Page numbers in italic refer to images.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abbey Road (album), 60, 62, 91, 187, 204, 558
Abbey Road Studios, 31, 201, 532
See also Beatles, The, ARRANGEMENTS; Beatles, The (album)
About Face (Gilmour), 361
Agnew, Spiro, 537
AIR Studios
London, 102, 429, 460, 494
Montserrat, 102, 112, 113
‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band’ (Berlin), 172
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 201, 332
See also Carroll, Lewis
‘All My Loving,’ 2, 3, 6, 380
‘Along Came Jones’ (The Coasters), 338
American R & B charts, 352
Amis, Kingsley, 397
‘And I Love Her,’ 7, 8, 9–10
‘Another Day,’ 11, 12–14
Anthology 3 (album), 62
‘Anything Goes’ (Cole Porter), 207
Apple Corps, 413
Apple Records
business conflicts, 55–56, 332
logo, 215
other artists produced by, 60, 62, 179
and Ron Kass, 303
See also Beatles, The, BREAKUP
Arlen, Harold, 231, 238
Armstrong, Louis, 60, 198, 565
‘Arrow Through Me,’ 15, 17, 18
Asher, Jane
breakup with, 143, 520–21
and celebrity experience, 9, 542
holidays with, 481, 481, 553
and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 141, 247
Old Vic performances, 121
photos, 9, 247
relationship with, 8–9, 10, 244, 322, 434, 481, 481
as song subject/inspiration, xxvii, 9
Asher, Margaret, 9, 121, 122, 244, 521, 555
Asher, Peter, 9, 52
Astaire, Fred, xxv, 220, 250–51
Atkins, Chet, 34, 172, 462, 463
Atkins, Leona, 463
At the Speed of Sound (album) (Wings), 72, 427
audience awareness, xiii, 31, 60
‘Average Person,’ 20–21, 21, 22
Bach, Barbara, 361
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 34
‘Back in the U.S.A.’ (Berry), 106
‘Back in the U.S.S.R.,’ 24, 25–26, 25
Back in the World tour (2003), 26
Back to the Egg (album) (Wings), 154
Badfinger, 60, 61, 62, 466
‘Bagpipe Music’ (MacNeice), 526
‘Ballad of John and Yoko, The,’ 87–88
‘Ballroom Dancing,’ 361
Band, The, 56
‘Band on the Run,’ 27, 28, 91, 195, 257
Band on the Run (album) (Wings), 40, 194, 277, 278, 359
Bangor, Wales, 141
Barthelme, Donald, xxx
Barthes, Roland, xxix
BBC, 83, 167, 316, 321
Beach Boys, The, xxv, 25–26, 195, 208, 398
Beatlemania phenomenon
and commodification, 413
and first United States trip, 5–6, 162
and ‘A Hard Day’s Night,’ 191–92
and A Hard Day’s Night film, 191
and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 140–41
and sex, 162
Beatles, The (album), 169, 170, 201, 220, 373, 424, 532
Beatles, The
banned in the USSR, 26
clubbing, 373
covers of songs by, 184–85, 241, 536–37, 555
early days, 50–52
early earnings, 174, 176, 192, 278, 481, 541, 557
early repertoire, 251, 391, 393
on The Ed Sullivan Show (1964), 3, 5–6
first recording as The Quarry Men, 262–64, 263
first The Quarry Men configuration (with Colin Hanton and John Lowe), 262
forming of, 120
generational impact of, 322–23
instruments, 442
LSD use, 55, 84, 137–38, 319
marijuana use, 55, 56, 138, 183, 341, 397, 535–36, 552
meeting Marlene Dietrich, 22
meeting Noël Coward, 21–22
meeting Queen Elizabeth II, 204
and military call-up, 47–48
move to London (1963), 8
musical development, 28–29
and Northern Songs, 37
origin of name, 312, 392–93
philosophy of, 419–20
press catchphrases for, 241–42
public image of, 6, 313, 424, 440, 552
public personas, 52–53
relationship with The Rolling Stones, 240–42
Royal Variety Performance (1963), 22, 204
set lists, 51–52
studio work. See ARRANGEMENTS below
studio work vs. performance, 220–21, 319, 434
on tour, 147, 148, 221
tour with Little Richard (1962), 259
tour with Roy Orbison and Gerry and The Pacemakers (1963), 3, 147, 148, 439
Abbey Road, 60, 62, 91, 187, 204, 558
Anthology 3, 62
The Beatles, 169, 170, 201, 220, 373, 424, 532
Beatles for Sale, 320
cover art, 4–5
Help!, 94, 555
Let It Be, 296
Meet The Beatles!, 4, 320
Revolver, 122, 183–84
UK-US variations, 4
With the Beatles, 4, 5, 241
See also Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
brass, 183–84
early simplicity, 94
experimentation, 122, 183–84, 192
and genre elasticity, 4
and guitar retuning, 554
guitar rhythm, 4
happy accidents, 121
harmonies, 192, 398
keys, 554
learning by ear, 177
and Mellotron, 478
modulation, 10
and Moog synthesizer, xxvi, 332, 478
satisfaction in, 220
sound distortion, 201
sound effects, 79, 220, 300
strings, xxvi, xxvii, 79, 80, 94, 123, 183, 554
See also Martin, George
and Allen Klein, 487, 488, 489, 557
collaborations after, 87–88
and ‘Confidante,’ 67
and future plans, 151
lawsuits, 37, 87–88
and Lennon-McCartney relationship, xix, 86–87, 152, 169, 487–88
oppressiveness of, 418
Paul’s emergence from, xix–xx, 13, 16, 17–18, 132–33, 187, 256–57, 334, 512, 529
struggles before, 55–56, 132, 266, 295, 332, 557–58
and ‘We Got Married,’ 523
Eight Days a Week, 53
A Hard Day’s Night, 52–53, 282, 320, 552
Help!, xxvii, 122, 320, 552–53
Let It Be, 266, 429, 472
Magical Mystery Tour, 75, 198, 320, 321, 321
Yellow Submarine, 549
and Astrid Kirchherr, 4
and Derry and the Seniors, 35, 39
long sets, 52, 251
and musical learning, xxix, 440
photos, 31
putting on a show, 31
and sex, 162
and ‘Confidante,’ 69
and Donovan, 247
and ‘The Fool on the Hill,’ 140–41
and ‘Magical Mystery Tour,’ 319–20
and ‘Mother Nature’s Son,’ 341
and ‘Teddy Boy,’ 472
and ‘Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?,’ 532
avant-garde, xxv, 80
The Beach Boys, xxv, 25–26, 208, 398
Black music, xxv, 84, 183, 310, 352, 377, 442
Bob Dylan, xxv, 310
Buddy Holly, xii, xxv, 110, 310, 312, 377
The Everly Brothers, xxv, 312, 398
Little Richard, 32, 84, 259, 377, 442
radio, xxvi, 79, 112
The Who, 32
The Beatles album (1968), 34, 169, 201, 220, 424, 531, 532, 532, 533
‘Eight Days a Week,’ 117
‘Hey Jude,’ 213, 215
joy in, 332
Paris (1964), 52
schedule, 474–75
Twickenham Studios (1969), 151
‘We All Stand Together,’ 517–18
The Beatles recording sessions (1968), 34, 220, 424
The Ed Sullivan Show (1964), 3
with Little Richard, 259
Liverpool (1962), 317
Magical Mystery Tour film location, 321
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1967), 140
with Pete Best (Liverpool, 1961), 439
with Roy Orbison and Gerry and The Pacemakers (1963), 147
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band press launch, 535
with Stuart Sutcliffe (Hamburg, 1961), 31
on Thank Your Lucky Stars (1964), 116, 241
at The Cavern Club (Liverpool, early 1960s), 253
on Top of the Pops (1966), 397
Twickenham Studios (1969), 151
Beatles, The (cartoon series), 320
Beatles for Sale (album), 320
Beat poets, 128
‘Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)’ (Lennon), 495
‘Be-Bop-a-Lula,’ 119
Beck, 364
‘Bed-In for Peace,’ 109
Bell, William, 377
Belushi, John, 537
Be More Chill (Iconis and Tracz), 301
Bennett, Cliff, 184–85
Benny Hill Show, The, 162
Berio, Luciano, 80
Berlin, Irving, 172
Berry, Chuck, xxv, 26, 106, 120, 194, 195, 377, 391
Best, Pete, 439
Betjeman, John, 128
Beverley Sisters, 312
Big Three, The (band), 392
Bingham, Issy, xxix
Bioletti, Harry, 401
‘Bip Bop,’ 292
‘Birthday,’ 30, 31–32
Black, Bill, 73, 539
Black, Cilla, 465–66, 466, 467–68
