Whether you provide a one-time service or take on multiple projects for a client, freelancers must be as diligent in client relations as they are talented in their craft.
Welcome to another aspect of business: customer service. A lot of freelancers tend to use the term client relations more because they refer to their customers as clients. However you refer to your clients, the partnership you form with them—and the service you provide—speaks volumes about your business and your brand. It differentiates you from the bazillion other contractors out there. And if you draw upon your creative edge, you can really stand out from a crowd, because we all have something unique to offer.
Though you can deliver great service without forging much of a customer relationship, I tend to think that developing a strong rapport with clients is an integral part of delivering fantastic customer service. Some freelancers believe the only way to go “above and beyond” for clients is to include extra services or add on a freebie as part of the project; the truth is, there are many other ways to cultivate stronger client relations and provide exceptional customer service.
According to the 2012 Freelance Industry Report, 46 percent of freelancers tend to work for a single client for a year or longer, and 30 percent say they teamed up with the same client for more than two years. You don’t just contract more work solely by being talented; the way you treat clients is an important factor and a definite link to your success as a solo-pro. If you’re like me and enjoy repeat work from cool clients, these relationships are quite significant.
If you thought customer service was just something you got in a store, think again. You’re in business now, and you have to provide it, too. (That doesn’t mean you have to let people walk all over you, though. We’ll go there in Chapter 8.)
I acquired customer service skills at my first job as a sales associate for a women’s clothing store. I was taught to guide the customer through the sale, not just point across the store and say, “The blouse you want is over there.” I have taken those skills to heart when I collaborate with my own clients. Sometimes it’s about making small talk and getting to know the person a little by asking how he or she is doing; other times, it’s about finding ways that you’re comfortable with to exceed a client’s expectations.
As with just about everything else in the freelance world, there’s no one way to do this, because it depends on your personality and the level of customer care you want to provide. The good thing is that you are the boss so you can set the tone for your business.
“The best tactic I’ve learned to develop a relationship with a client is to meet their needs and exceed their expectations,” says Stephanie Jones (www.cleverfinch.com), a graphic designer and illustrator from Virginia.
One of her clients is a marketing director whose plate is always full. Jones meets with her regularly to explore projects coming down the pipeline so she’s always first in line for them. “I help her put together time lines and lead times, and then I even put reminders on my calendar so I can follow up on these projects proactively,” she says. “It’s a win–win because it helps my overworked client stay on top of many projects…and it ensures that I’m the designer getting the work.”
As a result, Jones says her client has come to think of her as a valued partner—not just a vendor. That’s kept the working relationship positive and kept the projects flowing in. It’s a good example of providing first-class customer service.
Christine Mason Miller (www.christinemasonmiller.com), an artist and author from California, says she bases her customer service approach based on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
The first agreement is staying true to her word, so Miller follows through on what she promises. Second, she vows to do her best. When you give something your all, it’s easier to feel at ease, say, if the client doesn’t love your work at first glance. Third, Miller says not to make assumptions. This means giving people the benefit of the doubt and believing the best possible story until you have all the facts. Finally—and this is a tough one for many creatives—don’t take criticism and feedback personally.
“I always tell potential clients to be honest with me about whatever work I am presenting to them. I literally do not take it personally,” says Miller. “Rejection is part of this process. If I’m being rejected, it means I’m putting my work out there, and that is my job.”
Miller says that nurturing a relationship doesn’t always have to mean having an actual “relationship” at all—you can simply have a professional partnership. “I have found it is important to maintain a certain level of professionalism and, perhaps, emotional distance, instead of always trying to make the relationship be a friendship,” she notes.
That’s where many creatives struggle; they can’t find a balance between being professional and infusing their own personality into the mix. As a solo-pro, you have a little more wiggle room but you still need to find that balance.
