
Aarons-Mele, Morra, 59, 61

Abstinence, 95, 96, 118

Academic pressure, 108

Achievement porn, 59

Action, of hooked model, 50

Addiction, 3–4; alcohol, 3–4; brain and, 39–40; caffeine, 109–10; gaming, 71–74; hooked model of, 49–50; to Internet media, 76–82; net compulsions, 74–76; online pornography, 68–69; shopping, 111–12; of social media, 53–65; spectrum of, 4; texting, 65–67; use of dating apps, 67–68. See also At-risk populations; Internet addiction; Internet media addiction; Social media addiction

Adrenaline, 28, 72

Aggression, 5, 33, 73–74, 92, 160; dual diagnosis and, 116

Alcohol addiction, 3–4, 12, 91, 100, 117, 154

Alexa, 10, 133, 137, 144, 145

Alexis, Aaron, 89

Alone Together (Turkle), 24

Alter, Adam, 54, 118

Amazon, 19, 75

American Academy of Pediatrics, 85

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 23

American Psychological Association (APA), 8

American Psychologist (journal), 127

Anhedonia, 29

Annual Digital Fast, 102

Anxiety, 21–23, 108; cyberchondria, 79–82; disconnectivity, 21, 22; dual diagnosis issues, 116

AOL, 65

Apple, 29, 134

Artificial intelligence (AI), 16, 137, 143–45

The Art of Screen Time (Kamenetz), 86, 106, 153

Asperger’s, 87

Atari system, 17, 18, 68

At-risk populations: children and teens, 83–86; individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 86–87; individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), 87–89; military members and veterans, 89; people with mental health and substance abuse issues, 90–91; socially isolated individuals, 89–90; susceptibility traits, 92

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): at-risk addiction of individuals with, 86–87; case study of teen online gaming addiction, 160–61; dual diagnosis and, 116

Attention engineering, 49

Attention Restoration Theory, 85

Auctions, online, 76

Augmented reality, 137; virtual reality and, 138–43

Austin, Darren, 144

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), 117; at-risk addiction of individuals with, 87–89; benefits of Internet for, 123–25

Baby boomers, 6

Bailenson, Jeremy, 140

Bean, Mary A., 122

Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, Inc., 97

Benefits of Internet, 121–22; accessing therapy online, 129–31; for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), 123–25; for education, 131–33; for online gaming, 127–29; for people feeling isolated, 125–27; for solving Internet addiction, 133–35

Big Tobacco, 50

Binge watching, Netflix and, 76–78

Biopsychosocial model, social media addiction, 56

Bipolar mania, 24

BlackBerry, 137

Blackberry thumb, 28

Black Mirror (television/Netflix), 151

BlueFire, 99

Body dysmorphic disorder, 57

Brain: addiction in, 39–40; cortisol and, 26, 28, 72; dopamine and reward system of, 40–44; frontal lobe and prefrontal cortex of, 45–46, 84; gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in, 44; gray matter and white matter in, 46–47; growth and development of young children, 85; neuroplasticity of, 47–48, 84; neurotransmitters of, 40–45, 72; norepinephrine in, 44–45; nucleus accumbens of, 40, 43; serotonin in, 43–44; stimulation with gaming, 72; susceptibility of, 48–51; teenager’s, 84–85

Bullying. See Cyberbullying

Businesses, role of, in Internet addiction, 152–53

Business Insider, 144

Caffeine, 109–10

CAGE questionnaire, 12

California State University (CSU), 91

Call of Duty (game), 89

Carpal tunnel syndrome, 27

Case studies: adult online gaming addiction, 164–66; Internet pornography addiction, 161–64; online shopping addiction, 166–68; social media and texting addiction, 157–59; teen online gaming addiction, 159–61