‘Blackbird,’ 33, 34–35, 39–40, 79, 211, 272
Blackbird Singing (poetry) (McCartney), 34, 226
‘Black Hills of Dakota’ (Doris Day), 423
‘Blackpool,’ 82
Blake, Peter, 325
Blakely, Colin, 475
Bleak House (Dickens), 282
Blind Date (TV series), 468
Bloody Sunday (1972), 166–67
‘Bluebird,’ 36, 37–40, 38
and ‘Can’t Buy Me Love,’ 52
and ‘Day Tripper,’ 84
and grammar, 350
and ‘Hi, Hi, Hi,’ 218
and ‘I Don’t Know,’ 231
and ‘I Lost My Little Girl,’ 235
and ‘London Town,’ 306
and ‘Oh Woman, Oh Why,’ 376
and Paul’s singing style, 377, 539
and song length, 260
talking, 423
the unexpected in, 389
Bonham, John, 102–3
Boone, Pat, 4
Bootsie and Snudge (British television), 275
‘Bouncy Song, The,’ 187
Bowie, David, 32, 40, 325
Boyd, Pattie, 31
‘Boys,’ 240
Brambell, Wilfrid, 282
Braque, Georges, 495
‘Bread and Butterflies’ (music hall song), 20
Brel, Jacques, 427
Bridges, Lloyd, 550
Broccoli, Cubby, 303
Bron, Eleanor, xxvii, 122
Brook, Peter, 320
Brown, Bryan, 361
Brown, Peter, 86
Budokan, Tokyo, 297
Burroughs, William S., 122–23, 385
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 28, 278
Butlin’s holiday camp, 82, 83, 398, 485
‘Bye Bye Love’ (Everly Brothers), 398
‘Caesar Rock,’ 121
‘Café on the Left Bank,’ 42, 44
Cage, John, xxv, 80, 169
Calamity Jane, 423
‘Calico Skies,’ 45, 46–47
‘California Girls’ (The Beach Boys), 26
Callander, Peter, 50
Camino Real (Williams), xviii
Campbeltown Pipe Band, 347–48, 348
Candlestick Park, San Francisco, 221, 434
‘Can’t Buy Me Love,’ 49, 50–51, 105
Capitol Records, 4, 5, 50, 365
Carmichael, Hoagy, xxv, 238
‘Carnival of Light,’ 320
Carroll, Lewis, xiii, xxiv, 125, 201, 253, 319, 332, 379, 549
Carry On films, 162
‘Carry That Weight,’ 54, 56
Casey, Howie, 39
Cash, Johnny, 16, 307, 502
Cass and the Cassanovas, 392
Cathy Come Home (TV play), 448
Cavern Club, The (Liverpool), 253, 362, 465
Chamberlain, Neville, 48
‘Changes’ (Bowie), 32
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard (album), 250
Chaplin, Charlie, 272, 491
Charles, Ray, 26, 309, 310, 442
‘Check My Machine,’ 57, 58
‘Cheek to Cheek’ (Astaire), 250–51
Chekhov, Anton, 456
Chester, Charlie, 343
Chevalier, Maurice, 198, 427, 560
Churchill, Winston, 48, 125
Cilla, 466
Clapton, Eric, 31
Cleese, John, 158
Cliff Bennett and The Rebel Rousers, 184
climate change, 91, 92
Coachella, 227–28
Coasters, The, 338
‘Cocaine Blues,’ 307
Cochran, Eddie, 119
Cocker, Joe, 536–37
Cogan, Alma, 552
Cole, Nat King, 194, 220, 282, 341
Coleridge, Samuel, 322
Columbia Records, 365
‘Come and Get It,’ 59, 60, 62
‘Come Go With Me’ (Del-Vikings), 235
comic books, 325–26
‘Coming Up,’ 63, 64–65, 495
‘Confidante,’ 66, 67–70
Cook, Peter, 122, 158
Cooke, Sam, 557
‘Cook of the House,’ 71, 72–73
Cordell, Denny, 536
Costello, Elvis, 114
‘Country Dreamer,’ 74, 75–76
Country Hams, The, 172
Coward, Noël, 21–22
Craig, Daniel, 204
Cramer, Floyd, 172
Crickets, The, 5, 312, 393
See also Holly, Buddy
Crosby, Bing, 138, 409–10
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, 539
Cunningham, Merce, 80
Cutler, Ivor, 75
Dacre, Harry, 282
‘Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two)’ (Harry Dacre), 282
‘Dance in the Street,’ 31
Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd), 364
Davies, W. H., 362
Davis, Carl, 158–60, 158, 365
Davy Crockett (TV series), 423
Day, Doris, 423
‘Daydream’ (The Lovin’ Spoonful), 176
‘Day in the Life, A,’ 78, 79, 80, 319, 423
‘Day Tripper,’ 81, 82–84
‘Dead, The’ (Joyce), 173
‘Dear Friend,’ 85, 87, 88
Decca, 466
‘Deep Down,’ 467
De Gaulle, Charles, 44
Dekker, Desmond, 374
Dekker, Thomas, 172
de Kooning, Willem, 99, 310, 385, 385
Del-Vikings, 235
Derbyshire, Delia, 554–55
Derry and the Seniors, 35, 39, 392
‘Desperado’ (Eagles), 278
‘Despite Repeated Warnings,’ xxvii, 89–90, 91–92, 91
De Villeneuve, Justin, 179
Dickens, Charles, xxiv, 60, 128, 271, 282, 474
Dietrich, Marlene, 22
‘Distractions,’ 93, 94–96, 95
Dodd, Ken, xxvi, 79
‘Do It Now,’ xx–xxi, 97, 98–99
Domino, Fats, 377
Donovan, 247
Dorn, Beno, 440
Double Fantasy (album) (Lennon), 495
Downton Abbey, 127
‘Dress Me Up as a Robber,’ 100, 101, 102–3
‘Drive My Car,’ 104, 105, 105
Driving Rain (album), 445
Dryden, John, 325
Dunbar, Geoff, 517
Durband, Alan, xviii, xxv, xxvii, 238, 295, 549–50
Dylan, Bob
and The Beatles’ marijuana use, 56, 183
and ‘Calico Skies,’ 47
and celebrity experience, xxi
and drug references, 307
and ‘Every Night,’ 133
and grammar, 498
and ‘Junior’s Farm,’ 277
and performance, 185
and set lists, 134
on songwriting evolution, 268
as songwriting influence, xxv, 310
talking blues by, 423
and the unexpected, 456
Eagles, 278
Eastman, John, xiii, xxviii, 292
Eastman, Lee, 275
‘Eat At Home,’ 108, 109, 110
‘Ebony and Ivory,’ 111, 112–14, 495
Eddy, Duane, 312
Edgar, Marriott, 238, 423
Edge, Walter, 259
Edison, Thomas, 332
Ed Sullivan Show, The, 3, 5–6, 465
Egypt Station (album), 121, 232
‘Eight Days a Week,’ 115, 116–17
Eight Days a Week (film), 53
‘Eleanor Rigby,’ 118
and ‘Another Day,’ 12
arrangement of, xxvii, 122–23, 183
filmic structure of, xxvi–xxvii
in Give My Regards to Broad Street, 361
inspiration for, 119, 121, 122, 127
pathos in, 22
setting of, xxvii
writing process, 122–23, 380
Electric Arguments (album) (The Fireman), 367, 368, 370
electronic music, 554–55
Eliot, T. S., 96
Elizabeth II (Queen of England), 204–5, 205
EMI Records, 79, 167, 478
Empire (film) (Warhol), 326
‘End, The,’ 124, 125, 125
English, Joe, 43, 44
‘English Tea,’ 126, 127–30
Epstein, Brian
and The Beatles’ move to London, 8
and The Beatles’ public image, 440
childhood of, 172
and Cilla Black, 465, 466
classy nature of, 8
death of, 86, 198, 320
and Lennon-McCartney collaboration, 50
and Noël Coward, 21–22
and Paris recording sessions, 52
Epstein, Harry, 172
Establishment, The (club), 122
Evans, Mal, 60, 202, 434
Evans, Tom, 62
Everly Brothers, The, xxv, 292, 312, 398
‘Every Night,’ 131, 132, 133–34
‘Everyone Had a Bad Year’ (Lennon), 266
Fair Carol (yacht), 43
Faithfull, Marianne, 323
Fassbender, Michael, 325
Fender, Leo, 105
Fireman, The, 367, 368, 367–70
Fischer, Clare, 94
Fitzgerald, Ella, 52, 58, 198
‘Fixing a Hole,’ 136, 137
Flaming Pie (album), 46, 187, 530
Fleming, Ian, 303
Flipper (TV show), 550
‘Fool on the Hill, The,’ 139, 140–41
‘Forget Him’ (Bobby Rydell), 439
Formby, George, 133–34
‘For No One,’ 142, 143–45
4'33" (Cage), 80
‘Foxy Lady’ (Hendrix), 69
‘Frankie and Johnny,’ 376
Fraser, Robert, 325
Freddie and the Dreamers, 185
‘Freedom’ (Wham!), 362
Freeman, Robert (“Bob”), 4
‘From Me to You,’ xiii, 51, 146, 147–48
Fury, Billy, 393
Garbo, Greta, xxi, 419
Gauguin, Paul, 495
Gaye, Marvin, 555
Gentle, Johnny, 393
‘Georgia on My Mind’ (Charles), 26
Gerry and The Pacemakers, 147, 392, 439
Gershwin, George and Ira, xxv, 198, 231, 238
‘Get Back,’ 150, 151
‘Getting Better,’ 350
‘Getting Closer,’ 153, 154
‘Ghosts of the Past Left Behind,’ 156–57
Giant Haystacks (Martin Ruane), 361
Gigi, 198, 560
Gilbert & Sullivan, 50, 91, 275
Gilbert Scott, Giles, 158
Gilmore, Voyle, 50
Gilmour, David, 361, 362, 561
Gingold, Hermione, 198