One way I have developed relationships with clients is to share information I think they may find useful. It doesn’t take much to send on an article that may appeal to a client. When I browse through requests from reporters for interviews in order to promote my business and my books, I often come across press opportunities for clients. Once, I read a listing from a reporter looking to speak with a construction contractor. I passed on the request to one of my customers, who wound up featured in a national publication. The client was elated that I thought of him, and the coverage was a boost for his business. In turn, I was happy that I could connect my client with the reporter, who turned to him for quotes in subsequent issues.
Even if you don’t share information that winds up getting your client press coverage, it’s a good idea to think of ways to connect that don’t require much planning or effort on your part. Let these techniques help you foster relationships naturally, and over time. Remember that clients can spot a hungry contractor a mile away if you’re not authentic with your intentions.
Now you’re thinking about cool ways to go above and beyond, but keep in mind one thing: The fact that so many solo-pros do not prioritize customer service means that, sometimes, just doing your job is beyond what a client expects. I hear from prospects that tell me the person they hired previously didn’t complete a first draft on time or refused to revise the document with their feedback. They didn’t even complete the job they were hired to do—let alone go that extra mile.
When everything is on the line for the New England Patriots, coach Bill Belichick tries to ground the players. Instead of getting them hyped up, he often tells them, “Do your job.” What he means is that if everyone chips in doing what they are supposed to do, things will work out fine. I like to integrate that principle into my work. If I deliver a first draft and simply work with the client to incorporate any revisions, I will probably meet and exceed their expectations without doing much else, though I’ll go above and beyond if given the opportunity, or when it makes sense to do so. Why? The freelance world is filled with dodgy contractors that don’t deliver at all—never mind trying to forge client relationships.
It’s not to say that you shouldn’t go the extra mile for a client, but before you add all the extras make sure that you complete the job you were hired to do.
Angela Ferraro-Fanning (www.1331design.com), a graphic designer from New Jersey, says she always strives to be speedy when completing and submitting a round of revisions, letting her customers know the updates will not take more than two days. “This is something that’s given me a competitive edge over other designers,” she notes.
When her schedule allows, she works on revisions right away, though she admits some clients have taken her efforts for granted and expected an updated draft sooner than it was due. “I learned quickly that though my heart was in the right place, my prompt service was training clients to expect such and not giving me any wiggle room for meetings, meeting other deadlines, or even giving me time to think about the design solution,” she notes.
So what’s a freelancer to do? You want to exceed expectations but set boundaries at the same time. “Now, even if I have time to update the proof right away, I hold onto it for at least several hours. I go as far as to type up the e-mail, attach the proof, and then just save it in my draft e-mail folder for a while so it’s there and ready for sending later on,” Ferraro-Fanning explains.
I like how she rolls, because she’s not working herself into a frenzy to please her clients, but she is still providing good customer service. Anything done before the deadline is a bonus, but just having it in when you say it will be done is enough to deliver straightforward service.
The “do your job” concept is quite applicable to your success as a freelancer. It’s a good stepping stone, and you’d be surprised how many clients will rave about you simply for doing what you’re supposed to!
When you take on a project, the client wants to know they can rely on you not only for good work, but good work on time. After all, their butts are on the line, too. When you provide that dependability, it leads to a good working relationship. Plus, it shows you respect their time.
If you turn in assignments late, I can almost guarantee that if the client retains you, they will stick you with last-minute requests and other personal boundary invasions. We teach others how we are willing to be treated.
I find two things are helpful when it comes to deadlines: set reasonable ones and alert yourself to them. This sounds simple, but again, you’d be surprised how many solo-pros not only deliver subpar work but turn it in late, if at all. Set deadlines you can work with so you don’t wind up having to ask for an extension; that’s a “get out of jail free” card that you only want to use if you absolutely have to.
Other clients may not set a deadline at all, which can sound like a free pass in the beginning. If you wind up procrastinating on a job that’s due “sometime in the next month,” you may not be able to accept last-minute projects that come in—often with lucrative rush fees. I like to work ahead of time on projects so I have the option of taking others that come in. My availability is one of my competitive advantages; my clients know I am most likely to accommodate projects because I manage my time well.
