
Chapter One



The elevator dinged beside us, but I didn’t want to separate my lips from Dean’s.

My body felt light and giddy after having just emptied myself of the other powers I had drained. Yet the world felt so full now, of new possibilities. Of romance. I could taste the salt of Dean’s tears and the sweetness of his tongue and didn’t care that half of Limbus stared at us from down the corridor. Dean and I embraced each other with needy arms, living only for this kiss that we had been denied for so long.

Dean slowed down first, drawing back softly. I didn’t ever want the moment to end, but then he did something that filled my heart even more.

He pressed his temple against mine, and whispered into my ear, “I love you.”

I didn’t even have to think. The words shot up from my very heart itself. “I love you too.”

Dean squeezed me around the waist and kissed my cheek slowly. “Everything will be different now. Everything will be amazing.”


My eyes were on Dean, his shallow breaths, his purple lips, his closed eyelids.

His hand was cold and still in mine.

Machines helped him breathe, monitored all his vital functions, pumped nutrients and fluids into his body that couldn’t support its own needs. They whirled and beeped, matched by others around the Limbus ward, the only sound in the room.

It had been more than a week since the leech had got to Dean. A week of sleepless nightmares and unstoppable tears.

I squeezed Dean’s hand. I had dragged him into this life, the world of empaths. This was my fault. All my fault.

The moment I found Dean at the train station still felt like a dream, or a nightmare. I had slumped, curled up beside Dean’s lifeless form on the platform concrete. The agents close by had arrived, then the Crossmans came, and my parents, and everyone tried to console me, tell me it was going to be okay, but I was lost.

My chest was tight with heartbreak; I wanted, needed, to be with him. His body was here, but I knew he wasn’t. Not the real Dean.

“Hi Livvy. Back again, I see.” One of the nurses pushed the curtain aside and smiled at me with pitying eyes.

“Every day,” I replied, trying to force a grin.

Limbus had been good about letting me come in and see Dean whenever I wanted. They knew I needed to be here. I couldn’t tear myself away from him. It was too soon. I felt guilty every time I went home, but I also knew there was no chance Dean would spontaneously wake up on his own. My parents had been understanding too, but I knew it wouldn’t last forever. Eventually I would have to join the land of the living again.

Kimmy followed the nurse over and jumped up onto the end of the bed. She walked up to nuzzle a soft nose-kiss for Dean and me, then curled up into a black and white purring ball beside Dean’s tucked in legs.

The nurse took readings and jotted down some notes on a tablet screen with a stylus. “Just normal checks.”

“Any changes since yesterday?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

She patted her hand on my shoulder. “No, sweetie. But as soon as there are, you’ll be the first person I tell. I promise.”

I nodded and waited for her to leave the area again. There would be no changes, no life returned to Dean, until the leech was brought down and brought in. And Limbus seemed no closer to achieving that.

I tiptoed to gently pull the curtain that surrounded Dean’s bed closed again. I didn’t know why I moved so quietly. It wasn’t like my noise was going to wake anyone. Moving back to my chair, it felt like a strong current blew through my head, bringing a weird sense of detachment with it. My vision blurred. I grasped the chair back with one hand, holding tightly to my forehead with the other.

The feeling dissipated just as quickly as it started and I blinked, looking around. Weird.

Sitting, I put my legs up, resting them on the edge of Dean’s bed and holding his hand. I spoke, not because I thought he could hear, but because I needed to imagine him with me.

“Let’s see. What do I have to tell you today? I slept in your bed again last night. Although it’s starting to not smell like you already. Mom and Dad are missing you too. Dad keeps cooking more for dinner than we need, forgetting he doesn’t have a teenage boy to feed anymore.”

Tapping my fingers on Dean’s hand, I stared at his pale face. He was still Dean, but the stillness of his body made him look like he was made out of wax. I kept imagining him opening his eyes, stretching his arms, and yawning, like he was just waking from a nap. And every time I imagined it, my eyes filled with tears. 

“So anyway,” I said, clearing my throat, “I’ve got training this afternoon. I figure it will be good for me, but it will be hard without you there. I hate the feeling I’m going back to my life, without you. It makes me feel like I’m giving up on you. But it’s not helping anyone, sitting in here moping either. The longer I do this, the longer you’ll be out. The only way to save you is to find and capture the leech. I need to help. I want to be the hero that saves you.”

The word hero made me laugh at myself. I’ve been such a superhero, sitting in here, crying and holding my valiant hero’s hand while he lay helpless in bed.

I couldn’t keep waiting for Limbus to fix this. They didn’t seem to have any leads. The leech was either way too lucky or way too clever for them.

But I had a shot. The leech knew my face. Knew what I could do. He’d gone after Dean right after he saw us. He’d felt ... familiar.

And the fact Dean hadn’t used his panic button must have meant the leech didn’t seem like a threat to Dean until too late. Maybe it was someone we knew.

That was something I could work with. I’d drained people before; I’d restored people before. I would find the leech, and take everything he’d stolen from the others, even if it made me explode, and I’d put all those powers back where they belonged.

After I’d restored him to his body, Jake had told his parents he hadn’t been aware of anything at all, of any time passing or any feelings or thoughts during the time I had drained him and held his powers inside me. I wondered if Dean was the same. He was a blocker, which had to be a bit different. I had only given the power back to proesthians like me. I didn’t even know if I could give back a blocker’s powers. But I couldn’t think about it at that moment. I couldn’t dare imagine not succeeding. Last time I did, I cried so hard I vomited in the sink.

I pulled Dean’s hand to my lips and kissed the back of it. “I promise, one way or another, I’ll get you back.” I looked around the room, at all the leech’s victims. “I’ll get every single one of you back.”