Chapter 2


“Laura, you’ve outdone yourself,” Joe told her, moving in for a kiss. He grazed her cheek with his own and it felt so nice. When she turned to look at him, it gave her goosebumps as his eyes delved into her own. The passion she saw there was real. He dipped his head and found her mouth, giving her a sweet, long kiss that surprised her. Then, he folded her into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much, ” he told her.

They stood in an embrace for a few moments, not saying a word, just sharing the moment together. Laura wrapped her arms around Joe and held him closer. “I missed you too, Joe. We should sit and eat.”

The dining room table was set for two with the lights low and a candle burning in the center. Even though a guest may walk in at any moment, Laura had insisted they eat at a formal table. Olivia had wanted to set up a small bistro table from the covered porch in her own private quarters, but Laura didn’t think that would be appropriate. She liked Joe a lot, but doing something as bold as that, well, she wasn’t ready for that kind of intimacy yet.

Joe seemed reluctant to let go as his arms reached to pull out a chair for Laura. He was such a gentleman. “Thank you, Joe.”

He sat down and gave her a huge smile. “This smells so good. Steak with drunken mushrooms? I smelled it the moment I walked over the threshold.”

She took his plate and began to fill it from the covered platters. “I know how you raved about it last time. You can thank Olivia for the meal. She told me never to admit it wasn’t myself that did the cooking, but I am not taking the credit for this masterpiece.”

“Ah, you twisted the chef’s arm to cook for us tonight. I think you are brilliant, Laura. I’m sure you are very busy with the Inn. It appears to be at full capacity.”

Laura smiled, setting a full plate in front of Joe. “It is full and usually it’s quite chaotic this time of the evening. I was happy to accept the free tickets to the amphitheater for everyone. This will give us a chance to catch up. How have you been?”

He took her hand and lowered his head. “In a moment,” he told her. Joe gave a quick thanks and dug in with his fork. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back and Laura watched in fascination. Olivia’s food was superb and the reaction to her cooking was always like this. Laura took a bite and let it melt in her mouth.

“Olivia has outdone herself tonight. This is even better than before,” Laura announced. When she opened her eyes, Joe was nodding.

“I agree. Do you think Olivia will be happy running a small café?”

Laura was worried about that, too. “I honestly don’t know. Olivia was happy with her position at The Traveling Chef. Something had to have happened to make her leave a job like that, but she’s not talking. Eventually, she’ll open up. I’m just happy to have her close by. When she tires of the café, trust me, she’ll let me know, but at least it will give me time to find someone to lease the space since I own the building.”

“I didn’t want to mention it, but with food like this, she’d be an asset to the mansion’s dining services.”

Laura giggled. “Sir, are you trying to steal my Chef?”

He leaned in a little closer, a huge grin on his handsome face. “Yes, I think I am.” Laura and Joe dug into their meal as if they were famished. It wasn’t long before the plates were empty.

“You will have to come to the grand opening tomorrow at the café. Perhaps I can convince you that she’s an asset to the café for now and not your well-to-do mansion on the hill.”

Joe frowned and at first Laura thought her teasing about the well-to-do mansion offended him. “I wish I could come, but I have to meet up with an important individual. He may become my new business partner.”

Laura was disappointed but she understood. The mansion was Joe’s baby right now. He had told her how he was going to slow down his life after it was built. She had a hard time believing any man at the moment, no matter how wonderful they seemed. She did have a tiny bit of faith that he was telling the truth since he was having private quarters built-in part of the old mansion and planned to stay in one place instead of jetting all over. At least that was his intention for the future. But, Laura didn’t want to count on anything a man told her. Not yet. She was not ready.

The mansion would bring more tourists here and provide jobs for a lot of residents in the area. They hadn’t had anything new in Hideaway Lake for a long time. Most of the shops were mom and pop private shops that weren’t really hiring. This mansion would provide another way to ramp up tourism in the winter too when everything died off. A huge mansion like that would draw wealthy tourists here for a luxury spa weekend in the mountains. Joe’s plans had been well thought out and would offer locals year-round work.

She laid a hand over his, realizing she had to address him. “I understand, even though I’ll be terribly lonely without you by my side.”

