
My biggest thanks are to the readers who enjoyed our first volume enough to allow us to return. I’d also like to thank Donald Maass, Claiborne, and everyone at Pegasus, my constantly-astonishing partner Les Klinger, and my weird man Ricky Grove.


Thanks again to Rebecca Baumann, who let us “borrow” the title from her brilliant Frankenstein exhibition at the Lilly Library. Special thanks to our publisher Claiborne Hancock for believing in this project enough to let us produce a second volume! Lisa Morton is amazing—in truth, she did the lioness’s share of the work on this book, and I’m deeply grateful that she said “yes” when I first conceived of our partnership. This is our third book together, and each one has been a delight! Finally, all of my writing is inspired by and cheered on by the “weird woman” in my life, my wife Sharon. I am ever indebted to her for her constant support.
