Edna Curry lives in Minnesota and often sets her novels there among the lakes, evergreens and river valleys. She especially enjoys the Dalles area of the St. Croix Valley, gateway to the Wild River, which draws many tourists who give her story ideas. Besides non-fiction articles, she writes mystery, romance and romantic suspense novels.

Edna is married and is a member of the Romance Writers of America and four of its chapters: Midwest Fiction Writers, KOD, WISRWA and Northern Lights Writers.

Circle of Shadows (half of Deadly Duos #1) was a finalist in RWA’s prestigious Golden Heart Contest.

Visit her webpage at http://www.ednacurry.com



Twitter: Edna_Curry









Recent or upcoming books by Edna Curry:


My Sister’s Keeper

Best Friends

Lost Memories

Mirror Image

Hard Hat Man

Double Trouble

Flight to Love

Circle of Shadows

Traveling Bug

Secret Daddy

Never Love a Logger

I’ll Always Find You

Meet Me, Darling Melange Books

Wrong Memories