Another aspect of client relations involves how you interact with clients if things feel tense. Thus far, we talked about ways to form client relations; now we’ll delve into how you can maintain and improve them despite common obstacles.
Regardless of how polite you are or the fact that all of your clients may be your favorites, when your services or products do not align with what the customer expects, it can take a toll on the relationship. How you deal with creative differences is what distinguishes you from other solo-pros. You can’t please everyone, but if you know how to resolve issues, you can “win back” the client and get a glowing review.
I have had discrepancies with clients that, largely because of the way I handled things, still got me additional projects and referrals. A creative disagreement does not have to spell disaster for your relationship with a client; in fact, it’s really part of the creative process.
It is normal for creative differences to occur. The artistic field is subjective, so it’s inevitable that the client may not adore your first take on something. That’s why building revisions into your fee is advisable. Then you can show the client that you are committed to assisting them in making the product just right.
Graphic designer Ferraro-Fanning recalls landing a job with a client that wanted all new marketing collateral. She was replacing a designer who had assisted the company to establish its identity, but that relationship ended because arguments ensued over design ideas. Ferraro-Fanning got to work on the well-paying project by compiling an estimate and originating some fresh designs. But the client wasn’t really interested in her concepts.
“They really didn’t want my suggestions nor did they take me very seriously; they drew up their own mock-ups with pen and paper and would scan them in and send them to me via e-mail,” says Ferraro-Fanning. She says it was not long before it was clear to her that they did not want a partner. “They wanted a software puppet,” claims Ferraro-Fanning.
She continued working on the project, but couldn’t seem to shake her feelings that the designs were not representative of her best work.
After a few months, she ended the relationship with the client. To this day, Ferraro-Fanning says she wonders if she had taken a professional approach by upholding her standards—or if she let her own ego get in the way. It’s a tough call, because as freelancers we want to keep our clients satisfied. Yet it’s hard to put your name—or your time—into work that is what I like to call “sucktastic.”
Perhaps in this case, she should have finished the project and kept the final materials far, far away from your portfolio. Otherwise, like Ferraro-Fanning, you’re left wondering if you did the right thing.
I have had the same thing happen with clients that have transformed my first draft into something subpar. In that case, I only make sure there are no glaring errors and let them go on their way. The client has hired you for your expertise, but you need to incorporate their feedback, too, even if you think it is not necessary. If you find yourself arguing with clients to defend your work more often than not, you may be acting too forceful with your talent, and that could push clients away—fast! The client may not always be “right,” but they have hired you to do a job, and they are entitled to have input in the final deliverable.
Some creatives may not have to deal with revisions or feedback. In that case, consider yourself lucky. When you are commissioned to complete a project, however, be prepared to accept some input from time to time. Sure, it sucks to feel like your work isn’t good enough, but that’s not the case most of the time. Creative materials are very subjective, and it’s all right for someone else to have a different opinion.
What situations have you encountered in your business that you feel you didn’t handle correctly?
“Early on, a design partner threatened me with a small claims court suit when the end client canceled the project in the 11th hour. I panicked and sent a rather unpleasant e-mail to the client. Fortunately, my sales coach talked me through the situation, and I fell on my sword, calling the client and apologizing profusely. We sorted things out, worked out the payment, and became good friends in the end. I should have sought the guidance before making an ass of myself.”
—Mistina Picciano, president, www.marketitwrite.com
Taking feedback from a client is one thing—but when they act mean or disrespectful, or get downright nasty, things can move quickly to a whole new level. You may be working with a client who is aloof or rude and figure that your customer service responsibilities are moot—no way! Even a “meanie” can warm up in some instances. Some of my clients have not been exactly a breeze to work with, but I strived to do my best and work with them. As a result, I got more work or a nice recommendation. In some cases, that testimonial paid off because others knew what a “tough act” the client was!