Ginsberg, Allen, 122, 323, 369, 498
‘Girlfriend,’ 429
‘Girls’ School,’ 161, 162–63, 163
‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish,’ 165, 166–67
Give My Regards to Broad Street (film, 1984), 361–62, 362
Gladwell, Malcolm, 440
glam rock, 325
Glastonbury Festival, 286
Glover, Martin (“Youth”), 367, 368, 367–69
Go-Between, The (Hartley), 439
‘God Only Knows’ (Beach Boys), 208
Goffin, Gerry, 393
‘Golden Earth Girl,’ 168, 169–70
‘Golden Rings,’ 105
‘Golden Slumbers,’ 171, 172, 173–74
‘Goodbye,’ 178, 179–80, 181
‘Good Day Sunshine,’ 130, 175, 176–77
‘Good Golly, Miss Molly’ (Little Richard), 442
Goon Show, The (BBC radio), xxvi, 112
‘Got to Get You Into My Life,’ 182, 183–84, 185
‘Great Day,’ 186, 187
Gréco, Juliette, 427
Gretty, Jim, 337–38
Guinness, Tara, 423
Guns N’ Roses, 304
Haley, Bill, 134
Hall, Peter, 320
Halsey, William, Jr., 502
Ham, Pete, 62
Hamburg, Germany. See Beatles, The, IN HAMBURG
Hamilton, Richard, 325
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 295
handwritten song materials
‘Arrow Through Me,’ 17
‘Average Person,’ 21
‘Back in the U.S.S.R.,’ 25
‘Bluebird,’ 38
‘Distractions,’ 95
‘Drive My Car,’ 105
‘The End,’ 125
‘Every Night,’ 133
‘For No One,’ 144
‘Helter Skelter,’ 202
‘Here, There and Everywhere,’ 207
‘Hi, Hi, Hi,’ 217
‘I’ve Got a Feeling,’ 267
‘I Want to Hold Your Hand,’ 245
‘Junk,’ 280–81
‘The Kiss of Venus,’ 285
Linda’s scrapbook, xx
‘Lovely Rita,’ 315
‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer,’ 331
‘Mrs. Vandebilt,’ 344–45
‘Penny Lane,’ 400
‘Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me),’ 403
‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,’ 433
‘We All Stand Together,’ 518
‘We Can Work It Out,’ 520
‘With a Little Help from My Friends,’ 536
Hanton, Colin, 262, 264
happenings, 320
‘Hard Day’s Night, A,’ xx, 190, 191–92, 506
Hard Day’s Night, A (film), 52–53, 282, 320, 552
Harrison, George
and ‘And I Love Her’ arrangement, 10
and Beatles breakup, 87
death of, 295
and first Beatles recording, 264
and George Formby, 133
guitar, 34, 84, 337–38, 472
and Indian thought, 320
in Long John and the Silver Beetles, 392, 392, 393
and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 140, 140, 141
marijuana use, 183
public persona of, 52
in The Quarry Men, 234, 262
and The Rolling Stones, 240
at school with Paul, 120
sitar playing, 183
songwriting, 474
song written with Paul, 261, 264
and ‘We Can Work It Out’ arrangement, 521
and ‘Yesterday’ arrangement, 553
The Beatles album recording sessions (1968), 220, 424
Hamburg (1961), 31
Liverpool (1958), 121
in Long John and the Silver Beetles (1960), 392
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1967), 140
in The Quarry Men, 234
at Yellow Submarine film press screening (1968), 549
See also Beatles, The
Hartley, L. P., 439
Hass, Hans and Lotte, 550
‘Heart of the Country,’ 529
heavy metal, 201
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), xviii
‘Helen Wheels,’ 193, 194, 194, 195
‘Hello, Goodbye,’ 196, 197–99, 495
Hello, Goodbye (promotional films), 197
Help! (album), 94, 555
Help! (film), xxvii, 122, 320, 552–53
‘Helter Skelter,’ 200, 201–2, 202
Hendrix, Jimi, 69
Henson Studios, Los Angeles, 91, 92
‘Here, There and Everywhere,’ 206, 207–8, 207, 307
‘Here Comes the Sun,’ 177, 474
‘Here Today,’ 209, 210–11
‘Her Majesty,’ 187, 203, 204
Herrmann, Bernard, xxvii, 123
‘Hey Jude,’ 56, 212, 213–15, 290
‘Hi, Hi, Hi,’ 216, 217–18, 217
Hitchcock, Alfred, xxvii, 12, 123
Hockney, David, 228
Hoffman, Dustin, 403–4
Holloway, Stanley, 238, 423
Holly, Buddy
Beatles covers of, 263
Black musical influences on, 377
The Quarry Men cover, 263
as role model for The Beatles, xxv, 5, 312, 393–94
as songwriting influence, xii, xxv, 110, 310, 377
‘Honey Pie,’ 219, 220
‘Hope of Deliverance,’ 222, 223–24, 223
Hopkin, Mary, 60, 179, 180, 181, 466
Horn, Trevor, 292
‘Hound Dog’ (Presley), 5, 350
‘House of Wax,’ 225, 226–27
‘How Do You Do It?’ (Murray), 50
‘How Do You Sleep?’ (Lennon), 14, 488–89
Hutchinson, Johnny, 392
Hynde, Chrissie, 6, 147
‘I Am the Walrus,’ 198
Ibsen, Henrik, Hedda Gabler, xviii
‘I Can See for Miles’ (The Who), 202
Iconis, Joe, 301
‘I Don’t Know,’ 230, 231–32
‘If You Gotta Make a Fool of Somebody,’ 185
‘I Get a Kick Out of You,’ 307
‘I Got a Woman’ (Ray Charles), 442
‘I’ll Be Home’ (Boone), 4
‘I’ll Follow the Sun,’ 249, 250–51
‘I’ll Get You,’ 252, 253–54
‘I Lost My Little Girl,’ xii, xxvii, 120, 233, 234–35
‘Imagine’ (John Lennon), 253
‘I’m Carrying,’ 255
‘I’m Down,’ 258, 259–60
‘I’m Going in a Field’ (Cutler), 75
‘I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter’ (Waller), 4
‘I’m Only Sleeping,’ 121
Indica Gallery and Bookshop, London, 122, 169
Indra Club, Hamburg, 31
In His Own Write (Lennon), 253
‘In Spite of All the Danger,’ 261, 263, 263, 264
International Space Station, 129–30
International Times, 323
‘I Remember It Well’ (Chevalier and Gingold), 198, 560
Irish conflict, 165, 166–67
Iron Door, The (Liverpool), 465
‘I Saw Her Standing There,’ 101, 236, 237–38, 237, 264
‘Israelites’ (Dekker), 374
Ithell, Steve, xxix
‘It’s For You,’ 466
‘It Won’t Be Long,’ 187
‘I’ve Got a Feeling,’ 265, 266–68
‘I Wanna Be Your Man,’ 239, 240–41
‘I Want to Hold Your Hand,’ 5, 51–52, 147, 243, 244, 245
‘I Will,’ 246, 247–48
‘Jabberwocky’ (Carroll), 379
Jackson, Michael, 292–93, 428, 429, 430
Jagger, Mick, 215, 240–41, 323
Jamaica, 18, 40, 453, 453
James, Dick, 240, 557
Jarry, Alfred, xxvi, 217–18, 331
‘Jealous Guy’ (Lennon), 170
‘Jenny Wren,’ 40, 270, 271–72
‘Jet,’ 273, 274–75, 506
Jet (pony), 274, 274
Jim Mac’s Jazz Band, xvi–xvii, 140, 442, 511
Joel, Billy, 6
Johnson, Robert, 218
Jones, Quincy, 429
Joyce, James, 173, 334
‘Julia’ (Lennon), 170
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 535
‘Junior’s Farm,’ 276, 277–78
‘Junk,’ 279, 280–81, 282
Juno and the Paycock (O’Casey), xxvi, 475
‘Just Walk On By’ (Jim Reeves), 380
Kabaka, Remi, 39
‘Kansas City,’ 259
‘Kansas City to St. Louis’ (Ginsberg), 369
Kass, Ron, 303
Kelly, Arthur, 234
Kennedy, John F., 5
Kesey, Ken, 322
King, Albert, 523
King, Carole, 393
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 35, 292
King Lear (Shakespeare), 141
King’s Singers, The, 517–18
Kinks, The, 176
Kinnock, Neil, 160
Kintyre, Scotland, 347
Kirchherr, Astrid, 4
‘Kiss of Venus, The,’ 284, 285, 285, 286
Klein, Allen, 55–56, 55, 487, 488, 489, 557
Klein, Eddie, 495
Kuti, Fela, 28, 39
Laboriel, Abe, Jr., 224
‘Lady Madonna,’ xiii, 227, 288, 289–90, 436–37
Lagos, Nigeria, 28, 28, 39, 40, 359
Laine, Denny, 43, 44, 305
Lark Ascending, The (Vaughan Williams), 340
Larkin, Philip, 448
‘Lazarus’ (Bowie), 40
Lead Belly (Huddie Ledbetter), 376, 539
Lear, Edward, xxiv, 319, 398
Leavis, F. R., xxv, xxvii, 549
Led Zeppelin, 102
‘Leisure’ (Davies), 362
Lennon, Cynthia, 5, 86, 141, 213, 266, 523
Lennon, John
‘A Hard Day’s Night,’ 191
and Aunt Mimi, xvii, 125, 253, 451
and Beatles breakup, 86–87, 132, 151–52, 169, 487–88, 557
and Beatles Hamburg performances, 31, 31
‘Bed-In for Peace,’ 109
and Eleanor Bron, 122
childhood of, xvii–xviii, 86, 253, 329, 451, 485