Joe grinned. “I promise to make it up to you. Although, you’ve been quite busy yourself. I’ve called several times and your cell goes right to voicemail.”

“You have? I’m sorry. I only check my cell phone for bookings.”

He laughed. “It sounds like I have to book a room to get your attention these days.”

“I’ll have Madison put a special ring on my phone, then I’ll know it’s you calling.”

He placed a hand over hers. “This is nice. I’m glad we didn’t go to the theatre tonight.”

“I have coffee. Would you like to sit on the porch?”

Joe pushed back his chair. “You don’t have to ask me twice. Let me help you clean up.”

Laura drew the line. “No way, Joe. March on out to the porch. I’ll have our coffee shortly.”

“Laura, let me help.”

“If you don’t go now, I’m locking up and sending you home.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He swung around and headed for the front door.

Laura laughed. It wasn’t often she handed out orders, but she wanted Joe to relax. He had been working so hard, it was time to just sit back and enjoy the evening. She left the table as it was, and got two cups of coffee ready, along with a slice of Boston Cream pie she bought at the local bakery. It wasn’t hers, but she found that sometimes buying from other businesses helped to bring in business to her own place. Plus, having a variety of goods was essential in providing her guests the best this town had to offer.

Letting the screen door slam, Laura handed Joe his coffee just the way he liked it and surprised him with the pie.

“I should’ve known you would have dessert. Thank you, darling.”

She froze for a moment when he called her that. Laura didn’t know why. Were they getting too comfortable with each other? She didn’t want to be someone’s darling. Nor did she want to take care of a man any longer. Look what happened with her marriage? All those years she stuck by him while her husband entertained his clients. She had behaved like a good wife as he expected her to and then Kurt had replaced her without a thought. Not that she was comparing Joe to Kurt. He was nothing like her ex.

Joe was kind and thoughtful and respectful of her feelings. He knew she was newly divorced and didn’t push for anything more. At times, they shared deep kisses and she saw he wanted more, but he never crossed a line that made her nervous.

Until now.

He must’ve noticed. After she sat down beside him on the settee, he turned to her. “Forgive me. I realize calling you darling is an endearment, but maybe you are not ready to hear that. It slipped out before I realized, if I’m to be honest.”

She closed her eyes for a second and nodded. “I’ll admit it took me by surprise. I’m nervous about a relationship even though I know in my heart you would not try to hurt me, Joe.”

He set his cup of coffee and plate on the small glass top wicker table in front of the settee and turned to her. Taking her hands in his, Laura felt the warmth eluding from his skin, giving her all of his attention. Which made her feel like the most important person to him. “Laura, I would never try to hurt you. I value our relationship but sometimes I just want to kiss you and hold you and not stop.”

Laura pulled away from his warm hands and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. “I feel the same way. I’m sorry to be such a problem.”

He held her in his arms. “You are never a problem to me, dar- uh, sorry. Laura. See how it slips out?”

She sighed. “I guess there is nothing I can do about that. It actually sounds nice if I’m honest with myself and you. I’m sorry that such a simple word took me by surprise. I have a lot of stuff to work out. I hope you can be patient with me.”

Joe nuzzled her neck. “I’m a businessman. I know how to patiently wait for the right moment.”

“Before you go in for the kill?” she teased. Laura was so over it now and she was okay with him calling her darling. Yet, even as she told herself that, there was still a reluctance she was well aware of. Only time would make it better, she was sure.

Joe tilted his head and smiled. “I care about you, Laura. More than I’ve ever cared for anyone.”

“I know, Joe. You are so good for me.”

“Then, let’s have fun and take it one day at a time. Deal?”

“Sounds like the deal of the century.”

He laughed. Then, pulled her in for a sweet kiss. “If I don’t eat that slice of Boston Cream pie, I’ll never forgive myself.”

She sat back, content to sit alongside him while he enjoyed the dessert. Joe was her rock. He was tough, yet understanding, handsome and seemed to accept her children even with all of their flaws.

Laura sighed. She got lucky. Even through all the turmoil of a divorce after all these years, she was blessed to have Joe come into her life. What did it matter if he called her darling? She was truly a lucky woman.




