God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son

Text: Edward P. Kimball (1882–1937; LDS)
Music: Alexander Schreiner (1901–1987; LDS)
Tune name: MARGARET

If we had only the first line of this hymn, we would have an eloquent sermon on the meaning of the sacrament and the Atonement. It is a beautiful hymn on the significance of the Savior’s life and death. First, the attention is on the Savior’s mission— not only his mission of atonement but also that of teaching and showing an example. Then the focus turns to our responsibility: we must repay God’s great love through bending our will to his.

J. Spencer Cornwall had words of high praise for “God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son”: “It is a sacramental hymn, quiet, devotional, thought-provoking in quality both as to text and accompanying melody. . . . The doctrinal statements are couched in fervent, emotional expression. This quality is paralleled in the hymn melody and its poignant harmonies” (Stories of Our Mormon Hymns, 196–97).

Particularly when the hymn is used as a sacrament hymn, its message is more complete when all five verses are sung. The fifth verse is the only one referring specifically to the ordinance of the sacrament.

The tune name, MARGARET, honors Margaret Lyman Schreiner, wife of the composer.