The contributions of hundreds of people have been essential to this book, and it is not possible even to begin to thank them all by name. Many of the authors and composers generously shared information concerning the background of the writing of their hymns. If a particular author or composer was no longer living, a relative came forward, in many instances, to provide vital information for this volume. Many people— genealogists, historians, the personnel of the Church Historical Department, my parents, “hymnology hobbyists,” librarians, and musicians all over the Church— deserve sincere gratitude for their help. I especially wish to thank members of the General Music Committee of the Church for their willingness to read the manuscript and make countless valuable suggestions. In addition, I owe a great debt to two knowledgeable and skillful editors, Marvin K. Gardner and Suzanne Brady.
Four individuals have helped me in ways so significant and so long- term that it is only appropriate to thank them individually. Michael F. Moody, chairman of the General Church Music Committee, has been cheerfully ready at all times to assist in solving problems great and small. Two hymn scholars, G. William Richards and Bruce David Maxwell, have gone the second and even third mile in lending me the benefit of their knowledge. And finally, I would like to thank my husband, David A. Davidson; in his support of this work and in all other matters, he embodies the words of Charles Wesley: “the patience of hope, and the labor of love” (Hymns, 1985, no. 217).
The revised edition owes much to the continuing assistance of Diane Bastian and the General Church Music Committee. Ardis Parshall and Herbert Klopfer deserve particular thanks for their research and suggestions.