Cole sat beside Madison, a blanket between them and the ground. They were sitting under a shade tree away from the public beach area. It was far enough away for privacy and yet close enough to watch the big screen playing on the beach. Madagascar was keeping the kids enthralled as they were all stretched out on blankets on the sand. Parents’ cell phones were lit up like little fireflies buzzing in the darkness. It was a relaxing atmosphere this evening. During the summer months, Hideaway Lake had free movie night on the beach every week. Cole had been so pleased when Madison suggested they attend.

Madison looked at him and smiled. Cole knew in that instant he was in love with her. It had happened so fast it made his head spin. She was everything he’d ever want in a woman. Where Sherri had been too clingy, Madison worked for herself as an assistant in her own business and also at the historical society. Her passion for history showed in her eyes when she spoke of the area.

Cole found old homes and their past fascinating. He was even thinking about making a purchase near the lake. Some of the architecture of the historical homes in Hideaway Lake were exactly what he loved. When he realized Madison was into the same thing as he was, it made it easier to relate to her. At first he was reluctant to date because of his past experience with Sherri. But now, he wanted to be with Madison more than he ever wanted to be with any other woman.

He knew his mom would allow him to continue to stay at the cabin he was currently living in, but eventually he wanted his own place. His days of working on the road were over. Cole knew Hideaway Lake was where he was going to settle down. Hopefully, it was with Madison by his side. Except, it was way too early in their relationship to mention that. Not yet.

Not until he knew Sherri was able to handle life on the outside. He felt somewhat guilty when she walked into the river, trying to drown herself. He hadn’t known she’d do such a thing. Sure, he knew how unstable she was, but walking into the lake had taken everyone by surprise.

In some way, he felt as if he had strung her along. Not being honest from the beginning was troubling his soul. She kept talking about their future together while they had only dated a few times. He had let her talk on, thinking she would settle down and realize he wasn’t that serious. Little did he realize just how serious she had been.

He may not be able to forgive himself for his part in her misery, but at least he’d be able to make sure she was fixed. So, before he would ask Madison for any long term commitment, he had to be able to correct the past and let it go.

“Deep in thought?” her sweet voice sung out over the loudspeakers in the distance.

He leaned closer and bumped shoulders. “Yeah, I was thinking about you and me.”

Her eyes lit up at his words. She didn’t hide that she was interested in him. At first, she had been shy, but now, she was bold and outspoken. “What exactly were you thinking about that would interrupt a Madagascar movie?”

Cole grinned. “How beautiful you are, that’s what I was thinking about.”

She probably blushed but he couldn’t tell since it was dark and she had turned her head away. “Oh, Cole, you are a charmer. Want some popcorn?”

He dug in, pulling a handful from the container they got at the snack stand when they arrived. Chin up, he popped a kernel in the air catching each one with his mouth. “Thanks for suggesting this movie tonight, Madison. I’m enjoying sitting here with you.”

“Me too.”

He wanted to kiss her but she kept turning away as if she knew he wanted to kiss her. Why did she do that? Was she really that shy or was she keeping her distance for a reason? He wanted her to know how much she meant to him, and being this close to her it was hard not to touch her or kiss her.

The question was, did she?


She slowly turned her head. “What?” she asked, her voice low and soft.

It made him lean in a little closer. “I want to kiss you.”

She giggled. “You have a mouth full of popcorn. Do you normally kiss like that?”

He never swallowed his popcorn so fast in his life. Picking up the soda by his side, he took a long slug and set it back down, moving closer. He was going to kiss her now. Right now and nothing was going to stop him.

Except a kernel of popcorn got lodged in his throat at that very moment. Cole began to cough so loud, some of the kids began to grumble as parents looked his way.

“Cole. What’s wrong?” Madison stared at him with huge eyes and realized at once that he was choking on popcorn. She stood, then began to pound on his back. It was such an unladylike move and yet the power behind her swing immediately unlodged the stuck kernel of popcorn.

“I’m okay now,” he grunted, noticing how no one in the near distance was staring at the screen but watching him. He lifted a hand and waved. “I’m fine. Back to the movie!”

