FAYE ORR, AN EMERGENCY ROOM nurse, dealt with tragedy every day. Over the years she had learned to insulate herself from emotional involvement and concentrate on doing her job as a medical professional. That changed when her brother called to tell her Bitty Smith was dead.

"Bitty? Dead?" she asked before she grasped the full meaning of the words. “What do you mean, Barry?" An ache welled up in her throat as she listened to her brother explain what he knew. With a quiver in his voice he said, "Two people from the FBI wants to help us. They need to talk to you."

"The FBI?"

"Yes. I told them you’d give ’em the information they need."


ASHLEY TURNED INTO the Carlsbad hospital parking lot on West Medical Center Drive with Ramirez next to her. She spotted the Senior Circle sign in front of a converted single family house next to the main hospital building. "Carlsbad Medical Center is a corporation," she explained to Ramirez. "They sponsor organizations like this as a community service. It's only a short distance from where Barry's sister works. Faye Orr thought it would be a good place to meet."

They parked and entered the building. A gray haired woman sitting at a desk greeted them. "Good morning, would you like to register?" She pointed to an open book with names and addresses neatly written on each page.

Ashley noted the woman's hand trembled a bit. "We're here to see Faye Orr. Has she arrived?"

"Why, yes. She's in the conference room in the back."

"Thank you. My friend will sign us in. Down the hall?"

"Yes, straight back and to the left."

The conference room, decorated with photographs of former Senior Circle members, had chairs for eight people. Faye Orr sat in the back corner, her hands on the table clasped in front of her. She had well-groomed brown hair and wore a solemn expression. Ashley went to her side. "Hello, Faye Orr?"

"Yes," she said, surprised at seeing a young woman holding a gold badge.

"My name is Ashley Kohen. I’m with the FBI. My partner, Agent Ramirez, will join us in a moment.”

"Barry told me you wanted to ask some questions."

Ashley spoke in a quiet voice. “I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Orr.”

“Thank you.”

“I know this is a difficult time for you. We need to know more about your brother, Russell Smith. This won't take long." Ramirez joined Ashley and they sat across the table from Faye.

Ashley began. "Barry said you were in close contact with your brother."

"I try to stay in touch."

“Do you know if your brother had any enemies that might want to hurt him?”

“Enemies? Oh no. Bitty kept to himself.”

"When was the last time you saw Russell?"

"About two months ago. I helped him move into a little apartment in Roswell."

"How did he act? Was he happy?"

"I guess so. He had a job working at the college. Eastern New Mexico University on the south side. Close to where he lived."

"What did he do at the college?"

"He worked in maintenance."

"And you haven’t seen him since he moved?"

"That's right, but I called him most every week. I called about two weeks ago. After that his phone was disconnected."

"What did you think about that?"

"Bitty moved around a lot. I figured he would get back to me when he could." Faye looked off to the side and tears welled up. "I guess he can't do that now."

Ashley touched Faye's hands. “The last time you talked, did he say anything unusual?"

Faye wiping away her tears. "No. He said he had a new friend. A reporter or writer or something who showed an interest in him. Asked a lot of questions about his past life in foster care and all."

"Questions about his life?"

"Yes. Said his friend was beautiful. Bitty talked like that."

"Did he tell you anything else about this man?"


"Do you have Bitty's address in Roswell?"

"I have it. Barry mentioned you might ask. I wrote it down with his phone number." She hesitated, then reached into her pocket. "Here's a picture of Bitty you can have. He was a sweet boy, I loved him."


THE EASTERN NEW MEXICO University, near the Regional Airport on the south side of Roswell, occupied modern buildings and offered both Bachelor and Master degree programs. With a campus map from the Chamber of Commerce, Ashley located the Office of Human Resources on the campus. She asked the receptionist if they might meet with the head of the department. "Of course. Dean Alice Black is in her office. I'll check to see if she's free."

Dean Black appeared remarkably young. "I'm not often visited by the FBI. Please have a seat. How can I help you?"

After introductions, Ramirez led off. "We are conducting an inquiry about a Mr. Russell Smith. We understand Mr. Smith worked here."

Dean Black wore a mystified expression. "Russell Smith?"

"Yes. Here's a picture of Mr. Smith."

"Oh yes. Bitty Smith. Everyone called him Bitty. He worked in the maintenance unit. I'm afraid he is no longer with us. He quit a few weeks ago."

"We need to see his personnel file."

Alice Black paused a moment. "I'm sorry, but those files are confidential."

Ashley leaned forward. "I understand, but our investigation concerns a serious crime."

"Oh my. What did Bitty do?"

"Mr. Smith was the victim of a serious crime. We are searching for a perpetrator. We need your help in this matter. You understand?"

"Well, yes, but university policy..."

Ramirez interrupted. "I can get a court order, Ms. Black. If that's necessary."

Dean Black stepped over to the window and watched students hurrying by on their way to class. "I’m sorry to hear about Bitty. I'll need to make a copy of your identification before I can release those files to you."

"Not a problem," Ashley said, "A copy of everything in the file, please. We'll wait."