1 ‘An organised “spy hunt”’: KV 3/391/217a.
2 ‘the most exhaustive investigations’: KV 3/234/11a.
3 ‘Honours’: Speech Day, Stamford Girls’ High School, 1907 and 1910.
4 ‘This girl is a rather’: Security Services Archive quoted in Andrew, Defence of the Realm, 182.
5 ‘it is also certain’: Ibid.
6 ‘Party work’ was so important: Ibid., 183.
7 ‘Suppose you can draw’: Knight, Be a Nature Detective, 16.
8 ‘very small feet’: Geoffrey Elliott, Gentleman Spymaster (London: Methuen, 2011), 73.
9 ‘I’ve been rather’: Burke, The Spy Who Came in from the Co-op, 2.