Chapter 13

Kaia’s dancing eyes made him anxious for her as he pulled out his phone and called Starlight, hoping they’d have a table for them.

On the second ring, an older man’s voice answered in a slow, exaggerated tone. It reminded him of a stodgy butler from some terrible movie he’d seen at some time or another. “Good evening. My name is Morgan and you’ve reached Starlight. How may I help you?”

“Good evening Morgan. This is Anthony Foster.” Before he could say anything else, Morgan cut in on him, gushing overeager anxiousness, and while over the top, Anthony also knew it was sincere.

“Mr. Foster! So good to hear from you! It’s been too long! Will you be needing a table this evening?”

Anthony smiled. “Yes I will Morgan. A table for two, please.”

“Very good, very good. Any special requests, Mr. Foster? Is this a business meeting or pleasure for you tonight?”

“Strictly pleasure. Something comfortable please.”

“Yes, yes, very good, Mr. Foster. Can we prepare anything for your arrival?”

Anthony eyed Kaia as he spoke. “I think she’ll need to look over the menu to decide what she’d like. We’ll order once we get there. How long before you can have a table ready please?”

“Oh, well Mr. Foster, we can have a table ready immediately for you, but if you’d like a more secluded spot, it might be another thirty to forty five minutes. Unless of course you require me to shorten that time. Will that be too long a wait for you sir?”

Anthony was accustomed to people being cautious with him, but he didn’t want to be reminded that he was Master of Atlanta right now. He wanted to revel in feeling like he could be himself with Kaia, and that she was being real with him. With supernaturals, most were too terrified of displeasing him to ever show their genuine selves to him.

He supposed that was mostly his own fault. You don’t go around killing off your problems, or come very close to doing it, and not develop a reputation for ruthlessness.

But Anthony still tried to be polite and courteous to those that he liked, and sometimes even those that he didn’t. Morgan was a wolf that he liked.

“Whatever is available when we arrive will be perfect, Morgan. Thank you.”

“Very well, sir. We eagerly await your arrival.”


Anthony couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of Kaia’s kiss and the feel of her hands exploring him. He tried to distract himself by asking her questions about herself, which turned into a long conversation on the drive to Starlight and throughout their wonderful dinner. And Morgan, of course, kept a keen watch on them and attended to Kaia’s every need.

As it turned out, Kaia was actually thirty two, only a year younger than himself before he’d turned vampire, though he didn’t share the vampire part with her. He considered it when she innocently answered a question about what her favorite types of books were, and her recent favorite was a series with a vampire main character. He spent about two seconds trying to figure out if she was actually toying with him and already knew he was vampire, then immediately decided he didn’t believe that. He still didn’t share his secret with her, though.

They flirted all throughout dinner as they talked about themselves, their careers, and what they wanted out of life in the next few years. Kaia sounded like she’d focused a lot on her career up until a few years ago and was now pretty happy with where she was at. Anthony, of course, had plenty of responsibility on his plate but operated on auto pilot most days. He was now more interested in getting to know Kaia better.

She seemed surprised by some of his admissions, and quite frankly, so was he. He’d never been so honest and forthright with a woman before, but he’d never dated someone who was so direct and open with him as well. It was unusual and refreshing… and terrifying. She challenged him in ways he’d never thought of with her quick wit, playful banter, and open communication. She made him feel like an amateur in some ways, and completely ancient in others. But in all ways she made him feel like a man.


After the tableside violinist wandered off to another couple, it was finally time to bring Kaia home. She had work tomorrow and she was already stifling yawns. He tipped Morgan and the other waiter before heading back to the elevator with Kaia on his arm.

The burnished gold elevator doors closed them inside the small space and they started to descend. “They didn’t charge you for dinner?”

“They never do. I help them with their bookwork, but I rarely come into the actual restaurant. I see the owner at least once every month or two, sometimes more often. He’ll know I was in. Morgan will tell him.”

Her eyelids drooped, and she nodded and snuggled into him as she held onto his arm.

Anthony loved this feeling of just being close to her. He could feel her body heat, and he tried not to think about it, but he could even feel her breast pressed against his arm. He didn’t think she was doing it on purpose, trying to tease him, but nonetheless it was turning him on along with everything else about her.

He placed his hand over hers on his forearm and she immediately started tracing her fingertips around his knuckles with her free hand.

“You know, you have beautiful skin.” She abruptly looked at his face, smiling in wonder as she studied him.

He blurted out in confusion, “Beautiful skin?”

She looked into his eyes and her smile faltered. “Sorry, that’s probably an odd thing to say to a guy.” She shook her head and looked away.

