Manwaring, George

LDS. English-born American, 1854–1889, a native of Cheshire. His family joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and emigrated to America in 1871, eventually settling in Springville, Utah. He learned the draper’s trade in England, and he was employed by ZCMI and other retail establishments in Utah. Largely self-taught, he became an accomplished organist and singer, and for a while studied art with John Hafen. He died of pneumonia when only thirty-five years of age.

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer, 26 (Text)
Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part, 153 (Text)
Sing We Now at Parting, 156 (Text)
’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love, 176; 177 (Text)
We Meet Again in Sabbath School, 282 (Text)