Summary of Your Responses for Stage One: Preparation

Congratulations, you made it through Stage One: Preparation. You’ve done a lot of work to get this far, so let’s reflect on what you have accomplished. This is your chance to look back and consolidate your answers from each chapter. This will give you:

•   An overview of what you’ve worked on so far.

•   A chance to revise anything, now that you’ve had some time to reflect on your answers.

•   A quick and easy way to look at your game plan for greater success on this journey.

Remember, your recorded answers from this stage of the journey create a living document of your personal history. This means you can go back and change your responses whenever you want, as well as fill in any exercises you were not ready or able to complete.

Chapter 1: Why Do I Need to Find Out the Truth? (Page 5)

Are you uncomfortable with your gender assigned at birth socially, physically, and/or mentally?




Chapter 2: The Role of Fear on Your Journey (Page 12)

What is your logline?




Chapter 3: Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway (Page 17)

What are your fears?






Who is your Bodyguard?


What days/times do you have set aside to meet with your fears?


What are the ways you can take a positive approach to your gender exploration?




In what ways can you be sure you are being kind to yourself throughout your journey?




Who is your Nurturer?


Chapter 4: Building Your Support Team (Page 33)

Who is your mentor(s)? (Either hands-on, hands-off, or both)


Who are your team members, and what roles do they play?