If you are interested in solving your problems, overcoming nervousness, reducing stress, losing weight or seeing and experiencing God face to face, then this compilation from the writings of Sri Chinmoy is for you!
Inspired and encouraged by Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007), I have travelled the world for over 30 years, offering free meditation workshops to people from all walks of life. These are the techniques I use. They work.
Sri Chinmoy taught these methods to thousands of students during his lifetime. His students have, in turn, used the same techniques while offering free meditation workshops to more than a million people in 60 countries.
For Sri Chinmoy, meditation was both mystical and practical. Skim through the table of contents and you will see this reflected in the chapter titles. Sri Chinmoy stressed: “The acceptance of life for the transformation of life…” This book will help you do just that.
Enjoy the journey of meditation and be patient. The rewards are well worth the effort.
—Sujantra McKeever