Like most of you, I have had my fair share of clients that I didn’t want to work with. Those who know me understand that just because I may not like a person does not mean I will turn a project away. If the pay is good or the exposure is going to benefit me, I will likely work with a prospect that I am not particularly fond of.
I can think of one client who retained me a few times that has been particularly a challenge to remain kind to. My close friends often tell me, “Oh, just dump the client; you’re self-employed!” You and I know it’s not always that easy, particularly if you want to stay self-employed. I’ve learned to work with this client and not take anything they say personally. I choose my battles, and try to focus on the paychecks rather than the drama that sometimes ensues. I found that once I shifted my perspective to appreciate the positives and stand up for what I need, the relationship flowed much better.
If, on the other hand, you find that a client becomes more of a “drive-by” target, you may want to rethink sustaining the relationship. There are only so many things you can do to make things work. When a client gets blatantly mean and rude, I tend to wrap up the project and part ways. If they’re just hyper-critical but know how to stay nice for the most part, I’m willing to work with a less-than-desirable personality. As a solo-pro, you have to find a balance and determine what you will put up with—and what you won’t. Just don’t be too picky or you won’t stay in business for long.
What areas of your personality can damage a client relationship?
“The main tool I use to keep my negative tendencies in check is to wait at least 24 hours before sending an e-mail in a charged situation—to do nothing, sit still, and give the situation some breathing room.”
—Christine Mason Miller, artist/writer, www.christinemasonmiller.com
Sweet success
Going the Extra Mile—or Miles
Graphic designer Angela Ferraro-Fanning (www.1331design.com) from New Jersey was hired to design a logo, brochures, and a Web site for a client. The necessary programming for the Web site sign-up function was beyond Ferraro-Fanning’s know-how, so she retained a freelance programmer to assist.
After experiencing communications issues with the programmer, Ferraro-Fanning’s client called on a Saturday to let her know she was fed up. Though working weekends is a no-no for Ferraro-Fanning, she could sense the matter was urgent and met with the client that day to discuss the problem. “I needed to take the situation into my own hands before I got fired for the programmer’s poor performance,” she recalls. “I decided rather than blame-shift frustrations on the programmer, I would make it clear to the client that I empathized with her. I wanted her to know that I was on her side, not the programmer’s, and that her happiness and project were my priorities.”
Ferraro-Fanning told the client if she wanted to fire the programmer, she would do it that weekend so they could move forward. The programmer got the boot, and the ladies found a programming solution.
“I think [she] was impressed I drove over to her studio on a weekend to talk with her so quickly,” Ferraro-Fanning says. Ferraro-Fanning says that she felt closer to her client because, in hearing her out, it created a mutual respect and camaraderie.
Beginner Mishap
How Soon Is Too Soon?
When Brian Casel (www.casjam.com), a Web site designer and developer in Connecticut, started freelancing, he wanted to excel at delivering for clients. One mistake he says he made repeatedly was responding too quickly to client requests.
“It can actually backfire on you,” says Casel, who used to respond to e-mails within minutes and answered the phone each time it rang regardless of what time of day it was. At first, clients perked up to his snappy service, but Casel soon found out that they wanted that immediate response all the time. “When I was finally able to take my first vacation, my clients freaked out when I wasn’t available to answer an e-mail that came in on a Sunday,” he notes.
Eventually, Casel decided to enact a strict phone policy: He almost never answers unexpected phone calls now. Calls must be scheduled at least a day in advance. And as for that pesky, overflowing e-mail in-box, Casel says he tries to check it twice per day or dedicate time in the morning to respond to requests. He no longer takes phone calls or reads work e-mail on weekends and vacations, either.
The results have been beneficial for his peace of mind, and it enables him to provide better client service as well. “Clients appreciate my consistency and I keep my sanity. My project work benefits from the added focus as well,” Casel adds.