Townsend, Joseph Longking

LDS. American, 1849–1942. Born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, he was reared on a farm and then pursued his education at the University of Missouri and the Agricultural College of Missouri. He traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, in search of a climate that would better suit his health, and there he was baptized a Latter-day

Saint. He taught penmanship at Morgan’s Commercial College and at Brigham Young Academy and was principal of Payson High School. He also taught at Salt Lake City High School. He filled a mission to the southern states. For fifteen years he was proprietor of a drug and mercantile business in Payson, Utah.

The Day Dawn Is Breaking, 52 (Text)
Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee, 99 (Text)
Reverently and Meekly Now, 185 (Text)
Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words, 232 (Text)
Choose the Right, 239 (Text)
O Thou Rock of Our Salvation, 258 (Text)
Hope of Israel, 259 (Text)
Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love, 271 (Text)
The Iron Rod, 274 (Text)
Oh, What Songs of the Heart, 286 (Text)