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 117

Caspar, George, 64

Catfish (television show), 63

Catfishing, 62–63

Caught in the Net (Young), 7

Causation, 107, 108

Cause and effect, 107, 110

Cell phone adoption, 17

Center for Humane Technology, 152

Center for Internet Addiction, 18

Centers for Disease Control, 30

Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), 12

Children: at risk for addiction, 83–86; relationships with parents, 35–36

Children’s Internet Protection Act (2000), 154

China: Internet addiction and myelin, 47; Internet addiction disorder in, 12

Christakis, Dimitri, 31

Chronic sleep deprivation, 23–24

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, 110

Coffee, caffeine addiction, 109–10

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 142–43, 162, 163; online access to, 130–31

Comorbidity: dual diagnosis and, 113; Internet addiction and, 112–19; for social media addiction, 56; term, 114

Compulsions, net, 74–76

Computer Addiction Treatment Program, 97

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (journal), 142

Contemplative computing: as self-help for Internet addiction, 105–6; term, 105

Co-occurring disorders, term, 114

Cortisol, 26, 28, 72

CrackBerry, 137

Cravings, withdrawal and, 37

Crisis intervention, online therapy for, 130

Crochet Saved My Life (Vercillo), 126

Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry (journal), 129

Cyberaddiction, term, 16

Cyberbullying, 30, 64–65

Cyberchondria, 79–82; by proxy, 80

Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (journal), 124

Dark Net, 118, 137

Dating apps, addiction to use of, 67–68

Demand engineers, 49

Depersonalization, 38

Depression, 5, 29–32, 108, 115, 117; Facebook-linked, 30; gender and, 29; MySpace and, 31; socially isolated people, 126

Derealization, 38

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 14, 71; diagnosis of Internet addiction, 8–10; DSM-3, 9–10; DSM-5, 9, 10, 75

Digital diet, as self-help for Internet addiction, 101–3

Digital minimalism, 106

Digital Minimalism (Newport), 50

“Digital Sabbath,” 102

Dilenschneider, Anne, 102

Disconnectivity anxiety, 21, 22

The Distraction Addiction (Pang), 105

Doan, Dr., 26

Donkey Kong (game), 18

Dopamine, 30; addiction to, 40–41; brains of children and teens, 84; neurotransmitter in brain, 40–45; pathways in brain, 42–43; reward system of, 40–43

Dual diagnosis: best treatment option for, 115; comorbidity and, 113; Internet addiction and, 112–19; issues associated with, 116; term, 113, 114

Eating disorder, 115

eBay auction, 76

Eco-therapy, for Internet addiction treatment, 98–99

Education: pros and cons of Internet for, 131–33; school’s role in identifying at-risk children, 149–50

Electronic cocaine, 39

Electronic heroin, 39

Elimination Diet, 102, 103

Email apnea, 106

eSports, 74

EverQuest (game), 35, 71, 101

Exercise, online addiction, 79

Eyal, Nir, 49–50, 144

Eye strain, 27

Facebook, 31, 56, 88, 134; catfishing on, 62; depression and, 30; like button of, 54–55; texting, 65

Face-to-face interpersonal relationships, 24–26, 36–37

Family therapy, for Internet addiction, 100

Feelings, loss of control over life, 28–29

Fisherman, Dean, 27–28

Fitbit, 17

Fitness apps, 78–79

FOMO (fear of missing out), 55, 61–62, 78

Forward head posture, 28

Frogger (game), 18

Frontal lobe of brain, 45–46, 73, 84

Gambling, net compulsion, 74–76

Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP), 73

Gaming addiction, 71–74; case study of adult online, 164–66; case study of teen online, 159–61; online website owners, 75

Gaming widows, 36

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), neurotransmitter in brain, 44

