Thank you for being you, thank you for being my reader, and thank you for supporting me over and over again. I just love you and can’t stop gushing on how much I love y’all. Really. I mean that.
As everyone is aware, I suffer from depression and anxiety. I tried to hide this for a long time, but now, I’m proud of myself for getting through each day with somewhat of a smile on my face. Writing this book took me some time. I am constantly battling my issues, and then…my life is insane. My kids run me into the ground, I have a dog that is needy, and a husband who expects his wife to be just that, his wife. I have my fitness journey that is important to me, and somewhere in there, I have to make time to write, to make sure I keep my readers happy, and to put money in the bank. It’s a tough balance, but I’m working hard to continue doing what makes me happy and keeping the people I love happy.
I say all this because I want you to know that none of this would be worth it without you. Y’all, along with my husband and children and my amazing best friend and my great editor/PA, are what keep me going on. I swear if it weren’t for Lisa sometimes, I would lose it. She keeps me sane in this business. My husband is so supportive and tells me I’m beautiful and amazing when I feel fat and worthless. My kids, man, they’re my biggest fans, and they don’t even realize how much they make me smile. And then my best friend is there when I have my breakdowns or my attacks where I’m in the middle of Walmart crying because I miss my mom so much.
It’s hard being Toni Aleo, but I’m fighting, and I won’t ever give up. I have a life to make amazing, I have kids to raise and make successful, and I have a husband to love for the rest of my life. I won’t stop fighting, and neither should you.
Thank you again for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed Markus and Mekena as much I enjoyed writing them. Thank you. Thank you so damn much!