Chapter 12


“There is a lot of commotion next door,” Madison said as she entered Laura’s kitchen.

“Good morning, love. Rachel’s estate is getting ready to auction the house. It’s been quite busy for the last week or two. Have some freshly baked oatmeal with local maple syrup and organic blueberries.”

“How I love coming to see you, Laura!” Madison gave her an extra hug. “I’m sorry about what happened last week. I hope you are doing okay.”

Laura gave her a sweet smile while spooning oatmeal in a bowl, along with a small porcelain pitcher of fresh cream and set it on the counter. “Come eat, and yes, I am doing fine. Thank you for asking.”

Madison sat down and filled her mouth with the delicious food. She loved their once a week meetings first thing in the morning. Usually, Madison grabbed a bowl of cheerios or a slice of toast on her days she worked at the historical society, so she loved when Thursday arrived and she came here. “Are you sure you don’t want to have a meeting twice a week, Laura?”

It was the same question every week and Laura always gave her a lecture on how she can show up any time during the week and eat here. She was right. “Madison, you know that you are welcome here any day of the week. Cole does show up almost every morning.”

She knew that, but was kind of avoiding him. Today she had no choice but to see him since she had become Laura’s personal online assistant and had to be here. They had spoken on the phone several times in the last week, but that was the extent of things.

Madison had made it clear that as long as he continued to disrupt their dates with calls from Sherri, she wasn’t going out with him. She’d talk all day long on the phone, but actual dates were off limits until something changed. So far she was keeping her word, but she missed him so much. Plus, tonight they had movie night on the beach.

As if Laura read her mind, she asked, “Are the two of you going to the movies tonight? Joe offered to take me, but I’m not too crazy about sitting on the beach with a crowd of kids. Does that make me sound old?”

“Of course not, Laura. You raised your kids, and very well I may add. I can’t blame you if you don’t want to be in a crowded area full of them.”

“You are too kind, Madison. Anyway, enough about me. How is everything with you and Cole?”

She shrugged.


“It’s still the same. I haven’t been on a date with him since I told him. I want him to know that I’m serious. Sherri is not going to come between us unless he allows her to.”

“You are very brave and strong-willed, Madison. I’m proud of you.”

She stared at Laura. “Even though Cole is your son? I mean, aren’t you a little upset that I am so mean?”

“Not a bit upset. Madison, I spent thirty years with a man I thought I knew. It took a divorce to realize that my husband was treating me badly. When I think back, he was a jerk to me many times and I got so used to his ways that I thought women were supposed to be treated like that. Now, I know better. Joe has helped me to see that I’m worth a bouquet of flowers or a walk along the lake. He’s a good man.”

“How romantic! Cole wants to help Sherri emotionally, but he can’t. She has to help herself. As long as he takes her calls while we are out, then I can’t go on anymore dates.”

Laura patted her hand. “Don’t be too hard on him, love. He does care about you. I can tell these things.”

“Thanks, Laura. I’m sticking to my word.”

“Make sure you learn to give and take. Cole deserves a sweet girl like you, but you have to listen to him, too. Sometimes he says one thing and means another.”

She nodded, knowing Laura was right. Maybe she was too hard on him. Cole was nothing like her father, or his own. He was a good man, like Joe was. Laura seemed happy now, better than when she first opened the Inn. “Do you think you will ever remarry, Laura?”

“That’s a question I haven’t thought much about, Madison. You do know I’m going to therapy once a week to figure myself out, so I’m not ready yet for any serious relationship.”

“How is that working?” Cole had mentioned it one Tuesday when Madison had called him.

“My therapist is helping me to work things out. I swear they drag it out so I come back the following week. It’s good I can afford it, otherwise I’d pass. But, I do enjoy the long drive into Berks County. Lately, I’ve been thinking it’s the drive that has been good for me, not so much the advice.”

“Hi Mom, Madison.” Cole was never quiet when he showed up. He sat down beside Madison and scooted his stool closer. “Can I have some of that?” He looked at his mom and pointed to Madison’s near empty bowl.

Laura handed him a bowl, then exited to the dining room to refill the snacks. She made fresh coffee and hot water while Madison and Cole sat there hardly saying a word. Cole was busy eating, ignoring her.

Why was he sitting so close if he didn’t want to talk to her? She was confused and was going to ask him. “Cole, are you doing that on purpose?”

He didn’t answer at first.

“Manners.” Laura’s voice floated in through the small open window between the two rooms.

Cole let out a sigh. “To be honest, yes, Madison. I am ignoring you on purpose. You won’t go out with me and I’ve begged you for over a week. You won’t even give me the chance to make it up to you.”

Madison did feel bad about that. “If you can ignore your phone calls from Sherri for one night, I’ll allow you to prove it to me by taking me to beach movie night.”

Cole swung his head around. “Really? Okay, it’s a deal.”

“You have to leave your phone off.”

“What if -”

“Your mom will know you are with me, and so will the whole town. I mean it, Cole. Can you do that?”

“I’ll do it for you. Thanks for giving me a second chance, Madison.”

“You are worth it, Cole,” she said, her voice almost a whisper. She hadn’t realized at first she said it out loud.