death of, 88, 170, 210–11, 295, 420, 515
death of mother, 264, 329
divorce of, 86, 213, 266
Double Fantasy, 495
and Bob Dylan, 56
and first Beatles recording, 263
guitar, 4, 84
harmonica, 148, 313
‘How Do You Sleep?,’ 14
and ‘Let ‘Em In,’ 292
and ‘Let Me Roll It,’ 300
literary interests, 125
in Long John and the Silver Beetles, 392, 392, 393
and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 141
marriage to Cynthia, 523
in Paris with Paul (1961), 43, 44, 51, 51, 484–85, 484
personality of, 86, 120, 451
public persona of, 52–53
relationship with Yoko Ono, 109, 151, 169–70, 213, 295, 487
Royal Variety Performance (1963), 22
singing style, 56
and sound effects, 300
‘The Ballad of John and Yoko,’ 87–88
in The Quarry Men, 119–20, 234, 235, 262, 383
and Uncle George, xvii, xviii, 86, 329, 450
Weybridge home of, 105, 116, 176, 176
Apple office (1969), 488
The Beatles album recording sessions (1968), 220, 424
Hamburg (1961), 31
Hello, Goodbye promotional film set, 197
Liverpool (1958), 121
London (1968), 211
in Long John and the Silver Beetles (1960), 392
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1967), 140
Santa Monica (1974), 87
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band press launch, 535
Thank Your Lucky Stars (1963), 409
in The Quarry Men, 234, 383
writing with Paul (Liverpool, 1962), 237
See also Beatles, The; Lennon-McCartney collaboration; Lennon-McCartney relationship; specific songs
Lennon, Julia, 264
Lennon, Julian, 213, 214, 215, 266
Lennon, Sean, 169
Lennon-McCartney collaboration, 237
and Allen Klein, 488
at Ashers’ house, 244
audiences for, 244, 307
and bass, 442
beginning of, xiii, 50, 391
and binaries, 198–99
and Capitol Records, 50
and chords, 52, 84, 106, 148, 192, 254, 338
and circularity, 208
conversational lyrics, 374
and danceability, 101
and drug references, 183, 198, 307, 322, 341, 526, 535–36
end-of-album fragments, 187, 204
experimentation in, xiii, xxvi, 266
German versions of songs, 52, 439–40
and hits, 274
imagining other artists, 310
inspirations for, 50
at John’s house, 105, 116, 158, 176, 364, 400
as “Lennon and McCartney,” 50
Lewis Carroll as inspiration, 201, 253, 319
lyric sheets as temporary, xx
and marijuana use, 397, 535–36
as miraculous, xxv, 267
musical focus, 380
mutual inspiration, 116–17
ongoing influence on Paul’s songwriting, 266–67
personal pronouns in early songs, 147–48, 251, 439
post-Beatles breakup, 87–88
preambles, 207–8
rare dry sessions, 105
refrains, 290
reliable productivity, 50, 188, 251, 364
respect in, xix
and Roy Orbison, 148
and self-taught music, 290
song length, 260
song lengths, 84
songwriting routine, xxviii, 50–51, 188, 251, 409
and ‘stealing’ from other songs, 187
story songs, 447–48
stream of consciousness in, xiii
success of, 410
‘The movement you need is on your shoulder’ line, 213
time signatures, 177
the unexpected in, xiii, xxvi, 52, 148, 254, 389, 526
wordplay in, xiii, xxvi, 398, 410, 485
See also specific songs
Lennon-McCartney relationship
and ‘Another Day,’ 14
and art school parties, 337
and Beatles breakup, xix, 86–87, 152, 169, 487–88
competitiveness, 494–95
and ‘Dear Friend,’ 87, 88
early years, xix, 119–20
first meeting, 119, 235, 383
John’s post-breakup criticisms, 450, 488–89
love, 210–11
and parenting, 169
and Paul’s dog Martha, 328–29
post-Beatles breakup, 65, 86–88, 166, 169, 170
postcards, 498
and ‘Put It There,’ 420
See also Lennon-McCartney collaboration
Lester, Richard, 389, 553, 555
‘Let ‘Em In,’ 291, 292–93
‘Let It Be,’ 294, 295–98
Let It Be (album), 296
Let It Be (film), 266, 429, 472
‘Let Me Roll It,’ 299, 300–301, 300
‘Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off’ (Gershwin and Gershwin), 198
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 262, 377
Lichtenstein, Roy, 325
‘Lick I Pipe’ (reggae song), 453
‘Lili Marleen,’ 22
Lind, Jenny, 271
‘Lion and Albert, The’ (Edgar), 238, 423
Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System, A (Martineau), 285, 286
Little Fauss and Big Halsy (film, 1970), 502
Littler, Dennis, 121
Little Richard
Beatles tour with, 259
influence on Paul’s singing, 259
influence on Paul’s songwriting, xii, xxv
influence on The Beatles, 32, 84, 377, 442
Paul’s covers of, 119
women in songs of, 442
Live Aid, 295
‘Live and Let Die,’ 38, 302, 303–4, 304, 466
Live and Let Die (film), 303–4, 466
Liverpool Cathedral, 158
Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, 204, 262
Liverpool Institute High School for Boys, xviii, 262, 295, 546
Liverpool Oratorio, 157, 158–60, 365, 459, 544, 545–46
Livingston, Alan, 50
Loach, Ken, 448
Lockwood, Sir Joseph, 167
London Town (album) (Wings), 256
‘London Town’ (with Denny Laine), 305, 306–7
‘Long and Winding Road, The,’ 308, 309–10
Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill), xxvi, 191
Long John and the Silver Beetles, 392–93, 392
‘Long Tall Sally’ (Little Richard), 52, 259, 386, 442
Lord Woodbine (Harold Phillips), 34–35
‘Love in Vain’ (Johnson), 218
‘Lovely Rita,’ xx, 314, 315–16, 315
‘Love Me Do,’ xiii, 50, 60, 147, 148, 311, 312–13
‘Love Me Tender’ (Presley), 393–94
‘Love Mojis,’ 478
‘Love of the Loved,’ 465–66
‘Love You To,’ 183, 320
Lovin’ Spoonful, The, 176
Lowe, John ‘Duff,’ 262, 264
‘Lucille’ (Little Richard), 32, 84
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,’ 253
Luther, Martin, 293
Lympne Castle, Kent, 154
Lynn, Dame Vera, 37, 40
Lynne, Jeff, 177
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 125
MacNeice, Louis, 526
‘Maggie’s Farm’ (Dylan), 277
‘Magical Mystery Tour,’ 318, 319–20, 321–22, 506
Magical Mystery Tour (film), 75, 198, 320, 321, 321
Magic Christian Music (Badfinger), 60, 61, 62
‘Magneto and Titanium Man,’ 324, 325–26, 326
Magritte, René, 215, 307, 462
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 69, 140–41, 140, 247, 341
Manley, Colin, 34
Margary, Harry and Deirdre, 154
Marks, Alfred, 478–79
Marley, Bob, 454
Marlowe, Christopher, 495
Marsden, Gerry. See Gerry and The Pacemakers
Martha (Old English sheepdog), 274, 328–29, 328
‘Martha My Dear,’ 274, 327, 328–29, 328
Martin, George, 460
Paul’s regard for, 459
and Radiophonic Workshop, 554–55
and Spike Milligan, 112
‘And I Love Her,’ 10
Beatles album, 220
‘Can’t Buy Me Love,’ 52
‘A Day in the Life,’ 80
‘Dress Me Up as a Robber,’ 102
‘Eleanor Rigby,’ xxvii, 123
Give My Regards to Broad Street, 361
‘How Do You Do It?,’ 50
inventiveness, xxvi, 80, 192
‘Live and Let Die,’ 303
and Michael Jackson, 430
Paul’s appreciation for, 410, 459
‘Please Please Me,’ 410
and satisfaction in studio work, 221
‘We All Stand Together,’ 517–18
‘When I’m Sixty-Four,’ 561
‘Yesterday,’ 94, 123, 552, 553
‘You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away,’ 94
Martin, Judy, 561
Martineau, John, 285, 286
Mattacks, Dave, 102–3, 102
Maxwell, James Clerk, 332
‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer,’ 55, 217, 330, 331–32, 331, 478
‘Maybe Baby’ (Holly), 393
‘Maybe I’m Amazed,’ 333, 334–35
McArthur, Bill, 129–30
