A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | Z


Aaron, 598

Abiathar, 115 f.

Abraham, 302, 370 f., 420, 429

Achan, 597

Adam, 562 f.

Aesculapius, 194

Ahab, 219, 595

Ahasuerus, 221

Ahimelech, 115

Albinus, 557

Alexander, 485, 563

Alexandria, 530, 559

Amos, 527, 571

Ananel, 426

Ananias, 531

Ananus, 469

Anathoth, 595

Andrew, 67 ff., 71, 77 f., 82, 93, 135, 139, 484

Annas ben Seth, 530 ff.

Antioch, 21, 352

Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 104, 176, 425, 466, 470

Antipater (son of Salome), 221

Apollonius of Tyana, 128

Aretas IV of Nabatea, 216, 223

Aristion, 605, 611

Aristobulus (son of Herod and Mariamne), 218 f.

Aristobulus (second husband of Salome), 221

Aristotle, 425

Asia Minor, 21, 102, 459, 553

Assyria, 475


Babylon, 475

Barabbas, 553 ff.

Barnabas, 21 f.

Bartholomew, 135

Bar-Timaeus (Bartimaeus, the son of Timai), 284, 385 ff.

Ben Zoma, 56

Berenice, 194, 264

Beth Anath, 417

Bethany, 219, 283, 390, 394, 398 ff., 485, 491 f.

Beth-Horon, 251

Bethphage, 394 f.

Bethsaida Julias, 190, 232 ff., 240, 276, 283 ff., 287, 289

Black Sea, 183

Brutus, 419


Caesarea Maritima, 352, 548, 558 f.

Caesarea Philippi, x, 1, 194, 210, 287, 289, 293, 320, 378, 382

Caiaphas, Joseph, 403 f., 490, 526, 530 f., 535 f., 538, 548, 552, 569

Cain, 594 f.

Caligula, 468

Capernaum (Tel Hûm), 71, 76, 80 ff., 93, 99, 101 f., 122, 139, 141, 190, 200, 232, 235, 240, 259, 293, 338 f., 352

Carthage, 260, 352

Catiline, 578

Cato of Utica, 396

Celsus, 101, 142, 202

Chrysostom, 3, 24, 253

Cicero, 344, 561, 578

Cilicia, 22, 419

Claudius, 549

Clement of Alexandria, 10, 17, 601

Cleopatra, 216, 218

Cyprian, 601, 603

Cyprus, 21 f.

Cyril of Alexandria, 3

Cyril of Jerusalem, 601


Dalmanutha, 271, 275, 281

Daniel, 454, 466, 468 f., 472, 598

David, 115 ff., 291, 302, 378, 388, 398, 420, 435 ff., 506, 588

Dead Sea, 217, 350, 410

Decapolis, 101, 182, 185, 188, 210, 264 f., 270, 272, 274 f., 287, 469

Dura, 71


Edom, 475

Egypt, 208, 463, 475, 501, 505, 553, 587, 606

Eleazar, 532

Eleazar ben Enoch, 247

Eliezer ben Hyrkanos, 598 ff.

Elijah, 45, 51, 60, 62, 212 f., 215, 217, 231, 236, 290, 316 ff., 324 ff., 570, 573 f.

Elisha, 231

Elisha ben Abuya, 427

Enoch, 213, 596

Ephesus, 22, 102

Esther, 215, 217, 221

Eusebius, 381, 468, 470, 601

Ezekiel, 454


Fayum, 510

Florus, Gessius, 548


Gadara, 181

Galilee, 25, 39, 53 ff., 62 f., 70, 76, 83, 97, 122, 125 f., 129, 188, 206, 210 ff., 217, 220, 224, 229, 235, 259, 262, 265, 275, 283, 293, 336, 351, 353, 390, 416 f., 421, 459, 511, 544, 551, 557, 589, 591, 604

Galilee, Sea of (Lake of), 67, 71, 175, 265, 284, 577

Gallus, Cestius, 468

Gamaliel II (Rabbi), 428

Gaul, 352

Gaulanitis, 283 f.

Gennesaret, plain of, 239 f., 260

Gennesaret, Sea of (Lake of), 67, 126 f., 171, 227, 272

Gerasa, 173, 181, 271

Gergesa, 181

Gethsemane, 222, 498, 509 f., 514 ff., 530, 541, 543, 572

Givʿat ha-Mivtar, 565

Golgotha, 563 f.

Gregory Thaumaturgus, 253


Haggai, 452

Haggai (Rabbi), 297

Hamman Lif, 71

Ḥanan ben Ḥanan, 426

Hermon, Mount, 289, 318

Herod Agrippa I, 125, 216, 221, 281, 559, 563

Herod Antipas, 101 f., 125 f., 210 ff., 227, 281, 326 f., 353 f., 357 f.