He had a smile a mile wide as he finished up his breakfast. Madison stayed busy working on some ads on her laptop as he ate and was surprised when he leaned over and kissed her on the side of the mouth. “I’ll pick you up right before dark,” he told her. As Cole left Madison began to smile.

“Oh! Look at you!” Laura mentioned as she came back into the kitchen. “Did Cole promise to behave?”

“He did. We’re going to movie night on the beach. I’ll be honest, Laura, it’s my favorite date with him. We always have a wonderful time.”

“Good for you both.” Laura frowned as the noise next door got louder. There was the sound of back-up warning signals, along with shouting and banging. “I’ll be glad when the auction is over. They’ve been making a ton of noise this week. I’ve only had one of my renters complain, but it caused me to go next door and ask them not to start so early.”

“It will soon be over. Are you going to the auction on Saturday?”

Laura nodded. “I love auctions. Joe wants to go but he has some important meetings to attend. He asked me to keep an eye out for items that may be a good fit for the mansion if it is antique.”

“That sounds fun. I’ll stop in early. The historical society has a gig this weekend but it isn’t until noon. I hear the auction starts at eight sharp and the real estate at eleven.”

“I hope the buyer is local.”

“You never know, Laura. I better get these ads in the paper if you’d like to approve them for me please.”

Laura looked confused. “I thought we are only advertising on social media?”

“We are, but there is a holiday coming up in September called Labor Day and advertising in the local paper is good for your reputation too. Many of the locals like to spend time here before it slows down for the winter.”

“You have a good eye and are so smart, Madison. I hope someday you become my daughter.”

Madison almost blushed. “Thank you, Laura. Your approval means a lot to me.”

“I’m not just saying it because you do my advertising. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I truly believe you and Cole are good together.”

Madison left to go to the Merchant’s Weekly to get her ads in. Even though it was only July, she wanted one of the major spots in the local paper a few weeks before the holiday.

A feeling of peace came over her. She was so excited that Cole was going to take her on a date tonight and not take any calls from Sherri. She didn’t hate the woman but didn’t understand why he allowed her back in his life. Was he feeling some sort of guilt because of what happened? It wasn’t like he pushed her in the lake. She walked in, wanting to die. That wasn’t Cole’s fault and yet Madison had a feeling he was blaming himself. Why?

Hopefully, he’d stop feeling that way. After all, Sherri was long gone and no longer a part of his life. Perhaps it would take Madison to help him realize this.




The big screen blasted a musical song and the kids were clapping and calling out. It was a magical moment for everyone. They sat in her favorite spot, away from the crowd and yet close enough to enjoy the movie. Madison laid out a large blanket when they got there so the sand from the beach didn’t get in their clothes. A small basket sat beside her and she pulled out a bottle of wine.

“Would you like a glass, Cole?”

“Great idea. Sure.” He was laughing at the kids who were having a great time watching the movie. As Madison opened then poured him some in a red solo cup, she enjoyed watching him smile. It didn’t seem like he had done much of that lately since the ordeal with Sherri.

Tonight was going to be different. “Here you go,” she said, handing him the cup. He took it and brushed her hand with his. It sent quite a shock through her. Cole noticed too, but he didn’t say or do anything out of line. This was a test for both of them tonight. She knew he’d be a gentleman, because he always was one. Let’s just hope he would keep his phone turned off.

Cole watched the kids for a few more minutes until he turned to her. “Madison, I think we need to talk.”

“What is it, Cole? Have I done or said something tonight?”

He shook his head. “No, Madison. You’ve been honest with me. Now I have to be honest with you.”

She was worried now. But, at least he wanted to talk. Madison took that as a good sign. “I’m listening, Cole.”

He gave her a long look. “I’ve been feeling a lot of guilt over what happened to Sherri. I know that you are well aware of it and it’s why you’ve been trying to keep me from taking her calls. The thing is, she isn’t interested in me as a man, not anymore. We’ve established that between us. She knows I am in a serious relationship.”

“If she knows it, then why would she be bothering you whenever we are out on a date, Cole?”

Madison had wanted to stay quiet, but once again they were discussing Sherri. She just couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“I know. You are right. The thing is she’s been trying hard to accept her uncle and she wants to go out on her own. When she was trying to come here, it wasn’t because of me. It was to break from her uncle’s grip on her. She realizes this now.”

“I suppose in her situation she needed someone strong like you to help guide her. She just has to learn her boundaries. Why won’t you tell her we are on a date? Maybe if she knew that, she wouldn’t call you during our time together.”

Cole nodded in agreement. “I guess it didn’t occur to me not to take her calls.”

Madison closed her eyes. For Cole being so bright and articulate, he sure didn’t think when it came to women. She gave him a smile. “Oh, Cole. This is why you need me.”

“Yeah? Are you going to teach me good manners and all that stuff?” His arm went around her. She scooted closer.

“I suppose I must. I truly wouldn’t mind one of those sweet kisses you do so well.” Madison closed her eyes and wasn’t disappointed when she felt his warm breath and then his mouth on hers. He was a gentle, caring man, but oh, his kisses were wonderful.