McCartney, Heather (daughter), 72, 132, 173, 514, 515, 524
McCartney, James (son), 278, 514, 515
McCartney, Jim (father), 173, 419, 471
and discipline, 418
and ‘Do It Now,’ xx–xxi, 98–99, 467
and George Formby, 133
Jim Mac’s Jazz Band, xvi–xvii, 140, 442, 511
on money, 541
as musical influence, xvi–xvii, 172, 174, 234, 398, 442, 511
Paul buys home for, 174
and Paul’s celebrity experience, xx, 140
Royal Hippodrome job, 20–21
and ‘She Loves You,’ 439
as songwriting influence, xv, xviii, xxix
on tolerance, xxi
‘Walking in the Park with Eloise,’ 172
and wordplay, xviii, xxix, 46, 418, 436, 459
and work, 382
McCartney, Linda (née Eastman)
and cooking, 72, 72, 109
death of, 512
first photograph of Paul, 137
and ‘Let ‘Em In,’ 292
lyrics scrapbook, xx
in Scotland, 75, 109–10, 277, 347, 529
as song subject/inspiration, xxvii, 169, 170, 352, 512
as songwriting collaborator, xix–xx, 37–38, 72, 303
in Suzy and the Red Stripes, 292
vegetarianism, 502
in Wings, 16–17, 38, 39, 44
See also specific photographs by Linda
Antigua (1969), 334
Apple office (1969), 557
Barbados (1981), 515
cooking, London (1977), 72
with family (Heswall, 1968), 173
with guitar (1972), 351
London (1969), 170
Marrakesh (1973), 457
marriage (1969), 524
Scotland, with child, 269
Scotland (1970), 94, 511
Spain (1972), 351
in Wings, 43
See also McCartney, Paul, RELATIONSHIP WITH LINDA; specific songs
McCartney, Mary (daughter)
Barbados (1981), 515
birth of, 532–33
and celebrity experience, 418–19
with Helen Wheels, 194
with Jet, 274
and McCartney album, 132
and parenting, 514
playing at the table, 188
and ‘We All Stand Together,’ 518
Wings Over the World tour (1975), 72
and ‘Women and Wives,’ 539
McCartney, Mary (mother), 289, 296
death of, xii, xvi, xxvii, 234, 289, 295, 472, 555
family photographs, 341, 471, 501
and Forthlin Road house, 250
as midwife, 545, 546
and Paul’s respect for women, xvi
songs inspired by, xv, 119, 275, 295–96
on tolerance, xxi
McCartney, Mike (brother), 98
childhood of, xvi, xxiv–xxv, 20, 98–99, 341, 501
harmony singing, 398
and ‘Let ‘Em In,’ 292
Morocco holiday with Paul and Nancy, 354
McCartney, Paul
astrological sign, 46, 197, 495
attitude towards wealth, 343, 345
Back in the World tour (2003), 26
breakup with Jane Asher, 143–44, 520–21
and classical music, 158–60, 350, 545
on climate change, 91, 272
Companion of Honour, 205
covers of songs by, 62, 174, 184–85, 304, 429, 465–66, 555
death of mother, xii, xvi, xxvii, 234, 289, 295, 472, 555
emergence from Beatles breakup, xix–xx, 13, 16, 17–18, 132–33, 187, 256–57, 334, 512, 529
in The Fireman, 367–69, 368
first car, 278
first job, 382
and Forthlin Road house, 250, 250, 251, 312–13
Gershwin Prize (2010), 114
humility of, xxx
impostor syndrome, 391
jailed for marijuana possession, 343
LSD use, 55, 84, 137–38, 319, 434
marijuana use, 138, 397, 502, 535–36
meeting Noël Coward, 21–22
mimicry talent, xxiv
optimism, 271–72, 406–7, 420
in Paris with John (1961), 43, 44, 51, 484–85, 484
playing for International Space Station, 129–30
poetry by, 34, 226
public persona of, 53
pyrotechnics in concert, 304, 304
relationship with Jane Asher, 8–9, 244, 434, 481, 481
relationship with Nancy Shevell, 101, 354–56
and religion, 56, 166, 298
respect for women, xvi, 289
singing style, 220, 259, 377, 539
solo career initiation, 12–13
“something will happen” philosophy, xxi–xxii
sound check songs, 134
stage presence, xxviii
and swearing, 450–51
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, 250
cover art, 110, 251, 334, 445
Driving Rain, 445
Egypt Station, 121, 232
Flaming Pie, 46, 187, 529
McCartney, 86, 132, 334, 472
McCartney II, 58, 479, 514–15
McCartney III, 467, 530
Memory Almost Full, 388, 560
Pipes of Peace, 361
RAM, 13, 110, 502
Tug of War, 102, 113
‘Bluebird,’ 38–39
‘Coming Up, 64
‘Despite Repeated Warnings,’ 91
‘Distractions,’ 94
‘Dress Me Up as a Robber,’ 102–3
‘Ebony and Ivory,’ 113
and George Martin, 459
happy accidents, 121
keys, 73, 554
percussion, 39
and sequencers, 478
sound effects, 300, 495
and synthesizers, 478, 515
and Stevie Wonder, 112–13
as bubble, 550
daughter Mary on, 418–19
and father Jim, xx, 140
and Jane Asher, 9, 542
and money, 541
and people-watching, 12
and relationship with Nancy Shevell, 356
and ‘She Came in Through the Bathroom Window,’ 436
stress of, xxi
See also Beatlemania phenomenon
birdwatching, 40, 271, 456
day trips, 82–83, 83
discipline, 418
fair outings, 319
family gatherings, xvii, 20, 172–73, 407, 501
family photographs, 341, 471, 501
family piano, xvii, 172–73
influence of parents, xv–xvii, xxi, xxix, 20–21, 436, 459, 546
Liverpool Cathedral chorister audition, 158
as lucky, 436
macho Liverpool culture, 491
musical influences, xvii, 172–73, 174, 234–35, 238, 471
and optimism, 406–7, 418
and people-watching, 20
piano lessons, 121, 172, 177
post-war experiences, 550
time in nature, 271, 277, 340–41, 497
trumpet, 511
work, xx–xxi, 98–99
See also EDUCATION below
communal songs, 215, 296–97
and ‘Every Night,’ 134
‘Here Today’ in, 211
and ‘House of Wax,’ 227
‘Junior’s Farm’ in, 278
number of songs, 51
openers, 506
in Paul’s dreams, 386
Alan Durband’s influence, xviii, xxv, 238, 295, 549–50
opportunities for, xxiv–xxv
childhood gatherings, xvii, 20, 172–73, 407, 501, 564
and day trips, 82
Irish background, 166, 347, 418, 482
and ‘Let ‘Em In,’ 293
and marijuana use, 564
musical influences, 471
and optimism, 407, 418
as ordinary, 43–44
and ‘Ticket to Ride,’ 485
children as backup singers, 454
cooking, 72
and emergence from Beatles breakup, 132–33
parenting, 169, 187–88, 188, 231, 514, 515, 518, 524
See also McCartney, Linda
and ‘Confidante,’ 67
Epiphone acoustic, 482
Epiphone Casino, 68, 69–70, 398
Höfner bass, 442, 443
retuning, 554
Rosetti Solid 7, 482
Zenith acoustic (first guitar), 234
farm life, 109–10, 277, 453, 529–30
Helen Wheels (land rover), 194, 194
journey to London, 194–95
with Linda and child, 269
and ‘The Long and Winding Road,’ 309, 309
marijuana growing, 218
‘Mull of Kintyre’ recording sessions, 347–48, 348
outdoor life, 75, 75, 76
songwriting, 274–75
Bill Black double bass, 73, 539
Magic Piano, 213
Steinway piano, 334
See also GUITARS above
ancient civilisations, 415, 463
birdwatching, 40, 271, 456
cinema, xxvi
dancing, 101
horseback riding, 109, 110, 345
literature, xviii, xxiv, 125, 391, 397, 406, 526
meditation, 96, 143–45, 320
painting, xxvi, 99, 109–10, 309–10, 385
tarot, 141
theatre, 475
vegetarianism, 53, 75, 92, 502
visual arts, 325
woodworking, 154–55, 155
early days, 143, 334, 347, 560
and emergence from Beatles breakup, xix–xx, 334, 529
happiness in, 456
Linda as song subject/inspiration, xxvii, 169, 170, 352, 512
marriage, 132, 277, 523, 524, 558
as respite, 558
and Scotland farm life, 109–10, 277
and ‘Two of Us,’ 497
and ‘Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey,’ 501–2
See also FAMILY above; McCartney, Linda
and aging, 555
and ambiguous words, 145
approaches for Wings, 274, 307, 365
and Beatles breakup, 487–88, 512
and binaries, 46, 197, 198, 495
black hole experience, 137, 138