Gay rights, 6

GChat, 65

Gen Xers, 6

Gen Z, 6, 83

German Psychological Association, 31

Glossary, 169–73

Glow Kids (Kardaras), 26, 91

Goldstein, Meredith, 62

Google, 51, 61, 133, 152

Gottberg, Kathy, 145

Government, raising awareness of Internet addiction, 153–54

Gray matter, brain and addiction, 46–47

Griffiths, Mark, 16, 55

Group therapy, for Internet addiction, 100–101

Guardian (newspaper), 139

Guitar Hero (game), 71

Gurdon, Meghan Cox, 110, 111, 118, 123

Habit, addiction vs., 14–15

Hanson, Jarice, 22, 33, 75

Hari, Johann, 25, 26, 89, 98

Harm reduction, addiction treatment, 95–96

Harris, Tristan, 152, 153

Health information, searching for, 79–82

Health issues, common physical, 27–28

Hemorrhoids, 28

Hiding in the Bathroom (Aarons-Mele), 59

Hills, Dominguez, 91

Home Shopping Network, 111

Homosexuality, 8–9

Hooked model, 49–50

Hutton, John, 110

Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, 26, 28, 38

I Can’t Help Myself (Goldstein), 62

iDisorder (Rosen), 16, 119

Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, 97

Impulse control disorder, 10

Indiana School of Medicine, 73

Individuals, role of, in Internet addiction, 147–49

Individual therapy, for Internet addiction, 99–100

Infants, 35

Instagram, 6, 54, 56, 65

Intermittent reward, of hooked model, 50

International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 14, 71; ICD-10, 11; ICD-11, 11, 12; on Internet addiction, 11

Internet addiction: addiction vs. habit, 14–15; comorbidity/dual diagnosis, 112–19; criteria, 5; defining, 3–15; diagnostic criteria for, 11–13; DSM’s diagnosis of, 8–10; history of defining, 5–8; ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) on, 11; ICD-11, 12; key components of, 4; self-identification of, 13–14; term, 4; traits of addicts, 8, 13–14, 92. See also Treatment options

Internet addiction disorder, term, 7

Internet addiction issues: anxiety, 21–23; brain changes and, 34–35; chronic sleep deprivation, 23–24; common physical health and, 27–28; depression, anhedonia and suicide risk, 29–32; feeling loss of control over life, 28–29; in-person relationship difficulty, 24–26; loneliness, 24–26, 32; psychosis, 38; relationship problems as, 35–37; sedentary lifestyle and, 26–27; time as, 33–34; withdrawal and tolerance, 37–38; work or school performance, 32–33

Internet media addiction, 76–82; cyberchondria, 79–82; fitness apps, 78–79; Netflix binge, 76–78; online news, 78; television, 76–78; wearable tech, 78–79

Internet pornography, 110; case study of addiction, 161–64

Investment, of hooked model, 50

iPhone, 29, 137; app, 134

James, Laura, 88

Kamenetz, Anya, 86, 106, 148, 149, 153

Kaplan, Rachel, 85

Kaplan, Stephen, 85

Kardaras, Nicholas, 26, 31, 42, 91, 131

Kardashians, reality TV of, 77

Korea University, 44

Kuss, Daria, 55

Legend of Zelda (game), 71

Like button, Facebook’s, 54–55

Limbix, 142

Lister-Landman, Kelly, 66

Loneliness, 24–26, 32, 63

Maher, Bill, 50

Massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), 18, 71, 89, 127, 128, 67