When they broke apart, Madison noticed Chloe walk by, her head down, kicking the sand around. “Hey, Chloe!”

She looked over. “Hey.”

“What are you doing out here alone? Where are the pups?”

“They wore me out. Jellybean got out again and Carl, from the cafe, had his front lawn tore up by Jellybean. He gave me a proper lecture on taking care of my dogs. Right now they are in their pens.”

“I’m sorry. You can sit with us if you’d like?” Madison looked at Cole to make sure he didn’t mind.

“Come sit with us, Chloe. We’d offer you wine, but I don’t think you are old enough yet.”

“Nope, not yet. Thanks.” Chloe sat on the edge of the blanket and crossed her legs. She looked back at the two. “Don’t get all kissy-face either.”

Madison laughed. “Who is getting kissy-faced?”

“Ugg, my dad and Shar. They said we were going to do family time tonight and then from the moment we got here, the two of them were all over each other. It’s hard to watch.”

Cole grinned. “Don’t watch it, then.”

“Funny, Cole. I get the two are dating, but you have to decide to either go on a date or have a family night. Not both.”

“I get it,” Madison told her. “Our parents will disappoint us at times. It will be alright, Chloe.”

“Yeah, well. I thought my dad wanted to spend time with me. Now, he’s proven to be just like everyone else in my life. It’s pitiful.”

Madison didn’t know what to say. Her father probably should not be making out with Shar on the beach while Chloe is trying to have family time. All she could do was try to make Chloe feel better. “You don’t have to worry, Cole and I won’t embarrass you.”


“Hey there! Is this a party?”

Madison looked up to see Olivia and James strolling along the beach. She waved at Olivia. “I think everyone is here tonight.”

“It’s a good place to be, Madison. What are you all up to?”

“Watching a movie, shh,” someone shouted.

Olivia giggled and pulled James along behind her. “Let’s sit with my brother and Madison. Hey, Chloe. Where is your dad?”

Madison rolled her eyes. “Shar and Ryan are down there somewhere watching the movie.”

Olivia laughed. “I doubt they are watching anything but each other.”

“I’m going home,” Chloe said. She stood up, her shoulders drooping.

“I’ll walk with you, Choe.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I insist.” She turned to Cole. “I’ll be right back if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

The two women took their time making their way to Chloe’s house. “Are you sure something else isn’t bothering you, Chloe? It doesn’t seem like you should be so upset about your dad and Shar, especially since everyone in town knows they are dating.”

Chloe admitted there was more. “I’m not really hating on them, Madison. It’s more complicated. My mom wants me to come back home now that my dad and I have met. She is moving in with some new guy and wants me to either move my stuff out for good or pack it up and move in with her and this new guy. I’ve done that all my life. We’ve moved from one man to the next and I’m so tired of it.”

“Why not stay here, Chloe? You have a job now, and your dad is here. It doesn’t seem like your aunt minds if you stay in the cottage since she no longer uses it.”

“My aunt plans to sell the property soon. Then where do I go?”

“Get an apartment.”

“I’m not sure I can afford it by myself. Not on the salary from the cafe. I’d have to get another job. Not that I’d mind doing that but now I have two dogs.”

“I see your problem. Why don’t you talk to your dad about it?”

Chloe shook her head. “I’m used to figuring things out on my own. Besides, I won’t burden him with my problems. Surprisingly, he’s turned out to be a pretty good father.”

They were at Chloe’s destination. Madison looked at the property. “Have you asked your aunt if she wants to sell it to you? Maybe she’ll let you pay it off like rent. At least make her an offer. It’s better than not knowing. She did let you stay here, after all.”

“I’m not sure, I can ask her. She does seem to care more than my own mother at times. Maybe you are right. Thanks, Madison.”

“Goodnight, Chloe. Say hi to those pups for me.”

“I will.”

Madison walked back to the beach, then sat down beside Cole. He was having a serious conversation with James so she turned to Olivia, who was on the phone. Olivia hung up and motioned for James. “Do you mind if we leave, James? Chef Missy’s mother just went to the hospital, so I’ll have to open up in the morning.”

James got up right away. They both said goodbye and hurried off.

Cole turned to her. Madison wondered why he seemed annoyed. “What’s wrong, Cole? Did I do something wrong?”

She was surprised when she heard his answer. “Yes.”

“What did I do?”

“I thought this night was for us, Madison? Then, when someone else needed you, off you went with Chloe. How fair is that?”

The solemn look he was giving her made her blush. “Oh, Cole! I went with her because she needed someone to talk to. I get it now. You were doing the same thing with Sherri. We are two peas in a pod, aren’t we?”

Cole reacted by swinging an arm around her and pulling her close. “Perhaps we are just two people who like to help others. We’ll have to overlook those faults.”

“I don’t think they are faults, but blessings. I’m sorry, Cole. My jealousy over Sherri made me behave selfishly.”

“You have no need to be jealous, Madison. You are the girl for me.”

She was pretty pleased by his words. Madison tucked herself into the crook of his arm as they finished watching the movie together.

It was going to be a new start for them both and Madison promised herself she’d have more empathy for Sherri’s situation from now on.

After all, the woman was no longer a threat.