Snow, Eliza Roxcy
LDS. American, 1804–1887. At age twenty-one she had already received recognition as a poet: she had won a prize for a poem on the deaths of Adams and Jefferson. She was baptized a Latter-day Saint in 1835 and helped convert her brother, Lorenzo Snow, who became the fifth President of the Church. She taught school in Kirtland and Nauvoo. She was a key administrative figure in the early history of the Church: she was the first secretary and second General President of the Relief Society, and she also helped organize the Mutual Improvement Association and the Primary. She was the first president of the board of directors of Deseret Hospital.
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake! 17 (Text)
Great Is the Lord, 77 (Text)
Though Deepening Trials, 122 (Text)
Again We Meet Around the Board, 186 (Text)
Behold the Great Redeemer Die, 191 (Text)
How Great the Wisdom and the Love, 195 (Text)
The Time Is Far Spent, 266 (Text)
O My Father, 292 (Text)
In Our Lovely Deseret, 307 (Text)