Chapter 32: Crisis

1  ‘like waiting a doctor’s verdict’: Virginia Woolf, 28 August, 1939, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 5, ed. Anne Olivier Bell (London: Hogarth, 1985), 231.

2  ‘excellent work’: KV 2/1280/113.

3  ‘highly regarded by the Germans’: B1a to SIS, 7 January, 1944, KV 2/1278.

4  ‘I have been able to’: KV 3/393/327d.

5  ‘very clear’: William Joyce, Twilight Over England (Berlin: Internationaler Verlag, 1940), 11.

6  ‘Defence Regulations would’: J. A. Cole, Lord Haw-Haw (London: Faber, 1987), 86.

7  ‘the biggest danger’: Bill Grieg quoted in Farndale, Haw-Haw, 180.

8  ‘secret service’ officer: KV 2/245/179x.

9  ‘did not rate democracy’: Christopher Lee, ‘M Is for Maxwell Knight’, BBC Radio 4, broadcast on 27 January, 2009.

10  ‘if I had to choose’: E. M. Forster, ‘What I Believe’, Two Cheers for Democracy (London: Edward Arnold, 1951), 68.