoning the others to respond in kind. Their voices sing out and fill up this once dreadful building that was designed to keep them caged and drain their free will away. I climb onto Shadow’s back yelling, “Let’s prove them wrong and avenge the lives of your brethren who have fallen!”
Shadow rises a few feet off the ground and every winged griffin joins us in the air. The wingless ones turn and begin running for the front of the courtyard while the rest of the griffins soar above them.
Shadow and the griffins rise above the inner portion of the castle where they are joined by the other griffins. The sky darkens as the wings from over one hundred griffins nearly block out the sky.
Every man and woman below us stop fighting and stares into the sky at this striking sight. The ones fighting for Pontis are mystified by what they see. The courtyard, which only moments ago was filled with the sound of death and metal clashing, falls silent. But then I hear our soldiers starting to chant. It starts off small, but soon a chorus of chants can be heard rising from the castle floor.
They are chanting Cecilia’s name. I watch as the soldiers loyal to Pontis begin to lay down their weapons, understanding that they have lost.
“Land there.”
Shadow follows my directions and lands right on top of the main gates that he blew down not too long ago. Every griffin in the air mimics him by landing all around the high castle walls. Shadow is the first to roar, but soon every other griffin follows his lead. Our soldiers join in with their cries of victory and together we let the whole kingdom know that we have won the day.
As the cries die down some, Shadow and I descend to the courtyard where I dismount. “I need you to take thirty of these griffins and put them to work helping Captain.” Shadow growls at me after hearing my orders, and I tell him, “Of course you are coming back after you take them there. I need you by my side when the Mortem Mangoners get here.”
Shadow launches into the sky chirping and growling. I do not count the griffins that join him in the air, but it must be close to thirty if not more. They loyally follow Shadow as he leads them back to the base to help Captain.
“Why are you sending our troops away?” Tayus sheaths his sword as he comes to my side. “We will need every man, woman, and griffin to fend off the Mortem Mangoners.”
“Shadow is coming back after he drops those guys off with Captain. I need you to trust me. My trump card might be the only way we can win this war.” I point to the tops of the walls saying, “Besides, we have close to seventy griffins still here ready to fight. They want to defeat the crystal army just as much as we do.”
With that put to rest, Tayus turns and starts making his way to the throne room where this battle will end. “My father is in there with Cecilia and his personal guard.”
“Then I say it’s time we say hello.” Pointing at two of the wingless griffins I say, “Come with us.” They jog up, flanking Tayus, me, and ten other soldiers.
A few soldiers are ramming their shoulders into the throne room doors, but they are having no luck. “Why don’t you step aside, men.” Tayus speaks and his soldiers move clear of the doorway.
Without any need to be told what to do, the two wingless griffins use their cries and knock the large metal doors open, shattering the thick wooden plank that was placed on the inside of the door.
I enter first hearing, “Stay back! Stay back or I will kill her.”
I see that Pontis has two guards holding their spears up to Cecilia’s neck. “Nobody move! We didn’t come here to fight you, Pontis!”
“Really?” Pontis is hiding behind the white jagged throne he covets above all else. “Then why is it that you marched on my castle with enough men and griffins to kill every soldier I command?”
“You are wrong, father!” Tayus begins the long walk down the black walkway to the pristine throne. “This battle was never about killing you or your men; it was always about placing the right person on that throne. The leader this kingdom needs. The leader we deserve.”
Pontis steps out from behind the throne, but all the while he keeps a strong grasp on it. “Can’t you see that I am the only one who can properly rule this kingdom? I was born to do this, not her.” Pontis spins around pointing at Cecilia while he falls onto the throne.
Cecilia, even with spears pressed against her neck, steps toward Pontis saying, “A true king would never put his people at risk the way you are doing right now. You are willing to sacrifice half of your kingdom if it means you and your coveted royals will survive. That is not how a king rules!” Cecilia’s eyes are burning with anger as she screams at Pontis. “I have been locked in this castle for months, and I know that nothing will ever persuade you to change how you perceive the people in your lower rings. You pretend like your life and the life of the royals closest to you are the only ones that matter on Liferné, and it disgusts me!”