Luckily, everyone forgot about the almost drastic moment right away and went back to the screen. He sighed. “I’m sorry to draw all that attention, but thank you for saving me.”

Madison sat back down, a little closer than before. “I was ready to do the Heimlich maneuver next. What happened?”

He grinned. “Promise not to laugh?”

She nodded.

“I wanted to kiss you so badly that I tried to swallow the popcorn too fast and it sure backfired on me.”

Madison didn’t say anything at first. Cole was starting to feel really stupid. Who does that? Then, a slow smile curled her lips and she laughed out loud. “Oh, Cole. You are one adorable man!” Her arms went around him and she pulled him closer. She drew him in and placed a kiss on his mouth in one swift move. Cole was quite surprised and pleased.

They broke apart a few minutes later. Cole could see the blush quite clearly across her cheeks. He pushed her hair back and leaned his forehead against hers. “I sure do like you a lot, Madison.”


Thoughts of Sherri and helping her were long forgotten when he looked into this woman’s eyes. This was where he wanted to be. Right beside Madison.

Cole had tried to keep it quiet, but now he wanted to shout to the rooftops that he was in love with Madison. Yet, it was too soon, wasn’t it? She liked him, he knew, because she just said so. And yet, he couldn’t form the words. He didn’t want her running off faster than a coyote chasing a rabbit. He’d wait for the perfect moment to tell her how he felt. Cole would not take the chance of losing her.





Laura lit a citronella candle and leaned back to relax for a while longer. Noises from the amphitheater echoed in the evening as couples strolled past the Inn. A few guests came back from the theatre, ready to retire for the evening after spending a few moments chatting on the porch with her.

Joe had gone back to the Americana, one of Laura’s cottages she owned. He was leasing it for the time being, at least until he was ready to move into the mansion when it was completed. There was still a ton of work to be done, according to Joe, and he didn’t want to get in their way by moving in too soon. He had paid for the cottage until the end of the year, which was a big help to Laura. Probably more than he realized. Laura had always been used to a healthy savings account when she was married, but that was long gone, along with Kurt.

Still, she’d rather have a paltry savings than be married to someone who cheated on her with a younger woman who was their accountant. Laura was still not over the burn of being made a fool of and it hurt deeply. But, time was a great healer and she was slowly feeling like it didn’t matter quite so much. With Joe around, it hurt even less.

Two shadows were coming down the street, a bit too far to see who it was taking up the middle of the road. Then, Laura smiled to herself. They were heading her way. “Get out of the road, you two!”

“We’re taking advantage of the empty roads,” Shar told her. “Everyone is at the theatre. The place is packed. I brought wine!”

“Come on up,” Laura told them. She wondered how much was left in the bottle. Holly and Shar both looked like they had their fill.

Holly sat in the wicker chair beside the settee while Shar plopped down beside Laura, where Joe had been previously. She handed the bottle to Laura, who declined. “What! No wine? Are you pregnant?”

Laura laughed. “I had some chamomile and lavender tea, so I don’t want anything that will ruin my relaxed state.”

Holly shrugged and held out her hand for the bottle. Shar complied. “Fine with us, Laura. We’re buzzed so we won’t mind if you don’t want to share this moment with us.”

“What moment?”

“Well, Shar has declared herself in love.”

Laura grinned. She knew Shar and Ryan had a thing going and was hoping Shar would settle down with him. “Congrats are in order then?”

Shar shook her head. “I am not in love as Holly put it. I’m in love with having a man kind of love. I refuse to fall in love.”

Laura and Holly looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the same time. The light from the candle flickered across their faces. While Shar tried to deny being in love with Ryan, it was clear to them she fell hard and fast. “There’s no sense in trying to tell a lawyer something she doesn’t want to hear,” she told Holly, who agreed whole-heartedly.

“Wait just a minute, you two. The reason I went to the theatre tonight was to get away from Ryan, who wanted to come along. As a matter of fact, I ditched him tonight to be with Holly.”

“You didn’t tell Laura why you ditched him and then informed me you were falling for him.”