Black influences on, 377
and British language variations, 128–29
characters in, xxvi, xxix, 12, 105, 162–63, 335, 374, 401, 456, 501–2, 526
as collage, 154, 386
comic books as inspiration, 325–26
commissioned, 303, 466–67
complex chords, 39, 127
and concert functions, 31, 506
and death of the author, xxix–xxx
discipline of, 99
drug references in, 198, 218, 301, 307, 322
drums in, 64, 64
dummy lyrics, 379, 552, 553–54
and eroticism, 244
and everyman/woman elements, 213
and fantasy, 40
and fascination, xxix
favourite lines, 208, 289, 543
favourite melodies, 247
favourite songs, 208, 511
and flying, 39–40
free indirect speech in, 401
and genre, 3
and grammar, 350, 498
and groove, 18
and guitar riffs, 300–301, 379, 398
and hits, 565
as image driven, 437
and imagination, 128, 335, 388–89, 456
imagining another artist, 309, 310
and impossibility, 286
impromptu, 403–4
improvisation, 369–70
in India (1968), 472
influences on, xii, xiii, xxv, xxix, 110, 128, 238
instinct in, 293
intertextuality, 195
John’s ongoing influence on, 266–67
legal issues, 37
Linda as collaborator, xix–xx, 37–38, 72, 303
Linda as song subject/inspiration, 169, 170, 352, 512
line length trick, 524
love in, 359, 450
lyric as separate from song, 460
‘mad professor’ period, 58
magic of, xxix, 523
and meaning/lack of meaning, 257, 364, 379, 385–86, 415, 497
melody-chord relationships, xii, 234–35
melody experimentation, 250
and memory, 117, 482
message songs, 91, 166–67
with Michael Jackson, 429
and middle eight, 389, 565
and misheard lyrics, 215
neutral spaces for, 158–59
as offering hope, 271–72, 491–92, 518
old-fashioned chords, 354
and ordinary people, 43–44, 374, 445
as painting a scene, 306, 315
and parenting, 187–88, 231, 514, 515, 518, 524
and patterns, 307
and peace movement, 101–2
and people-watching, 12, 20
perfectionism, 292
physics and chemistry of, xxix
and piano lessons, 121–22
and place of origin, 347
playing with French language, 427
poetic lyrics, 226
as process of discovery, 310, 429–30, 459
and reassurance, 187, 223–24, 231
and relationship with guitar, 67
repetition in, 179, 290, 459
and rhyme, 46, 332
serendipity in, xx–xxi
simple chords, 123, 231
solitude for, 46, 67, 188, 223, 271, 354, 460, 481
and solo recording sessions, 64, 64
starting with chords, xxix, 187, 210, 282, 350, 379, 380, 482
starting with lyrics, 3, 380, 403–4
starting with melody, 526, 552, 553–54
starting with musical idea, 379
and ‘stealing’ from other songs, 187, 514
story songs, 28, 91, 447–48, 474
surrealism in, 307, 462
and synaesthesia, 436–37
theatre as inspiration, 475
as therapy, 231, 232, 391, 520–21
and troubadour mode, xxix, 247, 248, 466
unexpected chords, 9, 10, 232, 338, 554
the unexpected in, xiii, xiv, 10, 73, 232, 389, 456, 526, 554
varied subject matter, xxvii–xxviii
and ventriloquism, xxix
vignettes in, 163
as word dancing, 361
wordplay in, xiv, xvii, xxix, 46, 420, 459, 502
See also Lennon-McCartney collaboration; specific songs
See also Beatles, The; Wings
Apple office (1969), 557
Apple Studio recording session (1969), 297
in Aston Martin, writing ‘Two of Us,’ 497
at Band on the Run recording session (1973), 359
The Beatles album recording sessions (1968), 220, 424
with Carl Davis (Liverpool, 1991), 159
with Chet Atkins (1974), 462
with children (Scotland, 1977), 188
driving (Sussex, 1978), 272
Driving Rain album cover, 445
with Eastman family, 561
Egypt Station recording sessions, 232
with Epiphone Casino guitar, 68
with face paint (Scotland, 1971), 499
with family (Barbados, 1981), 515
with family (Heswall, 1968), 173
with father and brother (Liverpool, 1960s), 98
with Fela Kuti (Lagos, 1973), 28
in the garden (Liverpool, early 1960s), 250
with George Martin (1982), 460
with George Martin (1983), 460
with George Martin and Michael Jackson (1983), 430
on Give My Regards to Broad Street set, 362
with guitar (Abbey Road Studios, 1968), 34
with guitar (East Hampton, 1991), 47
Hamburg (1961), 31
hanging from building, 395
Hello, Goodbye promotional film set, 197
with Höfner bass, 443
Hog Hill Mill, Sussex (1984), 415
at home, Liverpool (early 1960s), 491
‘Hope of Deliverance’ music video, 223
horseback riding (1970–71), 109
with Ivan Vaughan, 337
Jamaica (1979), 453
with Jane Asher, 247
with Jimmy McCulloch (Abbey Road Studios, 1977), 365
with John in performance, 425
with Julian Lennon, 214
with Linda and child (Scotland), 269
Liverpool (1958), 121
London (1978), 306
London Town recording sessions (1977), 256
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 140, 247
marriage (1969), 524
with Mary and Helen Wheels (Scotland, 1970), 194
with Mary Hopkin, 180
McCartney II recording sessions (1979), 58, 479
Memory Almost Full recording sessions (2007), 388
‘Oh Woman, Oh Why’ recording session (1970), 376
Our World (television special), 527
Pappy & Harriet’s Pioneer Town Palace (California, 2016), 226
Paris (1961), 484
on ‘Pipes of Peace’ music video set (1983), 406
with Queen Elizabeth II (London, 2018), 205
receiving Companion of Honour (London, 2018), 205
in Regent’s Park, London (1968), 13
Scotland (1968), 309
Scotland (1970–71), 94, 109
Scotland farm life, 109–10, 109, 278, 530
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band press launch (639), 137, 535
at Spirit of Ranachan Studio, Scotland (1979), 64, 348
with Stevie Wonder, 113
Sussex (2020), 539
Sussex beach (1994), 542
with tea, 129
Thank Your Lucky Stars, 116, 409
at The Cavern Club (Liverpool, early 1960s), 253
‘Tug of War’ recording sessions, 494
with Willem de Kooning (1984), 385
writing with John (Liverpool, 1962), 237
at Yellow Submarine film press screening (1968), 549
McCartney, Stella (daughter)
Barbados (1981), 515
birth of, 16
with Jet, 274
and parenting, 514
playing at the table, 188
Scotland (1982), 278
and ‘We All Stand Together,’ 518
Wings Over the World tour (1975), 72
McCartney (album), 86, 132, 334, 472
McCartney II (album), 58, 479, 514–15
McCartney III (album), 467, 530
McCulloch, Jimmy, 43, 44, 364, 365
McCullough, Henry, 167, 350
McDonald, Phil, 60
McGill, Donald, 82–83
McIntosh, Robbie, 223
McMillan, Keith, 64, 407
‘Mean Woman Blues’ (Jerry Lee Lewis), 262
Meat Free Monday, 92
Meet The Beatles! (US album), 4, 320
Mellotron, 478, 479
Melly, George, 462
Memory Almost Full (album), 388, 560
Mercer, Johnny, 238
Merseysippi Jazz Band, 462
Mexico City, 134
‘Michelle,’ 336, 337, 338, 427
Miles, Barry, 122, 323
Milligan, Spike, xxvi, 112
Million Volt Light and Sound Rave, 320
‘Milord’ (Piaf), 337
Minnelli, Liza, 334, 335
Mitchell, Adrian, 34, 35, 226
Modern Times (film), 491
Mohan, Owen, 166
Moog synthesizer, xxvi, 332
Moore, Scotty, 69
Morning Phase (Beck), 364
Mortimer, John, 397
Mortimer, Penelope, 397
Morton, Jelly Roll, 565
Moss Empires company, 3
‘Mother Nature’s Son,’ 339, 340–41
Motown, xxv, 310
MPL Communications, 37, 413
‘Mrs. Vandebilt,’ 342, 343, 344–45, 345
‘Mr. Tambourine Man (Dylan), 134, 268
Muldoon, Paul, xiv
‘Mull of Kintyre,’ 163, 346, 347–48
Murphy, Eddie, 113
Murray, Mitch, 50