Pontis sits upright in the seat of the throne, and using his most authoritative voice, says, “That is because they are the only ones that matter! My father taught me long ago that those less fortunate than we are only useful as tools to ensure our greatness lives on to be remembered. I have crafted the perfect system by placing this kingdom into rings. Can’t you see what I am trying to create?!”
“You will never understand, will you, Father? The lower rings will always just be a place for you to hold those you do not wish to associate with.” Tayus and I are now over halfway down the long walkway that will get us to the throne. You can hear the sadness in his voice.
“Don’t take another step closer, or I will have my men kill her!” Pontis yells as he jumps out of the throne.
“Don’t hurt her,” I plead. “No one take another step.” Everyone in the room freezes. Neither side seems to know what the next move will be.
It feels like we are caught in this standoff that neither side can win, and then suddenly it is broken by a third party I was hoping would wait a little longer before making its presence known.
“They’re here! They’re here!” A voice begins to echo through the back hall that leads to the throne room. “The Mortem Mangoner army is marching on the kingdom as we speak, and they have at least ten thousand men with them!” A scout enters the throne room falling to his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
Pontis runs over to the scout shouting, “What?!” Pontis grabs the young scout by his shoulders, shaking him saying, “You’re lying. The Death Riders are not on my world.”
The young scout shouts, “I saw them from the lookout! They are coming! There is no way we can survive this attack! There are simply too many for our army to hold back!” The young boy is trembling with fear.
I make my way to the edge of the platform that holds the throne saying, “I tried to warn you, Pontis, but you wouldn’t listen to me. I told you this was going to happen. We have to stop fighting each other and work together or else the crystal army will kill everyone inside this kingdom, even the precious royals you have tried so diligently to protect.” Pontis begins to frantically look around the room as if the answers to his problems are painted on the walls, but Cecilia’s face is full of terror.
“Pontis, you must realize what the greater threat is.” Cecilia tries to step forward again but is stopped by the soldiers restraining her. “This must be dealt with, with no delay. If you prolong this any longer, all will be lost. You must protect the entire kingdom!”
“What are your orders, your majesty?” One of the soldiers holding Cecilia asks.
“We… we… must protect… we must protect the royals! This must be a hoax. Yes, it is a trick by my son and the off-worlder designed to fool us into surrendering.” Pontis begins to laugh hysterically and starts speaking in such a rush that you cannot decipher what he is saying.
He is losing it.
“This isn’t a trick, Pontis! They’re coming, right now.” I take another step forward, leaving me only inches from the platform holding the throne.
“I saw them, I swear I saw them. They are only a few hours away.” The scout tells the soldiers loyal to Pontis. “We must act now, or they will kill us for sure.”
“Can’t you see that he is going to get us all killed!” Cecilia says to the soldiers holding her.
“There is nothing to fear, because this threat is not real!” Pontis runs up to Cecilia, stopping inches from her face. “I am going to save MY people. We will live on to preserve our culture while those in the lower rings serve their most important duty in life. They must die so that we can go on. The royals will be saved, and that is all that matters. I am the king! I am the…”
Cecilia pushes the spears away from her neck and neither of the soldiers does anything to stop her as she punches Pontis as hard as she can across the right cheek, knocking him unconscious. She turns around to face the soldiers, “I am the rightful Queen of Liferné, and I am ordering you to prepare your troops for battle with the Mortem Mangoners!”
The soldiers look back and forth between Cecilia and their fallen king. They stop when they realize Pontis is not waking up again, saying, “Yes, Your Highness!”
I run down the aisle and leap onto the platform holding the throne, and I pick Cecilia up into the air the moment my arms can reach her. When she comes down, I kiss her saying, “My Queen.”
“About time, Jacob.” She kisses me back.
“Sorry it took so long; we had a few things to take care of along the way here.”
Cecilia begins to walk toward the door and we all follow her as we leave Pontis behind on the platform he used to control. “We have a lot of work to do! Will you follow me? Will you fight for your Queen?” Cecilia walks out into the courtyard to cheers from the fighters and the griffins sitting atop the walls. She turns back around looking at Tayus and me saying, “Here’s what we are going to do.”