Laura was trying hard to follow the conversation. She shook her head. “Shar? Why would you ditch him? I thought the two of you were a good thing.”

Shar sighed and leaned back, placing her head against Laura’s shoulder. “We are an awesome thing. He’s wonderful to me and so much fun. So much fun! But, he can’t just come out of the blue like he did earlier.”

“What happened?”

Holly spoke up. “He stopped by on his way home from work while Shar was on the phone with a big client. They were on speakerphone and he walked into her office with a huge bouquet of flowers, set them on her desk, pulled her into his arms, and gave her a wild, ravaging kiss while her client was on the other line.”

Laura’s eyes popped open. That had to be horrible for Shar who wanted her clients to take her seriously. Shar always said it was harder for a woman to be believed than a man and she fought that every day. Even in today’s world.

Laura placed a hand over her mouth in case she’d burst out laughing. Poor Shar, but she knew that wasn’t all of it since Shar never drank on a Thursday night, especially when she had court the next day. Right now, Laura was betting she’d walk into court in the morning with a hangover the size of the state of Pennsylvania.

“Tell her the rest, Shar.” Holly pulled the bottle from Shar’s hands without an argument.

“He told me he loved me.” The fear in Shar’s voice was obvious for those who knew her. By day she was a tough attorney who made sure she won every case possible. Now, she was three sheets to the wind because a man told her he loved her.

“What did you tell him?” Laura asked gently. Love was not a subject that Shar spoke of well. Her husband had died a few years prior. He had died of heart trouble and Shar still blamed herself for not being there the day he fell over in their home. Shar had made a vow to the world that she’d never fall in love because it was too painful and there was too much guilt that went along with being in love.

“I told him to get out.”

“Did he go?”

She let out a big sigh. “He did, but not before he picked me up and kissed me so hard that I thought I’d faint. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes when he told me -” Shar hesitated.

“Told you what? Shar, spit it out!”

“He told me that I loved him, too, and when I realized it, he’d be back.”

Laura was impressed. “He sure knows how to handle you. I always liked Ryan.”

“I’m done. He can’t do this to me,” Shar announced.

“Sometimes it doesn’t matter what we want,” Laura told her.

Holly nodded. “Agree. Sometimes, you have to do what is right in your heart, no matter the consequences.”

Shar sat up and took the bottle from Holly’s hand. “That doesn’t make sense, Holly. Why would I do that? I’m fine just the way things stand. Ryan was a fun guy. He made me laugh but when he starts that love business, it’s time to part ways.”

“He told you he’d be back if you change your mind.”

“I won’t,” Shar vowed.

“You may think differently in the morning without the booze to make you so brave.”

Laura had to agree. “Shar, I agree with Holly. Why give him up if you really like him? Give yourself some time and enjoy your life. It’s been good to you.”

Shar shook her head so hard she raised a hand to her head. “That hurts. I better get home.”

“I’ll walk you home,” Holly offered. Her shop and second-floor apartment weren’t far away.

“I’ll walk along with the two of you,” Laura told them, getting up first to help Shar from the settee. It was good she did since Shar was about ready to topple back down.

Laura and Holly held Shar up as they went down the trail towards her home nearest to the lake. There was a long trail that led right past her house and Holly admitted she was glad Laura came along. “Otherwise, I may have just crashed at Shar’s place. There are eyes in the woods.”

Laura didn’t doubt that. She’d seen deer peeking from around trunks of trees and even wolves at times from her front porch. They were pretty deep in the wooded area. At least the trail was lit up every so often. Someone had thought of adding LED lights along the trail.

After they tucked in Shar and she reached the bed and breakfast, Laura stared at her new home before going inside. This wasn’t exactly the life she chose, but maybe it had chosen her. She was content and happy so far. Even if it was quite madness at times. The chaos kept her mind from thinking too much.

It had been a long day.

She took one last look at the lake as the moon shimmered over the top of the water. Darkness surrounded her even while far-away voices from the amphitheater echoed through the air. She loved this place and was glad her friend Shar had fought so hard for her to keep it.

Laura hoped that Rebecca May was looking down and proud of what she’d accomplished so far.