Herod Archelaus, 216, 218, 221, 442

Herod the Great, 125, 211, 216 ff., 289, 346, 386, 403, 426, 442, 451, 548, 575

Herod Philip, 101, 216, 218, 221, 234, 265, 283 f., 288 f., 336, 382

Herodias, 211, 215 ff., 326 f., 352, 354, 357 f.

Hillel the Elder, 353, 432

Hinnom, Valley of (Gehenna), 346, 348 f.

Horeb, 236, 318

Hosea, 593


Idumea, 129

Irenaeus, 9 f., 17, 381, 604

Isaac, 315, 429

Isaiah, 225

Ishmael (Rabbi), 119

Ishmael ben Phiabi, 532

Italy, 352

Iturea, 216, 289


Jacob (the patriarch), 418, 429

Jacob of Kefar Nibburayya (Rabbi), 297

Jairus, 189 f., 194 ff., 199, 334

James (the son of Alphaeus), 135

James (the son of Mary), 577

James (the son of Zebedee), 69 f., 77, 82, 134 f., 196, 293, 318 f., 342, 376, 378 f., 381 f., 484, 515, 577

Jamnia, 538

Jebel Ḫallet eṭ-Ṭuri, 249

Jehoshuaʿ ben Ḥananya (Rabbi), 501, 598 f.

Jehu, 396

Jehuda ben Ilʿai (Rabbi), 435

Jeremiah, 213, 225, 404, 407, 452, 534, 595

Jericho, 101, 353, 386 f., 392, 394, 398, 471, 492

Jerome, 144, 601, 606

Jerusalem, 1, 21, 51, 54, 85, 101, 126, 129, 141, 292 f., 330, 336 f., 346, 351 ff., 374, 376, 378 f., 382, 386 ff., 392 ff., 396 f., 400, 403, 406, 413, 421, 426, 440, 444, 451 ff., 458, 466 ff., 473 ff., 477 ff., 482, 485, 489, 492, 496 ff., 501, 516, 527, 531 f., 534, 543, 547 f., 555, 558 f., 563 ff., 569, 574, 578 f., 585, 588, 592

Jesus bar Ḥanan, 557

Jezebel, 215, 217, 219

Joḥanan (Rabbi), 428

Joḥanan ben Torta (Rabbi), 435

Joḥanan ben Zakkai, 55, 525, 533

John the Baptist, 39 f., 42 f., 45 ff., 63 f., 108 f., 113, 126, 155, 170, 203, 210 ff., 219 f., 222 f., 290, 301, 326 f., 352 ff., 358, 381, 412 ff., 419

John Hyrcanus I, 129

John Mark, 21 ff., 527

John (the son of Zebedee), 69 f., 77, 82, 134 f., 196, 293, 318 f., 342 f., 345, 376, 378 f., 381 f., 385, 484, 515, 577, 605

Jona, 278

Jonathan ben Joseph, 119

Jonathan (the son of Mattathias), 110

Joppa, 256

Jordan River Valley, Jordan River, 39, 48 ff., 53 ff., 114, 219, 293, 417, 470

José ben Pisma (Rabbi), 435

Joseph, 527

Joseph of Arimathea, 485, 579 f.

Josephus, 407, 468, 471, 527, 530, 548 f., 553, 555, 557 f., 561, 568, 578

Joses, 577

Joshua, 225 f., 250, 343, 597

Joshua bar Timai (Rabbi), 385

Joshua ben Sira, 355, 358

Josiah, 346

Judah, 452, 463

Judas Iscariot, 15, 134 ff., 337, 485, 488, 491, 495 f., 503, 522 ff.

Judas the Galilean, 346, 423

Judas (the son of James), 136

Judea, 51, 54, 129, 293, 351, 353, 406, 423 f., 459, 466, 469 ff., 478 f., 530, 547, 549, 551, 555, 561 f.

Judean Wilderness, 39 f., 47 f., 217

Julius Caesar, 344

Justa, 264

Justin, 605

Justus Barsabbas, 611

Juvenal, 231


Karabas, 559

Karioth, 136

Kersa, 181

Kidron Valley, 394, 451, 454, 509, 515, 563


Lazarus, 492

Levi (Rabbi), 599

Levi (the son of Alphaeus), 100 ff., 106, 134 ff., 206

Libophoenicia, 260

Livia, 382, 424

Lot, 467


Machaerus, 217, 219, 221, 223

Magadan, 271

Magdala, 271, 275, 281, 577

Magnesia, 102

Malchus, 526

Malthace, 211, 218

Manasseh, 595

Manoah, 587

Mariamne II, 216, 218 f.

