Ninety- two hymns are new, wholly or in part, to the 1985 hymnbook. Of that total, forty- four are new Latter- day Saint compositions, and fourteen others are Latter- day Saint hymns and songs previously published in Latter-day Saint music collections. Five are new Latter- day Saint texts paired with newly borrowed non- Latter- day Saint tunes, and sixteen are newly borrowed non- Latter- day Saint texts and tunes. Six are texts from the 1950 hymnbook paired with new Latter- day Saint tunes, and seven are texts from the 1950 hymnbook paired with newly borrowed non- Latter- day Saint tunes. The new hymns, listed by their 1985 number and title, are as follows:
New Latter- day Saint Compositions
8 Awake and Arise
22 We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
28 Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah
47 We Will Sing of Zion
71 With Songs of Praise
81 Press Forward, Saints
113 Our Savior’s Love
123 Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee
128 When Faith Endures
129 Where Can I Turn for Peace?
130 Be Thou Humble
134 I Believe in Christ
135 My Redeemer Lives
137 Testimony
138 Bless Our Fast, We Pray
139 In Fasting We Approach Thee
148 Sabbath Day
151 We Meet, Dear Lord
154 Father, This Hour Has Been One of Joy
155 We Have Partaken of Thy Love
168 As the Shadows Fall
169 As Now We Take the Sacrament
171 With Humble Heart
198 That Easter Morn
220 Lord, I Would Follow Thee
253 Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching
261 Thy Servants Are Prepared
263 Go Forth with Faith
277 As I Search the Holy Scriptures
279 Thy Holy Word
281 Help Me Teach with Inspiration
287 Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter
290 Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days
291 Turn Your Hearts
293 Each Life That Touches Ours for Good
295 O Love That Glorifies the Son
297 From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise
298 Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth
309 As Sisters in Zion
310 A Key Was Turned in Latter Days
311 We Meet Again As Sisters
320 The Priesthood of Our Lord
325 See the Mighty Priesthood Gathered
329 Thy Servants Are Prepared
Hymns and Songs Previously Published in Latter-day Saint Music Collections
64 On This Day of Joy and Gladness
176 ‘Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love (MEREDITH)
249 Called to Serve
264 Hark, All Ye Nations!
300 Families Can Be Together Forever
301 I Am a Child of God
302 I Know My Father Lives
303 Keep the Commandments
304 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
305 The Light Divine
306 God’s Daily Care
307 In Our Lovely Deseret
308 Love One Another
327 Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven
New Latter-day Saint Texts with Newly Borrowed Non-Latter-day Saint Tunes
12 ‘Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky
143 Let the Holy Spirit Guide
197 O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown
231 Father, Cheer Our Souls Tonight
256 As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days
Newly Borrowed Non-Latter-day Saint Texts and Tunes
60 Battle Hymn of the Republic
69 All Glory, Laud, and Honor
82 For All the Saints
84 Faith of Our Fathers
86 How Great Thou Art
92 For the Beauty of the Earth
93 Prayer of Thanksgiving
124 Be Still, My Soul
203 Angels We Have Heard on High
205 Once in Royal David’s City
206 Away in a Manger
219 Because I Have Been Given Much
265 Arise, O God, and Shine
296 Our Father, by Whose Name
299 Children of Our Heavenly Father
Texts from the 1950 Hymnbook with New Latter-day Saint Tunes
24 God Bless Our Prophet Dear (Our God, We Raise to Thee)
51 Sons of Michael, He Approaches
56 Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning
57 We’re Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord
188 Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done (When in the Wondrous Realms Above)
240 Know This, That Every Soul Is Free
Texts from the 1950 Hymnbook with Newly Borrowed Non- Latter-day Saint Tunes
15 I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
41 Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
46 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
48 Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion
54 Behold, the Mountain of the Lord
283 The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shone
284 If You Could Hie to Kolob
324 Rise Up, O Men of God (FESTAL SONG)