musical theatre, 447, 448
music hall songs, 20–21, 526
‘My Funny Valentine,’ 471
‘My Generation’ (The Who), 32
‘My Love,’ 349, 350–52
‘My Valentine,’ 353, 354, 356
Napoleon XIV, 321–22
Nashville Skyline, 133
‘Nature Boy’ (Cole), 341
‘Night and Day’ (Porter), 467–68
Nilsson, Harry, 62
1984 (Orwell), 359
‘Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five,’ 358, 359
Nixon, Richard, 277
‘No More Lonely Nights,’ 360, 361, 362
‘No Particular Place to Go’ (Chuck Berry), 195
North End Music Store (NEMS), 172
Northern Songs, 37
‘Norwegian Wood,’ 105
‘Note You Never Wrote, The,’ 363, 365
‘Nothing Too Much Just Out of Sight,’ 366, 367, 369–70
‘Not-Knowing’ (Barthelme), xxx
Not So Much a Programme, More a Way of Life (BBC television), xxvii
nursery rhymes, xxvi, 187, 289, 332, 364, 524
Obama, Barack, 114, 356
Obama, Michelle, 356
‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da,’ 367, 372, 374
O’Casey, Sean, xxvi
‘Off the Ground,’ 39
‘Oh Woman, Oh Why,’ 375, 376–77, 376
Oklahoma!, 213
‘Old Siam, Sir,’ 378, 379, 380
Ollie, Jack, 158
Olympia Theatre, 51
‘Once Upon a Long Ago,’ 384, 386
‘One After 909,’ 50
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), 320
O’Neill, Eugene, xxvi, 191
‘Only Mama Knows,’ 387, 388–89
‘On My Way to Work,’ 381, 382
Ono, Yoko
‘The Ballad of John and Yoko,’ 87–88
‘Bed-In for Peace,’ 109
first meets John, 151, 169
and ‘Hey Jude,’ 213
with John, 488
and John’s death, 169
and Lennon-McCartney collaboration, 488
relationship with John, 109, 151, 169–70, 213, 295, 487
as song subject/inspiration, 169–70
Twickenham Studios (1969), 151
‘On the Sunny Side of the Street,’ 176
Opportunity Knocks (British television), 60, 179
Orbison, Roy, 3, 32, 147, 148, 410, 439
Orwell, George, 359
‘Other Me, The,’ 390, 391
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 271
Our World (television special), 527
Outliers (Gladwell), 440
Owen, Alun, 52
‘Paperback Writer,’ 70, 396, 397–98
Pappy & Harriet’s Pioneer Town Palace, California, 226, 228
Paris, France, 43, 44, 51, 51, 484–85, 484
Parlophone Records, 365
Parnes, Larry, 391–93, 392
Pathé Marconi studio (Paris), 52
Peel, John, 75
‘Peggy Sue’ (Holly), 393
‘Penny Lane,’ xiii, 114, 316, 399, 400, 401
Percy Phillips studio (Liverpool), 262
Perkins, Carl, 377, 391, 393, 502
Peter and Gordon, 52, 466
Pet Sounds (The Beach Boys), 25, 208
Petty, Tom, 6
Piaf, Édith, 337, 427
Picasso, Pablo, 403–4, 495
‘Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me),’ 402, 403–4, 403
Pickett, Wilson, 183
Pink Floyd, 320, 325, 361, 364
Pinter, Harold, 397, 401
‘Pipes of Peace,’ 405, 406, 406
Pipes of Peace (album), 361
‘Please’ (Crosby), 138, 409–10
‘Please Mr. Postman,’ 148
‘Please Please Me,’ 147, 148, 408, 409–10
‘Poet of Dumbwoman’s Lane, The’ (poem) (McCartney), 112
Points of View (British television), 526
‘Poison Pressure’ (reggae song), 453
pop art, 325
‘Pore Jud Is Daid,’ 213
Porter, Cole, xxv, 207, 231, 307, 467–68, 565
Post Card (Hopkin), 179, 180, 181
Potter, Dennis, 158
Presley, Elvis, 393
The Beatles cover versions, 391
and Bill Black, 73, 539
Black influences on, 377
and The Ed Sullivan Show, 5
and grammar, 350
and Scotty Moore, 69
Paul’s memory of meeting, 560
songwriting influence of, xii
and sound effects, 300
and touring, 434
‘Pretty Boys,’ 411, 412–13
‘Pretty Little Head,’ 414, 415–16
‘Pretty Woman’ (Orbison), 32, 148
Price, Vincent, 226
Pride, Dickie, 393
Prince, 94, 227
Proby, P. J., 466
‘P.S. I Love You,’ 4
Psycho (Hitchcock), xxvii, 123
‘Purple Rain,’ 227
‘Put It There,’ 417, 418
Putman, Curly, 277
Quarry Men, The, 234
first recording (1958), 262–64, 263
name of, 262
and Paul and John’s first meeting, 119–20, 235
at St Peter’s Church Féte, Woolton, 119, 120, 235, 383
‘Quinn the Eskimo’ (Dylan), 277
radio, influence of, xxvi, 79, 112
RAF West Mailing, Kent, 321
ragtime, 565
RAM (album), 13, 110, 502
Ramone, Phil, 12
Rear Window (Hitchcock), 12
Redding, Otis, 84
Red Square, Moscow, 26
Reeves, Jim, 380
reggae, 18, 38, 303, 453
Remo Four, The, 34
‘Return to Sender,’ 148
Revolver (album), 122, 183–84, 320
Richards, I. A., xxvii
Richards, Keith, 240–41
Richardson, Ralph, 361
‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The,’ 549
Rimmer, Freddie, 172
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 158
Rishikesh, India. See Beatles, The, IN INDIA WITH MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI (1968)
Robbins, Betty (cousin), 471, 471, 485
Robbins, Mike, 471, 471, 485
Robbins, Ted, 471
‘Rock Around the Clock’ (Haley), 134
‘Rock Show,’ 505, 506
‘Rocky Raccoon,’ 422, 423–24
Rolling Stones, The, 218, 240–42, 320, 322, 489, 557
‘Roll Out the Barrel,’ 407
‘Roll Over Beethoven,’ 52
Roundhouse, London, 320
‘Route 66,’ 194
Rowe, Dick, 240
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, 158–59, 545
Royal Variety Performance (1963), 22
Rubber Soul (album), 208
‘Running Around the Room,’ 187
Rupert and the Frog Song (film), 517, 518
Rupert Bear, 517, 518
Rupert Bear (Tourtel), 28
Ruscha, Ed, 356
Rushes (The Fireman), 369
Russell, Bertrand, 102
Rydell, Bobby, 439
Salome (Wilde), xviii
Sam & Dave, 183
‘San Ferry Anne,’ 426, 427
Saturday Night Live, 113
‘Say Say Say,’ 428, 429–30
scatting, 58
Scheherazade (Rimsky-Korsakov), 158
Scott, Jimmy, 367, 369, 374
Seagull, The (Chekhov), 456
Sea Hunt (TV series), 550
Secombe, Harry, xxvi
Secrets of the Great Pyramid (Tompkins), 463
Seeger, Pete, 47
Seinfield, Jerry, 237–38
Sellers, Peter, xxvi, 112, 192
‘September in the Rain,’ 465
sequencers, 478
Service, Robert, 423
sexual revolution, 162
‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,’ 31, 431, 433
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (album)
and avant-garde, 80
cover art, 122, 432, 434
and Indian thought, 320
and pop art, 325
press launch photos (1967), 137, 535
and radio, xxvi, 79
and Robert Fraser, 325
story of, 434, 535
and studio work vs. performance, 319
Shakespeare, William, xxiv, 60, 125, 141, 238, 295, 495, 535
‘She Came in Through the Bathroom Window,’ 435, 436
‘She Loves You,’ 39, 51, 52, 147, 438, 439–40
‘She Moved Through the Fair,’ 286
‘She’s a Woman,’ 441, 442
‘She’s Given Up Talking,’ 444, 445
‘She’s Leaving Home,’ 105, 446, 447–48
Shevell, Jon, 293
Shevell, Nancy, 355
and celebrity experience, 356, 542–43
family of, 292, 293
love of dancing, 101
Paul’s relationship with, 354–56
and ‘Route 66,’ 194
as song subject/inspiration, xxvii, 354, 356
Shevell, Susie, 292, 293
Shirelles, The, 240
‘Shooting of Dan McGrew, The’ (Service), 423
Shotton, Pete, 119–20, 235
Sign o’ the Times (Prince), 94
‘Silly Love Songs,’ 257, 359, 449, 450, 451
Silver Beetles, The, 35, 392–93, 392
Simon, Merissa, 292
‘Simple as That,’ 452, 453, 454
Sing (film, 2016), 174
‘Single Pigeon,’ 455, 456
‘Sir Patrick Spens,’ 549
‘Smile’ (Chaplin), 272, 491
‘Somedays,’ 458, 459–61
‘Something’ (Harrison), 474
Sondheim, Stephen, 350
Sound of Five, The (BBC radio), 12
South Pacific (musical), 447
Spaniard in the Works, A (Lennon), 253
Spirit of Ranachan Studio, Scotland, 64, 64, 347–48, 348, 379, 379
