“A team of top-notch doctors who embrace both traditional and alternative medicines and treatments, who collaborate with each other and with me, have made a tremendous difference in my quality of life. If your doctor doesn’t suggest it, help yourself out by looking into the many alternative treatments that are available today.”
I often get emails from readers asking about “alternative treatments” available for Parkinson’s. Though I understand they are looking for other therapies that their doctor may not have prescribed, I think the term “complementary treatments” is a better choice as these treatments and therapies can be used in addition to (rather than instead of) doctor-prescribed medications and treatment. These therapies include massage, yoga, tai chi, herbal and dietary therapies, acupuncture, glutathione therapy, and music therapy, as well as many others.
It is crucial that anyone interested in using alternative therapies in combination with their conventional medications check with their doctor before starting a new regimen. Certain supplements can cause adverse reactions when taken with prescription medications.
Following are some alternative and complementary therapies for Parkinson’s.
Implementing an exercise routine can help lower your stress and increase your energy. Gentle alternative practices such as tai chi and yoga may be beneficial options to consider, and they may also help improve your balance and flexibility.
In general exercise is safe, but remember to check with your doctor before you start any exercise regimen. You can read more about the benefits of various types of exercise in people with Parkinson’s in chapter 51.
By following your doctor’s and dietician’s daily dietary guidelines, you can look and feel better with your PD. See chapters 46 to 49 for more details and dietary suggestions for people with Parkinson’s.
Many of my readers have asked whether adding marijuana (also known as cannabis) to their regimen would be beneficial. The short answer is maybe. Depending on where you live, medical marijuana may or may not be able to be prescribed for Parkinson’s. That said, recreational marijuana is increasing in popularity, and because many U.S. states have legalized it (as well as countries like Canada), it is becoming more accessible.
At this point, researchers say that cannabis may provide relief from symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, rigidity, and slowness of movement.46 The problem is that so far, studies have been small and have had mixed results.47 Also, various factors, including calculating a safe dosage, need to be looked at further.
If you are interested in medical marijuana, ask your doctor if it may be a helpful option for you.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that assists in ridding the brain of dangerous free radicals. People with PD have low levels of glutathi-one, specifically in the substantia nigra, the area in the brain where dopamine is lost. This can mean that their cells die faster and the disease progresses more quickly.
There has been some evidence that glutathione supplementation can help people with Parkinson’s.48 The practical problem in increasing glutathione levels is that it is not absorbed very well by the digestive system, so taking it orally may not be that effective. However, intravenous (IV) glutathione injections have been shown to have positive results in some cases.49 The downside of IV glutathione is that it can be expensive and difficult to access, and infection, bleeding, and blood clots are possible side effects. Taking glutathione via a nasal spray is something researchers are looking into as it is less invasive and has fewer side effects.
More clinical trials need to be done to determine whether glutathione supplements definitively work to reduce symptoms of PD. In the meantime, if you are interested in glutathione therapy, ask your doctor if it could be added to your regimen. Note that glutathione therapy is not suggested by movement disorders specialists but is offered by naturopaths.
Practiced in India for some 5,000 years, Ayurveda is a comprehensive system that places equal emphasis on diet, exercise, meditation, massage, and herbs.
One of these herbs, Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean), is receiving a lot of attention50 because its effects mimic those of synthetic levodopa, but with fewer side effects. It can also be a good alternative for those who cannot afford long-term levodopa therapy.
Some of my readers have reported that Ayurvedic medicine is easy to incorporate and has allowed them to reduce their dosage of Western medicines. Do not, however, make any changes to your medications or add any new treatments without consulting your doctor first. It is important to note that you cannot control the amount of levodopa you get from these beans, and it is not the equivalent of levodopa in Western drugs.
A massage can help reduce stress and tension and loosen up tight muscles. It can also help with increasing circulation and decreasing muscle spasms. Mom really loved massage and recommended getting one weekly if it fits in your budget.
Often referred to as “touch therapy” or “energy work,” Reiki is an ancient practice that promotes relaxation and healing. Reiki practitioners focus on using gentle touch to better channel a person’s life force and ease bodily tension. One of my readers, Rohit, emailed me to say that her mother tried Reiki and felt immediate relief that continued through the next day. While there is little research into Reiki and its use in PD, some studies have shown that it can help with pain relief and mood.
Acupuncture is a procedure in which fine needles are inserted at specific points in the skin to stimulate, disperse, and balance the flow of energy and to relieve pain. Researchers are studying whether acupuncture can help improve sleep and depression as well.
You may have heard about acupuncture but have been afraid to try it. My mom certainly was but when she finally did, she couldn’t believe how good it felt! She said she didn’t feel the needles at all.
Having a positive attitude can lower stress, improve symptoms, and help you feel better overall. Laughter has been found to be so helpful that laughter clubs and laughter yoga are a real thing and exist all over the world. Don’t underestimate the power of positivity! To find out more, check out https://laughteryoga.org/.
Guided imagery is a form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between mind and body. Through this practice, participants create calm, peaceful images in their mind for a mental escape. It can help people overcome stress, anger, pain, depression, and insomnia. Because stress and depression can worsen PD symptoms, guided imagery can be very useful to someone with PD.
Positive affirmations are part of the guided imagery process. First you identify your self-talk—that is, what you are saying to yourself about your life and your disease. Then you make affirmations to counteract any negative thoughts and emotions. Here are some examples of positive statements you might want to say to yourself.
• I am healthy, vital, and strong.
• Every day in every way I am getting stronger.
• There is nothing in the world I cannot handle.
• Let go of things I cannot control.
Music is receiving a lot of attention in terms of how it may help people with Parkinson’s. Many folks have found moving, dancing, and singing to music very helpful in alleviating certain PD symptoms. And here’s the bonus with music therapy: it may improve your mood and help you think better!
Below are a few examples of music therapy.
Rhythmic auditory cuing is a technique in which a rhythm is used to help improve movement in people with PD. Many people with Parkinson’s find that using music to provide the rhythm works really well in helping them walk.
Dancing provides exercise and socialization, and it helps to improve balance and coordination. Tango, ballet, and ballroom dancing all have been found to be beneficial to people with Parkinson’s, and all can be adapted to your level of ability and stage of PD.
Singing solo or in a choir have both been found to be beneficial for people with PD by helping them to increase the volume and quality of their voice. Singing may also be helpful in strengthening the muscles responsible for swallowing and breathing, both of which can be a challenge for people with PD.
Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine created in the late 1700s that is based on the belief that like cures like. In other words, a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person could be used (in a very small dose) to cure similar symptoms in a sick person. The idea is to trigger the body’s natural defenses. Homeopathy is also holistic, meaning it treats the whole person, not just the illness.
Though there is no clinical proof that homeopathy helps Parkinson’s, many patients have found it helpful.
Below are some examples of homeopathic remedies that some people with Parkinson’s have found to help improve their symptoms.
• Argentum nitricum for ataxia (loss of muscle coordination), trembling, awkwardness, and painless paralysis
• Causticum for restless legs at night
• Cuprum for muscle cramps
• Mercurius vivus for Parkinson’s that is worse at night, especially with panic attacks
• Plumbum metallicum, especially with arteriosclerosis
• Zincum metallicum for great restlessness, and depression
If you are considering including alternative therapies, you need to educate yourself about the potential benefits, side effects, and risks. While some treatments may be helpful, other can be expensive, ineffective, and dangerous. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new therapy.
Faith can also be a very helpful part of treatment and was for my mom. Her belief in God gave her comfort throughout her journey with Parkinson’s and the strength she needed to carry on during the hard times.