Praise for

Deadly Darkness

Overall, Parker has written a fun mystery, one that not only challenges us in our detective capabilities but also morally, questioning how our justice system isn’t always as equal as we like it to be. Deadly Darkness is a great mystery for any fan of the genre.

Tierney for Novels Alive

The historical details, such as blackout drills, add to the rising tension and intensity of the story as well as the inevitability of war. But with darkness there is also light, found here in the antics of the boys along with enough humor to alleviate the gloom. The characters bring the story to life and give it heart.

Cozy Up with Kathy

Historical fiction readers as well as mystery lovers will appreciate this incredible series. This book stands alone but will entice you to go back and read the series from the start. Prepare to sit a spell because you will be drawn in with danger on every page.

Laura’s Interests

I especially like how realistic the characters feel as the deal with the effects of an upcoming war looming on the horizon as Parker captures how it felt along with the charm of England. Makes for quite a fun read for fans of historical cozies.

Books a Plenty Book Reviews