‘Spirits of Ancient Egypt,’ 461, 462, 463
Springsteen, Bruce, 6
Starkey, Maureen, 141, 481, 557
Starr, Ringo
and Beatles breakup, 86, 87
and Give My Regards to Broad Street, 361
and A Hard Day’s Night, xx
and ‘Helter Skelter’ recording, 201
and ‘Hey Jude’ recording, 213, 215
in India with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1968), 141
marijuana use, 183
‘Peace and Love,’ 418–19
public persona of, 52
and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band story, 535
singing style, 535
and songwriting, 191
Virgin Islands holiday with, 481
vocals, 240
and ‘Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?,’ 532
and ‘With a Little Help from My Friends,’ 535–36
The Beatles album recording sessions (1968), 220, 424, 533
London (1967), 535
London (1968), 424
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band press launch, 535
Thank Your Lucky Stars, 116
at Yellow Submarine film press screening (1968), 549
See also Beatles, The
‘Step Inside Love,’ 464
Steptoe and Son (British television), 282
Stevenson, Robert Louis, xxiv
Sting, 295
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, xxv, 80
St Paul’s Cathedral choir, 517–18
St Peter’s Church, Woolton, 119, 120, 235, 383
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest (album) (The Fireman), 369
‘Strawberry Fields Forever,’ 478
‘Stumbling’ (American standard), xvii
Sullivan, Ed, 5
‘Summer in the City’ (The Lovin’ Spoonful), 176
‘Sun Has Got His Hat On, The,’ 176
‘Sunny Afternoon’ (The Kinks), 176
Surprise Surprise (TV series), 468
Sutcliffe, Stuart, 31, 86, 392, 392, 442
Suzy and the Red Stripes, 292
‘Sweet Home Alabama,’ 194
Tagore, Rabindranath, 406
‘Take It Easy,’ 194
‘Taxman’ (Harrison), 70
Taylor, Alistair, 197
‘Teach Your Children’ (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young), 539
‘Teddy Boy,’ 470, 471–72
Te Kanawa, Kiri, 160, 545
‘Tell Me Who He Is’ (unrecorded), xxv, 473, 474
‘Temporary Secretary,’ 476–77, 479
Tex, Joe, 183
‘Thank You Girl,’ xiii, 147
Thank Your Lucky Stars (British television), 116, 241, 409
‘That’ll Be the Day’ (Holly), 263, 393
That Was the Week That Was (British television), 158
Their Satanic Majesties Request (The Rolling Stones), 320
‘They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-haa!’ (Napoleon XIV), 321–22
‘Things We Said Today,’ 480, 482
‘This Boy,’ 51
Thomas, Dylan, xviii, xxvi, 128, 401
‘Those Were the Days,’ 179, 181
‘Three Blind Mice,’ 289
Thunberg, Greta, 92
Tibetan Book of the Dead, The, 320
‘Ticket to Ride,’ 483, 485
Tighten Up, 453
‘Till There Was You,’ 6, 471
Tokarev, Valery, 130
Tokyo, Japan, 297
‘Tomorrow Never Knows,’ 122, 319
Tompkins, Peter, 463
‘Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here with You’ (Dylan), 133
‘Too Many People,’ 486, 487–88
‘Too Much Rain,’ 490, 491–92
Top of the Pops, 397
Top Ten Club, Hamburg, 31
Tourtel, Mary, 28
Townshend, Peter, 201, 202
Tracz, Joe, 301
‘Trambone’ (Chet Atkins), 34
T. Rex, 325
Trump, Donald, 91–92
‘Tug of War,’ 493, 494–95, 494
Tug of War (album), 102, 113
‘Twenty Flight Rock’ (Cochran), 119, 235
Twickenham Studios, London (1969), 151
Twiggy, 179, 181
‘Twist and Shout,’ 52, 84, 101, 377
2001: A Space Odyssey, 359
‘Two of Us,’ 496, 497–98, 497
Ubu Cocu (Jarry), xxvi, 217–18, 331
UFO Club, 320
Ullman, Tracey, 361
‘Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey,’ 500, 501–2
Under Milk Wood (Thomas), xviii, xxvi, 401
Van Gogh, Vincent, 495
Vaughan, Ivan, 119, 120, 235, 337, 338
Vaughan, Jan, 338
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 340
‘Venus and Mars,’ 505, 506, 508
Venus and Mars (album), 292–93
Vesuvio Club, London, 215
Vietnam War, 101–2
Vincent, Gene, 119, 300, 377
Visconti, Tony, 181
‘Walking in the Park with Eloise’ (Jim McCartney), 172
Waller, Fats, 4, 58, 220
Warhol, Andy, 326
‘Warm and Beautiful,’ 510, 511, 512
Washington, Dinah, 465
‘Waterfalls,’ 513, 514–15
Watts riots, 406
‘We All Stand Together,’ 516, 517–18, 518
‘We Can Work It Out,’ 84, 114, 519, 520–21, 520
Wednesday Play, The (British television), 448
‘We Got Married,’ 522, 523–24
‘Weight, The’ (The Band), 56
Weil, Robert (Bob), xiii, xxviii, xxix, 34
Welch, Bruce, 553
Weller, Paul, 561
‘We’ll Meet Again’ (Lynn), 37, 40
‘We Love You’ (The Rolling Stones), 241
‘We Shall Overcome,’ 47
West Side Story (musical), 447
Weybridge, Surrey, 105, 116, 176
Wham!, 362
What’s My Line (UK television), 20
‘When I Fall in Love’ (Nat King Cole), 220
‘When I’m Sixty-Four,’ 172, 525, 526–27, 561
‘When Winter Comes,’ 39, 528, 529
White Album, The. See Beatles, The (album)
‘White Cliffs of Dover’ (Lynn), 37
Whiteman, Paul, xvii
Whitfield, June, 518
Who, The, 32, 201, 202
‘Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?,’ 531, 532–33
Wickens, Wix, 224, 479
Wilde, Marty, 393
Wilde, Oscar, xviii
Williams, Tennessee, xviii
Wilson, Brian, 208
Wilson, Tony, 347–48
Wimpole Street, London, xiv, 8, 10, 121, 552, 553
band name, 16
at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin (1976), 450
early gigs, 29
founding of, 16–17
‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish’ banned by BBC, 167
‘Hi, Hi, Hi’ banned by BBC, 218
and Irish conflict, 167
and Paul’s emergence from Beatles breakup, 16, 256–57
songwriting approaches, 274, 307, 365
and ‘Walking in the Park with Eloise,’ 172
Wings Over Europe tour, 194
Wings Over the World tour (1975), 39, 69, 326
At the Speed of Sound, 72, 427
Back to the Egg, 154
Band on the Run, 40, 194, 277, 278, 359
London Town, 256
Venus and Mars, 292–93
See also specific songs
At the Speed of Sound (1975 and 1976), 427
Back to the Egg (Lympne Castle, 1978), 154
Band on the Run (Lagos, 1973), 359
Fair Carol, Virgin Islands, 43, 44
Junior’s Farm (Nashville, 1974), 277–78
London Town (Virgin Islands, 1977), 256
‘Mull of Kintyre’ (Scotland, 1977), 347–48, 348
‘My Love,’ 350
See also specific songs
Wings Over America tour, 507
‘With a Little Help from My Friends,’ 60, 79, 534, 535–36
‘Within You Without You,’ 320
‘Without You’ (Ham and Evans), 62
With the Beatles (album), 4, 5, 241
‘Women and Wives,’ 538, 539
Wonder, Stevie, 112–13, 113, 114
Woodbine, Lord, 34–35
‘Word, The,’ 536
Wordsworth, William, xxviii
‘World Tonight, The,’ 540, 541–43
‘World Without Love, A,’ 52
‘World You’re Coming Into, The,’ 544, 545–46
Wyvern Social Club, Liverpool, 392, 392
Yeats, W. B., xxix
‘Yellow Submarine,’ 518, 548, 549–50
Yellow Submarine (film), 549
‘Yesterday,’ 551
arrangement of, 123, 554–55
and Chet Atkins, 463
Cilla Black’s cover of, 466
in concert set lists, 386
covers of, 555
dream origin of, 220, 552
dummy lyrics for, 552, 553–54
and John’s post-breakup criticisms, 488–89
success of, 555
‘You Don’t Miss Your Water’ (Bell), 377
‘You Never Give Me Your Money,’ 55–56, 556, 557–58
‘You Really Got a Hold on Me,’ 377
‘Your Mother Should Know,’ 563
‘You Tell Me,’ 559, 560–61
‘Youth’ (Martin Glover), 367, 368, 367–69
youthquake, 323
‘You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away,’ 56
Zapple label, 122
Zócalo, Mexico City, 134