Go Forth with Faith

Text: Ruth M. Gardner (1927–1999; LDS)
Music: Lyall J. Gardner (b. 1926; LDS)
Tune name: PAUL

Our hymnbook is richer for the addition of this fine missionary hymn. Sung at a missionary farewell or as a reminder to all Saints of the responsibility and rewards of preaching the gospel, it sets forth the qualities of a good missionary and outlines the missionary’s basic message.

When Paul Gardner, son of Ruth M. and Lyall J. Gardner, received his mission call to Japan, he asked his parents to speak as part of the farewell sacrament meeting. But he made two requests: first, they were not to give advice, and second, they were not to give praise!

“These were hard restrictions but we tried to abide by his wishes,” stated Lyall Gardner. Instead of offering advice through their talks, Lyall and Ruth Gardner decided, as a surprise for their son, to write a new hymn to be performed by the ward choir at the meeting.

The hymn’s original title was “Go Forth, My Son.” Lyall Gardner noted: “It was written for only one performance; however, friends and relatives asked for copies, and it found its way to Argentina, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, and many wards and stakes in the United States. The hymn was not written for fame or glory or money. It was written simply out of love for one of our children.” The tune name, PAUL, honors that missionary son.

“If this hymn is successful and is accepted by the people of the Church,” said Lyall Gardner, “it will be for three reasons. First, the message is true. Ruth has an unusual gift of being able to phrase profound gospel principles in simple, effective, and poetic language. There is an air of dignity and fervency to the ageless truths that are proclaimed. Second, the music is simple and relates to common people. Third, the message is what most parents would express to their young missionaries going out to serve the Lord on a mission.”