Just then two older girls walked by. They were carrying stacks of neon green flyers. But it wasn’t just the color that caught Bella’s eye; it was the picture of a robot! If there was anything Bella loved more than the idea of programming a race car, it was robots!

Bella watched the girls go from table to table, passing them out. She couldn’t wait until the girls got to their table.

But by the time the bell rang, no flyer. And the girls had already left the cafeteria.

Bella was disappointed. What was the robot flyer for? And why did the older girls skip their table? None of her friends seemed to notice—they were still discussing different types of cars they could build.

On the way back to their classroom, a flash of neon green caught Bella’s eye. A flyer! It was taped to the wall above a drinking fountain. Bella read it quickly.


Interested? You bet I am, thought Bella.