“No, I… thank you for the compliment.” He delicately reached out and touched her chin, nudging her to look at him. “No one’s ever said that to me before.” He lost his breath as they locked eyes, her breathing shaky and her lips beautifully full. With her heels on she was nearly as tall as him…

She leaned in closer and they shared a brief, chaste kiss before the elevator dinged and came to a stop. She slowly pulled back as she held his gaze, and he hoped he’d used his power in time to mask his glowing eyes. He couldn’t help his body’s reactions to her. She made his heart race every time she touched him.

Another couple began shuffling into the small space, not bothering to give he and Kaia room to leave first. Kaia patiently waited for them to get situated, then stepped past them as if she hadn’t seen them giving her a scowl for holding up their ascent. He followed her out, throwing a little energy at the elevator that would basically make it not work right for about a minute.

He chuckled to himself as he caught up to his lovely temptress, reaching out to put his arm around her waist before he realized how intimate that was. He froze, wondering if he was being too forward with her out in public, but she immediately snaked her arm around his waist. She fell into step with him as if they’d already done this a hundred times already.

It amazed him that things felt so natural with her since he’d never connected easily with anyone, friend or lover. His mind pondered what it was about her that was so different while his body tried its best to stay calm as he held onto this beautiful creature.

The night air had cooled, so as they waited for the valet, Kaia snuggled into him. He wanted to wrap his arms all the way around her and hold her tight, but he still didn’t want to assume too much with her. Luckily, she decided for him when she cuddled up to him even more.

He caressed her cheek and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. “I’ve had a wonderful evening with you, my sweet.”

She smiled tiredly as she looked into his eyes. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

He took a deep breath, savoring this feeling. When the valet finally brought his car around, Anthony didn’t want to let Kaia out of his arms. He reluctantly helped her into her side, then tipped the valet before getting behind the wheel.

Kaia looked even more tired as she got comfy in her seat.

“Are you cold, my sweet? Let me turn this on for you.” He adjusted the controls and the vents while she watched him with a twinkle in her eye.

She asked, “Are you hungry? I feel bad that you didn’t get anything to eat tonight and it’s so late. You must be starving.”

He smiled and stopped to really look at her for a moment. “You’re so lovely. You’re such a kind soul.” He held her gaze a moment longer and she started to blush. He chuckled, then placed a chaste kiss on her hand before releasing her and pulling into traffic.

“Thank you for thinking of me. I ate before I picked you up tonight. I’m not hungry.” He looked at her and said, “And please don’t feel bad. There’s nothing to feel bad for.”

“Ok.” She yawned, then waved it away. “Sorry, sorry.”

He chuckled. “It’s I who should be sorry. I’ve kept you out too late. Could I make it up to you in the very near future? I’d like to see you again.”

The calming vibration of her waning energy quickly shifted back to intense desire. The force of it shocked him.

“I’d like that. Do you want to come over to my place some night and watch a movie?”

The answer came out of his mouth almost before she’d finished her question. “Yes. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do more.”

She chuckled at his eagerness and he joined in. Everything felt right with her.

They made it to Wild Woods and he pulled around near the front of the building. “Let me walk you to the door. It’s late and it’s dark out.”

She nodded, then thankfully waited for him as he got out of the car. The night breeze felt wonderful, even over his discomfort at being here in Ethan’s space. He opened Kaia’s door and helped her out, but she immediately turned back to reach for her flowers.

“Please. Allow me.”

She opened her mouth to say something, then seemed to think better of it and stepped aside.

He couldn’t help a chuckle.


He gave her the flowers as he said, “You have a fierce, independent vibe to you, but you’re a softie underneath it all, aren’t you?”

She looked stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud. “Is that how you see me?”

He smirked. “Yes. Independent with a kind soul. You are a good person. Kind, intelligent, charming and beautiful. I like that very, very much.”

Her smile calmed as she looked intently at him. He stepped closer, wanting so badly to kiss her goodnight, but he was at Ethan’s. Almost as soon as he had that thought, he felt the energy of some shifters coming out the front door, and at the same time a car pulled into the parking lot, shining its lights on them. No doubt Ethan was keeping an eye on things, especially Kaia. With the mood effectively killed, she smiled knowingly at him and he had that feeling of rightness with her again. Absolutely nothing was uncomfortable with her… except that he hadn’t revealed himself to her yet.

“I should let you get to bed.”

“I had a good time tonight Anthony. Thank you for dinner.”

They had a moment of just looking in each other’s eyes then. “You’ll call me tomorrow?”


She leaned in for a hug, and as soon as they embraced, she let out a shaky breath and her desire enveloped him in her warmth. He relaxed against her, loving how comfortable he felt in her arms.

But Ethan’s shifters, and even a vampire now, were busily coming and going and it distracted them both. They reluctantly released each other and he walked her the few feet to the front door before telling her good night.