Match survey, 68

Media, role of, in Internet addiction, 150–52

Medical information, searching for, 79–82

Medicare/Medicaid, 154

Mental health issues, at-risk addiction individuals with, 90–91

Mesocortical pathway, dopamine in brain, 42

Mesolimbic pathway, dopamine in brain, 42

Military members, at-risk for addiction, 89

Millennials, 6, 23, 83

Mindfulness practice, 141

Minecraft (game), 41

Monkey mind, 105

Mood disorders, dual diagnosis and, 116

Myelin, Internet addiction and, 47

MySpace, 31

Naltrexone, 99

Narcissism, 119

National Institute of Mental Health, 29, 153

Net compulsions, 74–76

Netflix, 3, 103, 151; binge watching, 76–78

Neuroplasticity, of brain, 47–48

Neuropsychopharmacology (journal), 43

Newport, Cal, 50, 104, 106, 108

News addiction, online, 78

New York Times (newspaper), 7

Nicotine, 117, 143

Nigrostriatal pathway, dopamine in brain, 42

Nintendo thumb, 28

No junk food, 102

Nomophobia (fear of being without a smartphone), 55

Norepinephrine, neurotransmitter in brain, 44–45

Nottingham Trent University, 16, 55

Nucleus accumbens, as brain’s pleasure center, 40

Obesity, 26–27

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), 74, 141

Odd Girl Out (James), 88

Ommwriter, 135

Online gambling, 76

On-Line Gamers Anonymous (OLGA), 101

Online gaming, 75; benefits of, 127–29; case study of adult addiction to, 164–66; case study of teen addiction to, 159–61

Online perfect life, curating, 58–59

Online pornography addiction, 68–69

Online therapy, benefits of Internet, 129–31

Orange Is the New Black (Netflix show), 77

Outback therapeutic expeditions, 98–99

Pacific Quest treatment center, 98

Pang, Alex S.-K., 105, 140

Parent-child relationships, 35–36

Partners/spouses, relationships with, 36

Pavlov’s dogs, 66

Pearlman, Leah, 54

Pelley, Virginia, 64

“Perfect” life, self-curating, 58–59

Personality disorders, 91, 116

Pew Center study, 79

Phantom vibration syndrome, 21–22, 37

Physical health issues, 27–28

Pierce, Jennifer Burek, 74

Pokemon, 138–39

Pokemon Go, 138, 139

Populations at risk. See At-risk populations

Pornography, 110; addiction to online, 68–69, 117, 139–40; case study of Internet addiction to, 161–64; desensitization to violence, 69, 74

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 140–41

Prefrontal cortex: of brain, 45–46; damage to, 48; development of, 84

Pregnancy, image of perfect, 59

Psious, 142

Psychosis, 73; Internet addiction and, 38

Rat Pack, 89–90

Ready Player One (movie), 150–51

Reality television, 77

Real Time (talk show), 50

Rebooting, as self-help for Internet addiction, 103–5

Rehab treatment centers, 96–98

Relationships: face-to-face, 36–37; Internet addiction leading to problems with, 35–37; online, 37; parent-child, 35–36; problems with in-person, 24–26; selfie addiction impacting, 58; on social media, 53–54; technology-based, 25

Repetitive stress injuries, 27

Responsibility: role of government, 153–54; role of individual, 147–49; role of institutions, 149–53; role of media, 150–52: role of other businesses, 152–53; role of schools, 149–50

reSTART, Internet addiction treatment center, 97, 117

Roberts, Kevin, 13–14, 27, 42, 88, 90, 99, 101, 117

Robots, social use of, 24

Rosen, Larry, 16, 61, 79, 119

Rosenstein, Justin, 54

RuneScape (game), 71

Rushe, Dominic, 139

Schizoid disorder, 91

Schizophrenia, 116

Schools: Internet addiction and performance in, 32–33; role of, in Internet addiction, 149–50

Screen-Free Week, 102

Screen Time, 134

Sedentary lifestyle, problems associated with, 26–27

Self-curated “perfect” life, 58–59

Self-Determination Theory, 128

Self-help for Internet addiction: contemplative computing as, 105–6; digital diet as, 101–3; rebooting as, 103–5. See also Treatment options

Selfie addiction, 56–58

Self-reinforcing behavior, 25

Sense of control, Internet use and, 29

Seo, Hyung Suk, 44

Serotonin, 43; addiction risk and, 48–49; neurotransmitter, 43; role in gambling addiction, 43–44

Shiba Inu Puppy Cam, 41

Shopping addiction, 111–12; case study of online, 166–68

Sieberg, Daniel, 104

Simon Fraser University, 90

The Sims (game), 71

Siri, 137, 144

Sleep: chronic deprivation, 23–24; disorders, 116

Slot machines, apps similarity to, 49

Smartphones, 18, 108

SnowWorld (game), 129

Socially isolated individuals, 89–90; benefits of Internet for, 125–27

Social media, 18; autism spectrum disorders and, 124; case study of, 157–59; dopamine and, 30

