…I never bit off more than I could chew but there has been times I couldn’t get it swallowed…
Monroe D. Underwood
Dying daylight clawed feebly at the glass door.
The telephone rang.
Until then Brandy’s delicious little murmurs had been the only sounds in the room.
Brandy said oh damn wouldn’t you just know it?
She said Purdue will you grab the phone?
She said this call has to be important.
I said it’s probably for you.
Brandy said Purdue I’m aware of that but I can’t reach the goddam thing.
She said not from this position.
I said Brandy I hate to meddle in anything I’m not supposed to.
Brandy said Purdue goddammit hand me that telephone.
I shrugged.
I handed the phone to Brandy.
She grabbed it and flattened her hand across the mouthpiece.
She said I thought I’d tried everything but I’ve never talked on the phone while this was going on.
She said I’ll only be a second.
She took her hand from the mouthpiece.
She said yes?
She said very good.
She said excellent.
She said yes he’s nearly through here.
She said well just wait where you are.
She said hang on a minute.
She clamped her hand over the mouthpiece.
She said Purdue damn you wait.
She removed her hand from the mouthpiece.
She said of course.
She said sit tight and wait.
Her hand returned to the mouthpiece.
She said Purdue I told you to wait.
She said wait dammit.
She said wait.
Her hand left the mouthpiece and began to claw my shoulder.
She said no don’t wait.
She said get it over with.
She said go.
She said no not you.
She said you wait.
She said no I’m just fine.
She said go.
She said oh my God go.
She said what do you mean make up my mind?
She said you’ve been instructed to wait.
She said can’t you understand English?
She said go go go.
She said how many times do I have to tell you to wait?
She said go.
She threw the telephone to the floor.
She said oh Jesus Christ men make lousy operatives.