Martha, 492

Mary (the mother of James the younger), 577

Mary (the mother of Jesus), 139, 202, 579

Mary (the sister of Lazarus), 492

Mary Magdalene, 576, 604

Mattathias (Hasmonean priest), 470

Mattathias Antigonus II, 427

Matthew, 135

Monobazus of Adiabene, 367

Moses, 55, 60, 213, 225 f., 228, 236, 250, 278, 315 ff., 330, 354 f., 429, 539, 596


Nabatea, 216, 223, 526

Nadabath, 110

Nahum ben Simai (Rabbi), 424

Nathan, 150

Nathanael, 135

Nazareth, 53 f., 74, 126, 139, 199 ff., 204, 206, 588

Nebuchadnezzar, 108, 452

Nehemia (Rabbi), 435

Nero, ix, 13 ff., 21, 349, 464

Nineveh, 595

Noah, 596


Octavian (Augustus), 43, 211, 289, 382, 423 f., 556

Olives, Mount of, 390, 394, 401, 403 f., 410, 454, 479 f., 492, 509, 515

Origen, 3, 202, 253, 276, 601


Paneas, 289

Papias, 8 ff., 12, 605, 611

Paul, 9, 21 f., 367, 370, 384, 449

Pedanius, Dioscorides, 564

Pella, 468 f.

Perea, 67, 211, 216 f., 219, 336, 351, 353, 354, 468

Phanni, 469

Phibian, 553

Philip (one of the Twelve), 135

Philip (husband of Herodias), 216, 358

Philo, 554, 571, 578

Phinehas (Rabbi), 593 f.

Phinehas, 136, 404

Phlegethius, 553

Phoenicia, 259 f., 265, 417

Pilate, Pontius, 215, 442, 485, 488, 524, 529, 546, 548 ff., 566, 570, 579

Plato, 376

Pliny the Elder, 350, 492

Polycarp, 340

Pompey, 425

Potiphar, 526

Priscus, Neratius, 578

Protagoras of Abdera, 118

Ptolemy the astronomer, 351


Qumran, Khirbet, 18 ff., 39, 47 ff., 68, 157, 229, 356, 384, 436, 471, 498


Ramathaim-zophim, 579

Rome, ix, xii, 9, 12 ff., 22 ff., 112, 248, 256, 292, 306, 309 f., 314, 321, 330, 349, 358, 372, 382, 407, 423, 438, 447, 452 f., 459, 464, 484, 490 f., 521, 527, 530, 543 f., 555, 568, 576

Rufinus, 611

Rufus, 485, 563


Salamis, 419

Salome (daughter of Herodias), 215, 217, 219 ff.

Salome (wife of Zebedee), 577

Samaria, 353, 471

Saul of Tarsus (Paul), 9, 21 f., 367, 370, 384, 449

Sejanus, 555, 557

Seneca, 549

Shammai, 353

Sidon, 129, 239, 258, 260, 265

Silas, 22

Simeon ben Manasya (Rabbi), 119

Simon bar Kochba, 540

Simon ben Kamithos, 532

Simon of Cyrene, 485, 563

Simon Peter, 1, 7 ff., 21 ff., 67 f., 71, 76 ff., 80 ff., 93, 134, 139, 196, 256, 288 ff., 295 ff., 303 f., 314 ff., 323, 342, 345, 371, 378, 399, 402, 409, 484, 486, 488, 510 ff., 515, 519, 526, 530, 532 f., 541 ff., 576, 588 ff., 602

Simon the leper, 492

Simon (the son of Mattathias), 110, 396

Simon the Just, 434

Simon the Zealot, 136

Sinai, 236, 317 f., 320, 507

Smyrna, 553

Socrates, 376

Sodom, 467

Solomon, 420

Strabo, 407

Suetonius, 13

Syria, 22, 209, 260, 382, 459, 526


Tacitus, 13 f., 16, 220, 222, 451, 458, 562, 578

Tanchuma ben Chijja, 599

Tatian, 605

Tertullian, 10

Thaddaeus, 136

Theodore of Mopsuestia, 3

Thomas, 135

Tiberias in Galilee, 211, 217, 240, 271, 281

Tiberias, Sea of, 67

Tiberius, 382, 424, 548, 557, 562, 578

Tigellinus, 13

Timothy, 22

Titus (the Emperor), 108, 452, 470, 598

Titus of Bostra, 3

Trachonitis, 216

Trajan, 578

Transjordan, 126, 129, 469

Trypho, 325

Tyre, 129, 239, 258 ff., 265


Valerius, 442

Varus, 307

Vegetus, G. Septimius, 553

Veronica, 194

Victor of Antioch, 3, 400

Vitellius, 559


Zechariah, 454