Social media addiction, 53–65, 117; catfishing and, 62–63; cyberbullying and trolling, 64–65; fear of missing out (FOMO) and, 61–62; “like” button and, 54–55; models for, 56; online relationships of, 53–54; to other people’s content, 60–61; self-curated “perfect” life in, 58–59; selfie addiction and, 56–58; stalking and, 60–61

Social skills model, social media addiction, 56

Socio-cognitive model, social media addiction, 56

Stalking, 60–61

State Prison of Southern Michigan, 98

Steers, Mai-Ly, 30

Stimulation, excessive, video games in, 31–32

Stonewall riots, 5–6

Stress, 16, 21, 92, 125; injuries, 27–28; neurotransmitters and, 44, 72; reduction of, 44, 86, 129; response levels, 24, 26, 28, 33

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 154

Substance addiction, 109

Substance use issues, at-risk addiction individuals with, 90–91

Suicide, 101, 126; crisis intervention, 130; depression and, 29–31, 108, 125

Sunset Heart Hands, 58

Superfan, 60

Susceptibility, brain and addiction, 48–51

Taco Bell commercial, 58

Technology: changes in, 17–19; contemplative computing, 105–6; defining, for addiction, 16–17; digital minimalism, 106; fitness apps, 78–79; history of changing, 15–19; hooked model for, 49–50; keeping up with the Joneses for, 29; rebooting relationship with, 104; wearable tech, 78–79; withdrawal and tolerance, 37–38

Teenagers: at-risk for addiction, 83–86; case study of online gaming addiction, 159–61

Television, binge watching, 76–78

Tetris (game), 71, 151

Tetris effect, 73

Texting: addiction, 65–67; autism spectrum disorders and, 124; case study of addiction to, 157–59; text neck, 27–28

Therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) online, 130–31. See also Treatment options

Time, Internet addiction and, 33–34

Time-restriction diet, 102

Time Well Spent movement, 152

Tinder finger, 67

Tobacco, 50; nicotine addiction, 117, 143

Tolerance, withdrawal and, 37–38

Trauma, 140–41

Treatment options: abstinence as, 95; contemplative computing, 105–6; digital diet as, 101–3; eco-therapy as, 98–99; family therapy as, 100; group therapy as, 100–101; harm reduction as, 95–96; individual therapy as, 99–100; places to receive Internet addiction, 96–101; rebooting as, 103–5; rehab centers for, 96–98; self-help as, 101–6; wilderness camps as, 98–99

Trigger, of hooked model, 49

Trolling, 64–65

Turkle, Sherry, 24

TV Turnoff Week, 102

Twenge, Jean, 108

Twitter, 6, 56, 88, 124

University of Houston, 30

University of Pittsburgh, 7

University of Tubingen, 31

University of Connecticut School of Medicine, 153

Veterans, at risk for addiction, 89

Vice Motherboard article, 64

Victoria University, 31

Video games: Atari system, 17, 18, 68; designers of, 75; excessive stimulation and, 31–32; intermittent rewards in, 41; kids and, 5; real life and, 33

Virtual reality, 137; augmented reality and, 138–43

Voyeurism, 60, 78

VR Lab, 140

Wearable technology, 78–79

WeChat, 65

White matter, brain and addiction, 46–47

Wilderness camps, for Internet addiction treatment, 98–99

Withdrawal: Internet addiction and, 37–38; psychosis and, 38

Work performance, Internet addiction and, 32–33

World Health Organization (WHO), 11

World of Warcraft (game), 12–13, 71–72, 127, 129, 151

World Wide Web, 17, 12

WriteRoom, 135

Writer’s cramp, 28

Yale University, 123

Young, Kimberly, 7, 12, 18

YouTube, 29, 78

Zenware, 135